Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 525 Treasure Apology

Chapter 525 Treasure Apology

Demon God Xu Zhen's face twitched when he heard this. At the same time, he gritted his teeth and glanced at the Father God of the Machine Clan, the Queen of the Zerg Clan, and the two Demon Ancestors of the Demon Clan with hatred in his heart. Diko was still controlling the Mountain and Sea Realm and continued to devour his small The original energy of the universe is gone, but these guys are still talking here!

"Dico, I will give you three peak palace-level treasures. You must first stop absorbing the original energy of my small universe." The virtual true demon company interrupted the conversation between Diko and the father of the mechanical tribe.

"Give it to me first!" Diko said noncommittally, and Demon God Xu Zhen, who felt aggrieved in his heart, could only grit his teeth and throw out three streams of light with a wave of his hand.

In the blink of an eye, the three streams of light approached the realm of mountains and seas and turned into a black palace as big as a palm, a set of dark red ancient armor, and a transparent bead with black and white light flowing.

"The value of the peak armor treasure should be lower than that of the peak palace and domain treasures, right? Demon God Xu Zhen, you are too stingy," Diko's voice came from the mountain and sea world, but he did not directly transfer that treasure. The three treasures were brought to the realm of mountains and seas.

"That piece of armor is the best among pinnacle treasures. It is even more valuable than ordinary peak palace and domain treasures. The other two pieces are also good quality peak palace treasures and peak soul treasures. The peak soul The treasure-like spirit beads also have the effect of assisting illusion attacks," the virtual true demon god said.

Before he could finish speaking, an invisible force of suction erupted from the mountain and sea world, sucking in the three peak treasures directly.

Demon God Xu Zhen was stunned when he saw this, and couldn't help shouting: "Dico, if you don't stop devouring the original power of my small universe, do you want to regret it?"

"Don't worry! I will do what I say naturally. You have to believe that the credibility of our human race is much better than yours," Diko responded calmly, then reluctantly stopped absorbing the original energy of the virtual and true demon's small universe, and at the same time controlled As the world of mountains and seas shrinks, it breaks away from the membrane wall of the Xu Zhen Demon God's small universe, but it is still devouring the chaotic energy surging around it.

At the same time, Di Ke's clear and loud voice also sounded again: "How about it? Zerg, Machinery, Demon Ancestor, you three tribes will choose to take out the treasure to make amends and settle the grievances, or do you want me to go to the small universe of the four of you? Want to go out for a walk?"

"Human, you are too greedy!" The Zerg Queen's voice was cold, but Diko said noncommittally: "Founder of the Giant Axe, please take me to the outside of the Zerg Queen's small universe!"

"You..." The Queen of the Zerg Race was immediately furious, and the Father God of the Mechanical Race also said in a deep voice: "With us here, do you think the giant ax can protect you from leaving?"

"Haha...what? Do you think the four of you can keep me here?" The founder of the giant ax smiled loudly, but he seemed confident. Among the strongest people in the original universe, Giant Ax may be relatively young, but none of the other strongest people in the universe dare to look down on him.

"Northern Border, Shihua, are you really prepared to watch them leave? The human race can force Xu Zhen and our three tribes today, and they can force you in the future," the Queen of the Zerg also said to the leader of the Northern Border Alliance and the leader of Shihua Island.

"Queen, please don't involve me in the grievances between your three races and the human race," the owner of Shihua Island said first. As the strongest person on his own, why does he need to get involved in the grievances between the three races, including the human race and the Zerg race? What's more, the giant ax is not that easy to deal with, and Diko's mountain and sea world is also scary to him.

"Northern Xinjiang, your Northern Xinjiang Alliance has many ethnic groups and powerful people, and the relationship with the human race is not so harmonious. Are you not going to intervene?" The Queen of the Zerg then asked the leader of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance.

Before the leader of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance could speak, the founder of the Giant Ax sneered: "It sounds like the Northern Xinjiang Alliance has a good relationship with your three tribes."

