Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 527 The Great Ax Conference

Chapter 527 The Great Ax Conference

"Haha... Binglan, come on, I'll introduce you to you, this is your junior brother Dike," the Lord of Huangjian introduced with a smile.

The Lord of Ice then turned to look at Diko, his beautiful ice blue eyes flashed slightly and he nodded softly: "Junior Brother Diko!"

"Third Senior Sister!" Dike stood up and saluted, secretly thinking that this Third Senior Sister was too cold, and couldn't help but curiously smiled: "I have heard of Third Senior Sister's name for a long time, but I was still a little surprised when I saw her. I didn't expect that Senior Sister would actually They will be elves."

Lord Binglan sat down noncommittally, while Lord Huangjian said with a smile: "Haha, Binglan does have some connections with the elves."

"Okay, you all know each other," the Lord of Huangjian continued: "The highest-level meeting of the human race will be held later. Before that, Diko, you must first decide on your own master of the universe. title."

"Title?" Diko was stunned for a moment, and the Lord of Huangjian smiled helplessly: "You have risen too fast, and you have not even gone out to do much, and you have quietly become the Lord of the Universe, without even having the title of King. There is no title of Lord of the Universe. Now that I have become the Lord of the Universe, I still need to have a title for the Lord of the Universe, otherwise it will be difficult to call me. The Lords of the Universe in my human race call each other, so just call you by your name. That’s all, those immortals and cosmic lords can’t just call you by your name!”

"This" Diko, who was a little dumb, faced the Lord Fengyao and the Lord Binglan who were looking at him slightly strangely. He pondered for a while and said directly: "Then call me... Lord of the Fire Temple. alright!"

"Haha, Dico, this title of Lord of the Universe should not be taken too casually. Lord of the Fire Temple does not sound domineering enough. It does not sound like the Lord of the Universe, but more like the title of the Lord of the Universe," the Lord of Fengyao laughed. said.

The Lord of Huangjian said: "Diko has a palace-like supreme treasure, the Fire Temple. It's appropriate to call it the Lord of the Fire Temple. It's just the title of Lord of the Universe. It doesn't matter whether it's domineering or not. I believe that with Diko's strength and progress speed , in the future he will definitely be famous in the universe and make foreign races fearful. At that time, the name of the Lord of the Fire Temple will also be resounding throughout the primitive universe."

"The peak palace type treasure?" Lord Fengyao couldn't help but look at Di Ke with some surprise after hearing this. You must know that his palace type treasure Azure Tower is only the top palace type treasure. Generally, it has the peak palace type and domain type. The treasure must be at least a powerful person at the level of the Lord of Huangjian and the Lord of Xujin, but Diko, who has just become the Lord of the Universe, actually possesses such a treasure.

Even the Lord of Huangjian would not be willing to give such a treasure to his disciples so easily, right? Could it be that Dicko was lucky enough to get it himself? But how could a treasure of this level be so easy to obtain in the original universe? The original star hasn’t been opened yet!

Even the Lord of Binglan looked at Diko in surprise. Facing the gazes of the two of them, Di Ke could only smile and explain briefly: "I got this Fire Temple from the Shanhai lineage. Lord Feng Yao and Senior Sister must have heard about it. I and the Shanhai lineage There’s some connection there.”

"I heard that you are the grandson of the Lord of Mountains and Seas?" Lord Binglan asked curiously, her tone still cold, as if she was used to speaking coldly.

"Senior sister, don't listen to people's nonsense! The Lord of Mountains and Seas is the leader of the Mountains and Seas lineage, and I am a human on Earth. How can there be such a relationship? It is completely nonsense." Diko coughed slightly and was a little depressed. He quickly denied it.

"But this matter seems to have been said by the Lord of Shanhai himself," the Lord of Binglan frowned slightly. Just when he was about to ask more questions, the Lord of Fengyao on the opposite side already said: "Dike, I heard that the Shanhai lineage The skill of refining the treasure is very powerful. Since it can refine the peak treasure, it is not difficult to refine the top treasure. See if you can help me contact the Lord of the Mountains and Seas in the future and ask him to refine a suitable treasure for me. ?”

