Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 519 Planning and Preparation

Chapter 519 Planning and Preparation

Diko's Blood Sea clone nodded fiercely and said: "That's right! Since the Mountain and Sea Realm can absorb the energy of the original universe, it can naturally also directly absorb the energy of the strongest person in the universe's small universe. This is equivalent to attacking the strongest person in the universe. A small universe doesn’t count as violating the original will of the universe, right?”

"As long as I take the Mountain and Sea Realm outside the Demon God's small universe, and control the Mountain and Sea Realm to attach to the Demon God's small universe like a blood-sucking leech, slowly swallowing and absorbing it, and it will take a longer time, even if it cannot be destroyed, If the Mountain and Sea Realm devours a small universe, it will also be able to severely damage its vitality." Diko said, his eyes burning. What? Moreover, this is a small universe that can move and enter the original universe!"

Listening to Diko's narration, the Lord of Mountains and Seas couldn't help but feel warm in his heart, and at the same time his voice trembled slightly: "You are really crazy to attack the small universe of the strongest person in the universe, Dico!"

"But, have you ever thought that the Mountain and Sea Realm is not a true palace-like supreme treasure after all. Even if the attack of the strongest person in the universe cannot destroy it, the attack power that penetrates into the Mountain and Sea Realm is enough to destroy the inner palace of the Mountain and Sea Realm. It has been destroyed..." Then the Lord of Mountains and Seas couldn't help but reminded him seriously.

"So what? If it's not destroyed, it's not established. As long as the Demon God of Xu Zhen can't really destroy the Mountain and Sea Realm, and as long as the Mountain and Sea Realm absorbs enough of the original energy of the small universe to grow stronger, even if it suppresses and kills the Demon God of Xu Zhen in the future, it's not impossible. It's possible," Diko said: "While there are not many survivors of the Shanhai lineage in the Shanhai Realm, we can first move them to the Shanhai Secret Realm. After I take the Shanhai Realm to the Universe Sea and come back, , the transformed world of mountains and seas will only be more suitable for the survival of people of the mountain and sea lineage."

"Okay, since you are sure, then I will accompany you in your madness." After all, he was the one who dared to use the mountains and seas realm to plunder the original energy of the original universe. The Lord of the mountains and seas was also very decisive and quickly gritted his teeth and nodded.

Whether it is the original universe or the cosmic sea, it is very cruel. In the battle between the strong and the ethnic group, one must not be soft-hearted, but must be decisive enough not to let go of any opportunity to quickly become stronger. Many times if you work hard, you can gain a lot, which can benefit yourself and even the entire tribe!
  When the Lord of Mountains and Seas arranged for the remnants of the Mountains and Seas lineage to migrate out of the realm of mountains and seas in preparation for going to the Universe Sea to deal with the Demonic God of Virtual Reality, Diko's true self had also arrived in a very remote territory in the original universe.
  "Living here... Mr. Zuoshanke is really good at hiding in peace!" Looking at the pitch black empty space in front of him, where there were no stars, Diko thought to himself, and then he saw a bright and golden light. A gorgeous and exquisite long bridge of light appeared, as if made of crystal stone, spanning the void.

Under the urging of the mountain guest, Dico stepped on the bridge. He just took a few steps forward and felt that the space was changing violently. He actually spanned a distance of tens of millions of light years. Soon, he was Arriving at the other end, [-] billion light years away, I saw a delicate pool with various fish swimming in it.

The long bridge only seemed to be about a hundred meters in diameter, and the pond was hundreds of meters in diameter. After careful sensing, Dicko discovered that the pond and the fish in it were not real objects at all, but an extremely powerful field type. Treasure: "Is it a peak-level treasure? To use this treasure as a treasure in the pool, I am afraid that only the mountain guest among the strongest people in the universe can have such courage."