"Queen, what Giant Ax said is right. And although I am the leader of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, I don't want to interfere too much in the battles between some ethnic strongmen and other ethnic forces within the Northern Xinjiang Alliance." The Northern Xinjiang Alliance also has no intention of intervening. meaning. "Sitting Mountain Guest, you won't interfere in the affairs between us and the human race, right?" Seeing that they had no intention of getting involved, the Zerg Queen frowned slightly and then looked at Sitting Mountain Guest.

The mountain guest smiled noncommittally: "You can fight as much as you like, as long as you don't target my disciple."

Don't target Dicko? The cause of this fight was because of Dico. How could the fight between them and the human race bypass Dico? The Queen of the Zerg, Father God of the Mechanical Clan and the Demon Ancestor, who looked at each other for a moment, all felt a little depressed.

In the end, faced with this embarrassing situation, the demon clan Zhenyaozu, who had been silent all the time, took the initiative and said: "Dike, it is impossible for each of our three clans to come up with a peak palace-level treasure! We support it." Each of you should pay for a top-level palace or domain-level treasure to end this matter. If your human race refuses to agree, we will do whatever you want. At worst, there will be a war between ethnic groups. If our three tribes join forces, , you humans can’t take any advantage.”

"Top treasures at the top palace or domain level? That's fine too," Diko said noncommittally. In fact, he didn't really expect to easily force the Zerg, Mechanical, and Monster tribes to bow their heads. After all, they already had a lot of enmity with the human race. He doesn't feel the threat as effectively as the Demon God of Xu Zhen.

But obviously, his devouring methods in the Mountain and Sea Realm still make the three tribes wary. They are not willing to fight against the human race at all costs, but they also don’t want to pay a high price to settle the matter. If they can each produce a top-level palace-type , Domain-type treasures are already rare.

But Demon God Xu Zhen felt a little unhappy after hearing this, and he became increasingly resentful and dissatisfied with the three tribes in his heart. You know, the three tribes asked him to deal with Diko before, but now he has suffered a huge loss!

"Take out the treasures!" Under Diko's urging, the Zerg Queen and the others looked at each other reluctantly. The Dream Demon Ancestor turned over his hands first and took out three top treasures, namely a war knife, a A set of top-level psychic weapon treasures and a top-level treasure armor: "Together, the value of these three treasures is comparable to a top-level palace or domain treasure."

"Okay!" As the world of mountains and seas rapidly shrunk, Diko appeared, waved his hand and put away the three top treasures sent by the Dream Demon Ancestor. Without waiting for the Queen of the Zerg and the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe to take out the treasures, he said : "You two, don't make up the numbers, just give me a top palace or domain treasure! Or a rare top soul treasure, I'm not picky."

not picky? The Queen of the Zerg and the Father of the Mechanical Tribe were suffocated upon hearing this. They were immediately upset, but they didn't say anything. As the Father of the Mechanical Tribe threw his hand to Dico, a crystal ball that seemed to contain a large number of fireflies, The Queen of the Zerg also threw out a golden boat-like treasure.

"Okay! Our holiday is over for the time being," Diko waved his hand and put away the two treasures, and then said: "However, if you three tribes dare to plot to assassinate my human genius next time, then things will be very serious. It’s not so easy to solve.”

Without saying anything else, the Queen of the Zerg, Father God of the Mechanical Tribe, and the two Monster Tribes left directly. When the show was over, the leader of Shihua Island and the leader of Beijiang Alliance naturally left, and Demon God Xu Zhen also returned to his own small universe with a dark face.

"Not bad!" After the mountaineer who smiled and nodded at Diko also simply left, the founder of the giant ax smiled and looked at Diko and said: "Haha... good, it can force the Demon God of Virtual Reality and the others to bow their heads, what a good trick! Your efficiency in earning treasures is even better than mine! However, your cultivation speed is even more incredible. It took you ten thousand years to become the master of the universe, which is amazing! Now, the Zerg, Machine and Monster tribes want to kill you. You’re too late.”

(End of this chapter)

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