Chapter 529 Dico and Chaos

"Lord of Chaos City?" The visitor is a tall man who is three meters tall. He is wearing an extremely complex and simple dark red battle armor with combat boots. At the same time, a scaly tail protrudes from the battle skirt, and there is a The two fiery red horns and the strange secret lines on the face are different from the special life clone of the Chaos City Lord that Dico has seen before and the original Chaos City Lord that he has seen in the virtual universe, but the aura is the same.

Seeing Dico, the avatar of the Chaos City Lord who was in charge of killing in the original universe also grinned: "Dico, I didn't expect you to come so soon."

"I have long heard that there is a place to exchange treasures in the city lord's palace in the Chaos City of the Initial Universe. This is my first time here," said Diko with a smile, just as he was about to place the top palace-like treasure boat on the stone plate for identification. , but the Lord of Chaos City continued: "There is no need for special appraisal, just give it to me directly. Later, when Luo Feng becomes the Lord of the Universe, I will give him this top palace treasure. Judging from the aura of this treasure, it should be If it complies with the laws of gold, it will probably be suitable for him to use."

"Give it to Luo Feng?" Diko was slightly stunned when he heard this. His eyes flashed slightly after he reacted, and he smiled and handed it directly to the Chaos City Lord. The Chaos City Lord who reached out to take it also said: "This is mine. After discussing with Juaxe, we decided that you have just become the master of the universe, and your tribe cannot take advantage of you so much. After all, after all, the earth belongs to the people of the earth."

"I understand, thank you City Lord!" Diko nodded slightly, somewhat admiring the courage of the founder of the giant ax and the Lord of Chaos City. In comparison, his decision to use the earth to earn resources seems a bit petty.

"When Luo Feng also grows up, the stronger you are, the better it will be for the Earth and the entire human race. As for other things, they are not important," the Lord of Chaos City said with a smile, looking at him expectantly. Diko said: "Dico, I hope to see you reach my level as soon as possible and truly become the top master of the universe."

"I have this confidence," Diko, who nodded and smiled, continued: "Oh, by the way, Chaos City Lord, I haven't been able to contact Luo Feng for many years. I wonder how he is doing now? Is he still on the battlefield outside the territory? ? Will there be any accident? Do you know his situation? "

"He has been in the Star Tower in the Seventh Battlefield. Although I don't know the specific situation, he has been doing well these years. Maybe he encountered some encounter, or he may be hiding in the Star Tower to practice. You don't have to be too Don't worry, he now has the power to become a king, and he should be able to protect himself even in the Star Tower," the Chaos City Lord continued.

"I hope so!" Diko frowned slightly. Others didn't know Luo Feng's situation, but he knew very well what Luo Feng was going through in the Star Tower. The recognition of the Lord of the Star Tower was not that important. It's easy!

"Speaking of which, Diko, I haven't thanked you properly yet! If it weren't for you, Kedi wouldn't be able to come back." The Lord of Chaos City turned to smile and said: "Don't worry too much, even if Luo Feng encounters No matter what accident happens, it will never be worse than Kedi. Even if he died unexpectedly, he is not even immortal, and it will be easy for us to resurrect him."

resurrection? Di Ke was speechless after hearing this. If Luo Feng really fell, the loss would be huge. Not to mention that he was not qualified to be the master of the Star Tower and could not practice the Secret Book of Nine Tribulations. His future achievements would also be greatly reduced.

"By the way, how is Keti?" Diko couldn't help but asked curiously. The Lord of Chaos City also smiled and said: "It's good! It's just that he experienced changes and was delayed for such a long time. Even though he became immortal, he also had Even though he has reached the peak strength of King Feng, he still needs some hard work and accumulation if he wants to become a Universe Venerable. Therefore, I arranged for him to go to the Ancestral God Sect to practice."

