Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 526 Feng Yao and Bing Lan

Chapter 526 Feng Yao and Bing Lan

In the virtual universe, above the high-altitude clouds of Xuelang Island, dense red clouds filled the air, covering a blood-red palace. In front of the palace was a small square. There was only a dark red round table in the empty square. Next to the round table was placed There are four bloody seats.

Suddenly, red clouds surged around the palace square, and the domineering Lord of Huangjian arrived here with Dico in dark red armor.

"Sit down!" The Lord of Huangjian, who was among the first to go to the main seat with his back to the palace and sit down, pointed to the seat opposite and said: "Sit over there!"

"Yes!" Diko nodded in agreement and walked directly to sit opposite the Lord of Huangjian. At the same time, he glanced at the seats on both sides with a flickering gaze. The Space Mercenary Alliance had previously included the Lord of Huangjian. He already knew the three universe masters included.

It seems that the Universe Mercenary Alliance does not have a hidden Master of the Universe like the Virtual Universe Company. There were indeed only three before.

"Haha...Diko, you have given Master a shame! You have become the Lord of the Universe after practicing for ten thousand years. However, the speed of cultivation is much faster than that of Master. It is definitely the fastest cultivation speed in human history." The quickest, most amazing genius." As soon as Diko sat down, the Lord of Huang Jian across from him said loudly with a smile on his face:

"Although Chaos and Peng Gong are stronger than my master, they are both fifth-level top masters of the universe. Chaos is only one step away from breaking through and becoming the strongest in the universe. But when it comes to believers, they are not as good as me. Peng Gong Gong also has only one disciple of the Lord of the Universe. Although there are many disciples in the Chaos Sect, there is not even one Lord of the Universe. But now, as a teacher, he has two disciples of the Lord of the Universe, which can be compared with the founder of the giant axe. .”

"Peng Gong has a disciple of the Lord of the Universe? So, the other Lord of the Universe in the Universe Galaxy Bank should be a disciple of Lord Peng Gong," Dike thought secretly in his heart, and at the same time he couldn't help but be a little surprised: "The giant ax actually has The two disciples of the Lord of the Universe are indeed the strongest in the universe! Although the disciples they teach are not as good as the original ancestors, they are still very powerful. But I don’t know if the remaining two of the five Lords of the Universe in the Giant Ax Arena are there. Where are the disciples of the Lord of Virtual Gold?"

After all, in terms of strength, the Lord of Xujin is not inferior to the Lord of Huangjian. The Lord of Huangjian has taught a disciple of the Lord of the Universe before, so it does not seem surprising that the Lord of Xujin can teach the Lord of the Universe.

"But even if he is the founder of the giant axe, his two disciples of the Lord of the Universe are just that strong, and their talent and potential are not as good as you, Diko! In any case, the most evil and outstanding genius in human history is me, Huang Jian The disciples he taught," the Lord of Huangjian continued, looking very proud.

Diko, who smiled and said nothing on the surface, could not help but secretly curl his lips. After he became the master of Huangjian, he had only seen him a few times. What did he teach him?

"Of course, I haven't actually taught you anything as a teacher. You are where you are today, all thanks to your own hard work and talent," the Lord of Huangjian said with a smile, "But I can accept you as my disciple. I’m still very happy! I believe that your future achievements are expected to surpass those of my teacher, and you may even become the strongest. By then, my teacher will be even more proud!”

"Teacher, you called me here just to praise me, right?" Diko asked with a helpless smile, while the Lord of Huangjian smiled and waved his hands: "Of course there is something serious! You have made a breakthrough and become the Lord of the Universe. This is a major event for our human race. Now, you are the 21st Master of the Universe of our human race, and it’s time to get to know some of the other Masters of the Universe of our human race. Before that, I have to introduce you to you. The other two masters of the universe in my universe mercenary alliance."