There are flowerbeds and lawns next to the pool, but in fact every blade of grass is an ancient tree, and some of the gravel dotted next to it are metal materials comparable to the size of stars. However, it was arranged like this under the perfect control of the space by the mountain guest.

There is also a palace building next to it, which is a peak palace type treasure. A mountain guest's residence, all kinds of precious materials and treasures, etc. are enough to make many masters of the universe jealous.

"Teacher!" Dico came to the palace and entered a courtyard at the back. When he saw the mountain guest sitting there stroking a stone, Dico couldn't help but salute respectfully. "You're here so soon. It seems that you are very eager to learn the art of refining treasures!" Sitting Mountain Guest opened his eyes and looked at Di Ke with a smile.

"Teacher's treasure refining skills are the best in the original universe. I am afraid that even in the universe, no one can match the teacher in treasure refining. Who wouldn't want to learn such a powerful treasure refining method? Since I have the opportunity, Of course you have to cherish your efforts very much," Di Kelian said.

Listening to Diko's compliments, the mountain guest couldn't help but smile even thicker on his face, and then he stood up and said: "Since you are so anxious to learn, then come with me! Starting today, I will officially teach you how to practice The art of making precious treasures.”

"Thank you, teacher!" Diko said happily, and hurriedly followed him. Together with the mountain guest, they quickly came to a hall with a large number of carvings and filled with the atmosphere of a battlefield and killing. There were a large number of items, Utensils, etc., each one exuded the aura of a treasure. Diko couldn't help but be stunned: "There are so many treasures, maybe there are thousands of them, right? Although most of them are ordinary treasures, their value is all added up." It’s incredible together! I’m afraid it’s comparable to several peak treasures.”

"These are all treasures that I have refined at random. Most of them are ordinary treasures and some are just decorative treasures. They are of little value to me as a teacher. However, if you want to learn the art of refining treasures, the first thing you need to do is to study them first. Only after pondering these treasures and understanding the secret patterns of these treasures can you be qualified to come into contact with the true art of refining treasures," the mountain guest said casually.

"Study the secret patterns of these treasures?" Diko was stunned when he heard this. Looking at the large number of treasures placed everywhere in the hall, he couldn't help but feel a little confused. If he could understand them all, how long would it take to study them?
  "Okay, you should think about it slowly first. If you feel that you are almost done with the research, then come to me. Take your time, don't be in a hurry, the teacher has plenty of time," the Mountain Guest said and turned around and went out.

Di Ke, who respectfully watched the mountain guest leave, looked at the large number of treasures in the entire hall. He couldn't help but smile helplessly and took a deep breath. He patiently picked up a nearby ornament-like treasure and invaded it with his divine power to refine it. Investigate
  In this way, Di Ke himself began to spend a long time studying and pondering treasures and learning treasure refining skills at Sishanke's place.

The Blood Sea clone in the original space of the Mountain and Sea Realm is still pondering the secret lines. The Blood Sea clone that went to the Mysterious Ancestral Realm sent a large amount of precious materials to Diko through the Kingdom of God, and then stayed in the Ancestral God Religion and tried to accept it. The inheritance of the beast god is to assist in understanding the law through understanding the way of the beast god.

As for the small blood sea clones in the Kingdom of God, while using the innate secret method "Origin Arrival" to continuously absorb the expansion of the original energy of the universe, they are also concentrating on pondering and understanding various laws, and they complement each other to continuously improve their understanding of the laws.

Thousands of years passed in the blink of an eye, and Diko, who was staying at the mountain guest's place, had not really started to try to refine the treasure. However, the blood sea clone that was ready took the Lord of Mountains and Seas and the Lord of Creation Nuwa to the Sea of ​​​​Universe. .

Leaving the Shanhai Realm of the original universe, under the control of Diko, it turned into an inconspicuous gray sphere the size of a marble, and headed straight towards the small universe of the Virtual Reality Demon God, which is relatively close to the original universe.
  (End of this chapter)

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