Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 524 Breakthrough, bow your head

Chapter 524 Breakthrough, bow your head

In the past thousands of years, due to the improvement of his understanding of the law and the in-depth study of the secret pattern, Diko has successively created many secret methods at the level of the universe lord, and even the peak secret method and the ultimate secret method at the level of the universe overlord. Created.

Therefore, although he has only become the Lord of the Universe for a few thousand years, Dicko's true strength has already surpassed those of the universe overlords, and is even stronger than the top universe overlords who are comparable to the Lord of the Universe.

Coupled with the help of several top-notch and top-level treasures in his hand, Dico can definitely compete with the real Lord of the Universe. Even some top-level and top-level Lords of the Universe may not be able to defeat him.

But now, with the evolution of the laws in the transformation process of the mountain and sea world, Dicko's understanding of both the laws and the secret patterns is rapidly improving. It is as if someone has forcibly instilled these things into his mind. , the pinnacle secret method and even the ultimate secret method at the level of the Lord of the Universe are all successfully created naturally.

However, the biggest gain for Diko is the improvement in the understanding of laws, especially the laws of time, which are only slightly more comprehensive than the laws of space. With the collision of inspiration this time, some confusions in the past could not be understood. Everywhere is quickly enlightened.

Naturally, with the in-depth understanding and the reverse touching effect of the master-level secret method of the universe, Dicko unknowingly directly understood the complete law of time.

Deep in the barren territory of the original universe, where the mountain guest lives, the dark void suddenly twisted, forming a huge black and white vortex, and circles of black and white space ripples, exuding endless power like an endless expanse. , at the same time, monstrous divine power surged out from the whirlpool like a tilt, all pouring towards the palace below, directly penetrating the top of the palace, and pouring into the body of Diko's sea of ​​blood who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed.

In the courtyard outside, the incarnation of the mountain guest's divine power, sitting casually on the grass, saw this scene and felt the divine power released from the breakthrough Diko, and couldn't help but look moved: "What a powerful divine body! Ten thousand years. Time has become the master of the universe, and genes have reached the level of perfection. Dicko’s talent and luck are truly incredible!”

You know, Mountain Guest was originally the God King of the Origin Continent. There are countless geniuses from the Origin Continent that I have heard of and seen, but even in the Origin Continent, those who can become the Lord of the Universe in just ten thousand years are definitely rare. What a terrifying talent and understanding this is!

"I didn't expect that such a genius could be born in the original universe and become my disciple." The mountain guest sighed and shook his head with some emotion in his heart: "It really complies with the saying on earth, there is a heart. The flowers I plant don’t bloom, but the willows I planted unintentionally create shade! The disciples I spent so much effort training let me down, but Dicko, who didn’t pay much attention to help, is so outstanding. Could it be that the Supreme Rules are helping me?”

The most powerful people in the universe, such as the Cosmic Sea and the Demon God of Virtual Reality, were not aware of Diko's breakthrough, but they felt the aura of divine power in which Diko quickly absorbed the original energy of the universe and became much stronger, as well as the mysterious time and space on Diko's body during the breakthrough. The law fluctuated, but the Lord of Mountains and Seas and Nuwa were both shocked: "Lord of the Universe? A breakthrough so soon?"

They all know that Diko has only practiced for a mere ten thousand years. In such a short period of time, many so-called human geniuses may not have become immortal or even world masters, but Diko is the master of the universe. Well, I’m afraid even the original ancestor’s cultivation speed wasn’t that fast back then.

This is simply an incredible thing, and it is probably a record even in the entire original universe. After being surprised, the Lord of Mountains and Seas and Nuwa, who were excited and surprised, also realized the meaning of the word "monster" more deeply.