"First of all, the first one, the Lord of Fengyao, you should have heard of it. He can also be regarded as the veteran of our Universe Mercenary Alliance. When I founded the Universe Mercenary Alliance, he had already followed me. But at that time, he Not long after he entered the realm of the Lord of the Universe, his strength was still weak. But after a long time, although the strength of the Lord of Fengyao is not as good as mine, it is similar, and he is considered a more powerful one among the Lords of the Universe," Huang Learn the main way.

Di Ke nodded slightly when he heard this. He had also heard about the strength of Lord Fengyao and made a rough judgment. He estimated that he was similar to Emperor Yan of the Yan God Clan and could be regarded as the master of the universe at the peak level. Of course, compared with the Lord of Huangjian and the Lord of Xujin, which are the top universe masters second only to the Chaos City Lord, they are still inferior, but among the human race's universe masters, they are still considered to have mid-to-upper level combat power.

"The other one is your third senior sister, Lord Binglan," Lord Huangjian continued: "Your third senior sister joined me very early. Although her talent and understanding are not as good as yours, she is still extremely outstanding. She is also my disciple." A rare female Master of the Universe in the human race, she has been practicing for longer than your sixth brother, the Star Prison Demon Lord, so she is not weak in strength. Although she is inferior to the Lord of Fengyao, she can still be regarded as a peak-level Master of the Universe. ”

The master of the universe at the pinnacle level? Diko was a little surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect that the Lords of the Universe of the Universe Mercenary Alliance were all so powerful. Even the previous weakest Lord of Binglan can be regarded as the pinnacle Lord of the Universe.

But thinking about the training time of Lord Binglan, it has been such a long time. As long as the talent is sufficient, it seems normal to reach the peak Lord of the Universe level.

"Diko, you have just become the Lord of the Universe, and you are still a little immature. But I believe it won't be long before you catch up with your third senior sister, or even surpass her in strength," the Lord of Huangjian said with a loud laugh, Di After hearing this, Ke couldn't help but secretly curse in his heart: "Catching up with Third Senior Sister? My current strength should be no less than that of Third Senior Sister. If I use some trump cards, I should be able to easily suppress Third Senior Sister."

Di Ke was thinking in his mind, and accompanied by a burst of clear laughter, a handsome young man in dark cyan simple armor and black hair shawl came through the red clouds and mist, walked straight to the side, and looked at Di Ke with brilliant eyes: " Unexpectedly! The little guy who was so immature thousands of years ago has now become the master of the universe in just a few thousand years."

"Lord of Fengyao!" Diko stood up and greeted him politely. Lord of Fengyao waved his hand casually and sat down with a smile: "Sit down and say, you're welcome! Now you are the master of the universe, maybe it will be easy in the future. If you can surpass me, don't be so cautious."

When Diko got the bloody knife in the prison battlefield of the Secret Realm of Glory, he also met the Lord of Fengyao. But this meeting was completely different. He was also the Lord of the Universe. The oppressive and suffocating aura of the Lord of Fengyao had no effect on Diko. His relaxed and casual attitude actually made Diko feel... Feeling like a spring breeze.

"It seems that this is the real Lord of Feng Yao, and he is a very good-tempered person," Diko thought to himself. During the subsequent casual conversation, Diko also found that the Lord of Feng Yao was indeed cheerful and talkative, with no airs. , seems very easy to get along with.

However, while Diko was casually chatting with the Lord of Fengyao, he was approached by a cold breath. Dico subconsciously turned his head and saw in the separated blood-colored clouds, a figure covered in silver-white armor, as cold and beautiful as an elf angel. A woman with a noble temperament came over. While Diko was amazed, he couldn't help but secretly thought: "It's so cold! Is she the Third Senior Sister Binglan's Lord?"

This third senior sister is really beautiful, but also really cold. Her delicate oval face is as white and crystal clear as ice jade, she has silver-white hair, wears a delicate crown, and has a pair of pointed ears. She is tall and tall. , really like an elf queen.

"Teacher!" Lord Binglan walked straight over and didn't even pay attention to Diko and Lord Fengyao. He just bowed slightly and saluted Lord Huangjian and shouted in a cold tone, as if he had no mood swings.

(End of this chapter)

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