"The Ancestral God Cult? He also practices the lineage of the Beast God?" Diko was a little surprised. The Lord of Chaos City said: "It's just a minor training, but to accept the inheritance of the Beast God, on the one hand, you can practice quietly in the Mysterious Ancestral Realm, and on the other hand, you can participate in the training. Understanding the inheritance of the Beast God also has an auxiliary effect on his understanding of the laws of time and space."

"Diko, does Kodi's ability to get rid of soul control have something to do with the world of mountains and seas?" The Lord of Chaos City then asked in a deep voice: "I wonder if you can use the same method to save those who have been controlled by souls in human history. Where are the immortals and even a few cosmic sages?” ˈˈˆˆ “It’s related to the mountain and sea realm. However, if you want to save them, you must first control them, and secondly, kill the strong men whose souls control them. It’s not that easy. . Moreover, you, Lord of Chaos City, must have thought that this process is not that simple, and the price required is not comparable to reversing time and space to resurrect them." Diko also frowned and said hesitantly: "Furthermore, those who can be enslaved by foreign races, except for people like Most of the very few truly amazing geniuses like Kedi are not very outstanding, right? Lord of Chaos City, do you think it is really worth saving them at all costs?"

"This" the Lord of Chaos City was slightly silent after hearing this before saying: "Then, if it is worth saving a small part of them that is worth the cost, Diko, can you think about it?"

"This is not something that can be done in a short time if you want to. In this way, Chaos City Lord, you first arrange for someone to prepare secretly, and then notify me when you need me to take action," Diko thought for a while and said: "I don't need the clan to give me anything. No need to provide anything, as long as those who are saved have to work hard to repay me."

"Working for you?" The Lord of Chaos City was stunned for a moment, and then said with a dumb smile: "If they can really regain their freedom, I'm afraid they will be willing to work for you. Moreover, it is their luck to follow the Lord of the Universe. However, You need so many strong men, are you planning to establish a force beyond the strength of human martial arts?"

"I have this idea," Diko said directly without denying it: "What does the city lord think about our earth people lineage and the mountain and sea lineage joining forces to form a force in the future?"

"What you say is a good idea! You, the Lord of Mountains and Seas, the Lord of Creation, and the three Lords of the Universe are enough to support a force. Moreover, your lineage of earthlings and the lineage of mountains and seas have a deep connection, huh. "I will discuss this matter with Juaxe later," the Lord of Chaos City nodded thoughtfully.

"Don't be in a hurry! The earthling line has just risen, and the mountain and sea line also needs to restore its foundation. Neither I nor the Lord of the Mountains and Seas are in a hurry," Diko asked him to smile and said, "Wait until my strength is comparable to the teacher or the Lord of Chaos City. Now, it’s not too late to talk about this matter.”

"If you really have the strength to take the lead in establishing a force outside of the five major human forces, no one at the top of the human race can say anything, and Juaxe and I will strongly support it. After all, the top factions of our human race are getting more and more powerful. There are more, which also means that the more top pillars of the human race, this is a good thing!" Chaos City Lord said jokingly: "But, when the time comes, your teacher, Lord Huangjian, may be reluctant to let you go!"

"I also have this worry," Diko nodded and smiled: "So, I am going to wait until my strength is comparable to that of the teacher before I talk about this matter."

"By the way, City Lord, I would like to exchange for a pinnacle treasure sword that I have in hand. I wonder if we have the treasure inventory in our human race?" Diko turned around and asked.

"Exchange for the pinnacle treasure sword? Dicko, you are really rich now!" Chaos City Lord said with a joking smile, and then said: "If you want to exchange for the pinnacle palace type and domain type treasure, our human race's treasure inventory still has There are really few, but there are still a few peak attack treasures. There are some peak treasure swords. It’s hard to say whether you like it or not. You first look at the exchange list. If you are not satisfied, I can help you ask about the giant axe. Let’s see if he or some of our other top universe masters have it in their hands.”

(End of this chapter)

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