"No problem! My true self is currently learning to refine treasures from Master Sishanke. When I learn well, I will have no problem refining one for you personally in the future," Diko said with a cheerful smile.

"You also worshiped Sishanke as your teacher? Learned the art of refining treasures from him?" Lord Fengyao and Lord Binglan became even more surprised when they heard this. But then the Lord of Feng Yao reacted and waved his hands and said: "That's not necessary. I don't need ordinary ordinary treasures or high-level treasures. At most, I can use them to give to my disciples. I still have some."

"Hey, do you not believe that I can refine the top-level treasures and the pinnacle treasures?" Dike was speechless in his heart, but he didn't say much. When he can refine the top-level treasures and the pinnacle treasures in the future, I'm afraid not only Feng The Lord of Yao, the Lord of Binglan, and the Masters of the Universe from the other four major forces of the human race are also eager to come to seek the treasure.

While talking, the highest-level meeting of the human race convened by the founder of Giant Ax began. The Lord of Huangjian also took Diko and the others to the rumored Temple of Giant Ax.

"The Great Ax Meeting! The meeting convened by the founder of the Great Ax and all the masters of the universe of the human race can truly be called the highest-level meeting of the human race. I am afraid that the previous disposal plan for the earth was decided through the Great Ax Meeting. ," Dicko, who was full of curiosity and expectation, couldn't help but secretly thought when he thought about the ownership of the earth: "I wonder if I can get the ownership of the earth back this time?"

Under the dark starry sky, the simple temple is suspended in the night sky. There is a long stone table in the not too big open space in front of the temple. There is a stone chair on the main seat and a row of stone chairs on both sides. When Dico and the others came here, towering figures were already sitting on the stone chairs.

There was a burst of lively talk. When Diko and the Lord of Huangjian arrived, the Lords of the Universe who were talking immediately attracted all the Lords of the Universe who were talking to look over. While they greeted each one warmly, they also looked at them curiously. Dicko.

After briefly getting to know the Lords of the Human Universe and exchanging casual greetings, Diko started chatting with the Lord of the Mountains and Seas on the side.

Although the two current masters of the universe, the Lord of Mountains and Seas, and the Lord of Creation, Nuwa, have not joined any of the five major human forces, since they have chosen to rely on the human race, they are naturally qualified to be in the Supreme Council.

However, Diko didn't have time to say a few more words to the Lord of Mountains and Seas. The founder of the giant ax appeared in the main seat, and everyone stopped talking.

"Haha... It is rare for our human race to have all the masters of the universe gather together. We are here today to welcome Dico as one of us," the founder of the giant ax laughed loudly, and at the same time glanced at Diko: "From today on, the number of masters of the universe in our human race has increased by one. Moreover, Dicko has the gift of avatars and high potential. He has every hope of becoming the top pillar of our human race in the future."

"With the addition of Shanhai and Nuwa, within just a few thousand years, our species has gained three more Masters of the Universe, and they are all potential Masters of the Universe. This is also the luck of our entire human race," said Then he smiled and glanced at the Lord of Mountains and Seas and the founder of Nuwa's giant axe, then turned to Diko and said: "According to my human rules, everyone who becomes the Lord of the Universe will receive a gift from the ethnic group. A treasure worth the price of a top-notch treasure weapon,"

"However, Diko, you are not short of treasures..." The founder of the giant ax changed his tone. Before he finished speaking, Diko had already said: "Founder of the giant ax, I hope to get back the complete ownership of the earth. The earth is the birthplace of my lineage of earthlings, and it should be controlled by my lineage of earthlings. This is also something that all people on earth want, so I hope that the founder of the giant ax can fulfill it."

Upon hearing Dico's words, many of the Lords of the Universe suddenly changed their expressions or frowned. The founder of the giant ax also pondered for a moment before saying: "Okay, since you are already the Lord of the Universe, you are qualified to fight with him." We sit together and take ownership of the earth."

(End of this chapter)

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