At the same time as the breakthrough, Diko, who was immersed in enlightenment, naturally woke up and felt that although the Shanhai Realm was frantically absorbing the original energy of the virtual and true Demon God's small universe, it was still unable to provide the huge energy needed for the transformation and evolution of the entire world, which resulted in Its evolution speed has greatly slowed down. Diko, who was also surprised by his breakthrough to become the Lord of the Universe, couldn't help but frown slightly: "Sure enough, without the recognition of the original universe, and without the assistance of breakthrough and improvement provided by the rules of the universe's operation, the Shanhai Realm wants to To truly transform, I have to slowly control the mountains and seas to absorb and accumulate energy!"

"It seems that the evolution and improvement of the mountain and sea world will take a long time, and I can't rush it. It's okay, but it will give me more time to understand the evolution process of the laws of the mountain and sea world." Thinking of this benefit, he smiled slightly Dike sensed the outside through the mountain and sea world, and found that the Demon God of Xu Zhen was so violently fluctuating in power that he could not control the explosion. "Huh?" Sensing Dico's divine aura, the impatient Demon God of Xu Zhen immediately transmitted his voice and shouted almost hysterically: "Dico, I promise you, I promise to give you three peak palace-type, domain-type or soul-type items. I apologize to you, the supreme treasure of this level, and please stop absorbing the original energy of my small universe."

"So simple? It seems that the strongest man in the universe really has a strong family background. Am I going to be missing out?" Diko responded with a smile, which immediately made the Demon God of Xu Zhen gnash his teeth and curse secretly in his heart.

The other strongest people in the universe were also speechless with slightly twitching faces. Three peak palace-level and domain-level treasures in one breath are not enough? Do you really think that the treasure at that level is a Chinese cabbage?

"However, since I said that I want three peak palace-level treasures, I will not go back on my promise." After hearing what Diko said, the Demon God of Xu Zhen secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Diko say again: "But , Demon God of Xu Zhen, we had no grievances before, why did you want to kill me? You must have been asked by others. Who asked you to kill me? Zerg? Mechanical? Monster? Or maybe they all have it? share?"

"That's right! It was the three of them who paid the price of a pinnacle treasure and asked me to take action." At this time, the Demon God of Xu Zhen was simply a bachelor.

"A pinnacle treasure makes you desperate to be an enemy of our human race? Isn't it a bit cheap for you to take action?" Diko asked jokingly, and then said to the Queen of the Zerg, the Father God of the Mechanical Race, and the two Monster Race Demon Ancestor said: "In order to kill me, you three clans are quite willing to do so. I'm afraid each clan paid the price of three top treasures, right? It seems that you are not short of treasures."

"What? Do you still want to extort the treasure from our three clans?" Upon hearing this, the father of the mechanical clan couldn't help but asked coldly.

"Do you think I dare not use the mountains and seas to devour the origin of your small universe?" Diko asked with a sneer.

"How dare you!" The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe was immediately angry upon hearing this. At the same time, he turned to look at the founder of Giant Axe: "Giant Axe, are you humans going to start a war with our three races?"

"Machine, are you threatening our human race?" The founder of the giant ax looked at the father of the mechanical race with a domineering look and shouted: "You three races want to kill the genius of my human race, and now you are threatening to fight with my human race." Do you think we, the human race, will be afraid of the war? It was you three tribes who started the provocation. Now that we have spoken out, if we don’t give an explanation to our race, this matter will not be over.”

"Did you hear that?" Diko immediately laughed when he heard this: "The Father God of the Mechanical Clan, the Queen of the Zerg Clan, and the two Demon Ancestors of the Demon Clan, since you are so rich and powerful and can invite the Demon God of Xu Zhen to kill me at all costs, then Now I ask each of you to bring out a peak palace-level treasure as an apology, and I believe you can afford it."

"The peak palace treasure? Diko, why don't you go and grab it?" The Dream Demon Ancestor of the demon clan laughed angrily, but Diko responded with a smile: "I still like others to sincerely apologize to me, otherwise I don't mind like Just like the Demon God, I will spend more time forcing you to bow your head."

(End of this chapter)

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