Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 528 Ownership of the Earth

Chapter 528 Ownership of the Earth

Before Juaxe finished speaking, the Lord Qingdong of the First Bank of the Universe couldn't help but said: "Juaxe, as the master of the universe, we need to dedicate ourselves to carrying the entire group. In addition to becoming the master of the universe, Except for the one-time gift, in principle, if you want to get it in the future, you need to pay. If you want a powerful treasure, you need to make enough contributions to get it."

"Even if Diko doesn't want to give it away for free, the value of ownership of half of the earth is far more than a top-notch treasure weapon. If Diko wants to get it, he should pay something of approximately the same value," the Lord of Qingdong continued, It also caused other universe masters to nod in agreement.

Diko smiled noncommittally: "The complete earth is comparable to peak palaces and domain treasures. And half of the earth's ownership should be more valuable than ordinary peak treasure weapons, and is comparable to top palaces and domain treasures. Since the Lord of Qingdong As I said, I will give you a top palace treasure in exchange for it."

What? Upon hearing what Dico said, many universe masters immediately looked at him in surprise. This guy has just become the Lord of the Universe, and he can actually get a top-notch palace-type treasure? Is he willing to take out such a treasure? It seems that he really values ​​the earth!

"Lord of Chaos City, since half of the ownership of the earth is owned by Virtual Universe Company, then I will give this top palace treasure to your Virtual Universe Company to make up for this loss," Dico turned to Virtual Universe Company The leader of Chaos City said.

The Chaos City Lord, who was also a little surprised, did not answer, but looked at the founder of the giant ax with a slightly condensed brow. After all, the price their Virtual Universe Company paid to acquire half of the Earth's ownership was too small, less than the skin of a valuable treasure. Now, do you really want to take advantage of Dicko so much?

"Dico, before you went to the Cosmic Sea, although you got some treasures from the Demon God of Virtual Reality and the Zerg, Monster, and Mechanical Races, do you really want to exchange a top-level palace-type treasure for half of the ownership of the earth?" The founder of the giant ax also looked at Diko seriously and asked.

Um? Obtain the treasure from the Demonic God of Virtual Reality and the Zerg, Monster, and Mechanical Races? Upon hearing the words of the founder of the giant axe, except for a few powerful universe masters such as the Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Virtual Gold, the other Lords of the Universe showed confusion and confusion. Apparently, what happened in the Universe Sea before They don’t know most of the things outside the virtual demon god’s small universe!

"The founder of the giant axe, I can still afford the price of a top palace-like treasure," Diko simply nodded and said: "However, from now on, the ownership of the earth will completely belong to my earthly lineage, so all parties still have to pay the price. If you want to arrange for pregnant women to give birth on Earth, the cost will be different from now! Moreover, the number of places will be reduced a lot."

"Huh? What you mean is that after taking back the ownership of the earth, are you still willing to let all parties arrange for people to go to the earth?" The founder of Giant Ax asked in surprise, raising his eyebrows.

"Of course! The earth is a precious land, and I, the Earthlings, do not want to take advantage of all the benefits. I am now the master of the universe. As a member of the highest level of mankind, I naturally have to consider the entire ethnic group," Diko said slightly. He nodded and said: "So, I just want to take back the complete ownership of the earth, but I have never thought of driving away all the people arranged by various forces."

"This" The masters of the universe who looked at each other were also stunned for a moment, while Diko continued: "However, since everyone thinks that business should be done first, let's make an agreement first. Don't blame me for using the earth in the future. Earn resources. After all, our lineage of Earthlings has just emerged and has insufficient foundation. It also requires a lot of resources to cultivate. As the current leader of the Earthlings, I naturally have to think more about my lineage of Earthlings. I believe you all also Everyone should be able to understand.”

Hearing what Dico said, the masters of the universe who looked at each other became even more speechless, and even felt a hint of regret in their hearts. If they had known this, why would they have stopped Giant Ax from returning complete ownership of the earth to the people on earth?

In the end, the benefits went to the Virtual Universe Company. If they wanted to arrange for pregnant women to give birth on Earth in the future, they would have to pay more. As time goes by, even if Dicko allows fewer people to go to Earth, the accumulated resources that Dicko and the Earthlings can earn cannot be underestimated.

"This boy really doesn't want to suffer!" He glanced at the founder of Dicko's giant ax and said directly: "Okay, since Dicko is willing to give a top palace treasure to the Virtual Universe Company in exchange for half of the earth ownership of the earth, then this matter is settled. From now on, the ownership of the earth belongs to Dike and Luo Feng, and also belongs entirely to the people of the earth."

"Giant Axe, you just said that Diko got some treasures from the Demonic God, the Zerg, the Monster and the Machine. What happened?" A sudden and cold voice sounded, but the strength of the virtual universe was not weaker than The Lord of Darkness, the Lord of Chaos City, spoke curiously. Hearing this, the other universe masters also subconsciously looked at the founder of the giant axe. Facing the gazes of all the masters of the universe, he glanced at the founder of Dicko's giant axe, and simply said this.

The founder of the giant ax said it simply and generally, but it made the master of the universe of the human race change their expressions and gasp, looking at Diko in surprise and disbelief.

What? Diko was actually able to absorb the original energy of the small universe, threatening the strongest person in the universe, forcing the Demon God of Virtual Reality and even the Zerg, Monster and Machine tribes to temporarily bow their heads and take out their treasures to apologize. This sounds simply too dreamy.

But they also know that since the founder of Giant Ax said it, it cannot be false. Therefore, Diko is really equivalent to getting four peak palace and domain level treasures at once. No wonder he is so wealthy. Even if he is the Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Darkness, he may only have the peak palace and domain level treasures on him. Just comparable to Dicko.

For a moment, all the masters of the human universe who reacted looked at Diko with complicated eyes. They could not help but feel envy and jealousy in their hearts, and at the same time they were also a little surprised and admired. He has done such great things just after becoming the Lord of the Universe. The future will be amazing! They seemed to have seen the rise of another Chaos City Lord, Dark Lord or Peng Gong Lord.

Moreover, compared to Chaos, Darkness and Peng Gong, who have practiced for a long time to achieve their current strength, Diko is undoubtedly more dazzling, with terrifying potential and methods. I am afraid that he will be able to become the strongest person in the universe like Giant Ax in the future.

Therefore, the minds of the masters of the universe changed a bit when facing Dico. If they had known that Dico was so powerful, why would they bother to offend Dico because of the earth? It seems that in the future, I will have more good relations with Dico, and even with the people on Earth.

Next, everyone casually talked about the primitive universe and the cosmic sea, and the meeting ended. After all, this giant ax meeting was mainly to welcome Dico, and even the matter of earth ownership was secondary.

After the meeting, Diko, who had just returned to the original universe with the founder of Giant Ax, had not had time to return to the earth, so he went directly to the original universe of the original ancestor as quickly as possible through the Kingdom of God teleportation.

In the original universe, in an ancient side hall of the Lord's Mansion of Chaos City, there was only a huge stone plate with a diameter of about a hundred meters in the center of the spacious hall, which was used to test and judge the value of treasures.

Diko, who had just taken out the golden boat-like top-level palace-like treasure he had obtained from the Queen of the Zerg and prepared to put it on the stone plate for testing, noticed that the palace door behind him opened. He turned around and saw the Lord of Chaos City walking in from the outside. ..

(End of this chapter)

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