Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 530: Sitting on Earth

Chapter 530: Sitting on Earth

Although there are not many pinnacle treasures of the human race, and most of them are already owned, they are in the hands of some of the strongest masters of the universe in the human race. However, sword-like treasures are not that rare. In the end, Diko successfully redeemed them. A desirable and precious sword.

The price was naturally not small. Dico exchanged several unused top attack treasures in his hand, plus dozens of ordinary and high-level treasures in the Fire Temple's warehouse, to get the top treasure sword 'Breaking World'.

Although the name of the Boundary Breaking Knife is a bit strange, its main feature is its sharpness, which can easily tear through layers of space. The sword energy is extremely condensed, and it is considered excellent among peak attack treasures.

In fact, Dico wanted to get a peak domain treasure, so that in a battle at the Lord of the Universe level, as long as the opponent did not possess a more powerful peak domain treasure, he would be able to advance, attack, retreat and defend.

However, there are only a few peak palace-level and domain-level treasures in the exchange list, and there is only one peak domain-level treasure. The quality can only be regarded as the bottom among the peak domain-level treasures, and it is not worth the cost. exchange.

Anyway, with Sishanke, the strongest teacher who is good at refining treasures, his collection is probably richer than the human race's treasure exchange collection. Even if there is really no suitable one, asking a mountain guest to refine a top-quality pinnacle domain treasure will cost less than exchanging it directly from the human race.

Besides, Dico is not ready to venture into the cosmic sea yet. It is enough to have top-level domain treasures in the original universe. He hasn't received the apprenticeship gift from Sishanke yet, so he's not in a hurry to get himself a peak-level treasure.

The news that Dico became the Lord of the Universe spread, and the sensation caused among the Immortals of the human race and the Universe Lords group was undoubtedly huge..

Soon afterwards, most of the alien immigrants in the floating cities on the Earth's oceans were arranged to leave. A large number of floating cities were demolished, leaving only a small number. The remaining alien immigrants were also brought by the Earth Federation. Management and freedom have been more restricted, and the price they have to pay for living on the earth has become greater.

The temple that originally guarded the edge of the solar system has also been transformed, and a larger palace complex has been built in the surrounding stars as the residence of Diko's hometown.

The entire galaxy has undergone a major transformation. With the help of many world lords, immortals and even the Lord of the Universe, plus some resource costs paid by Dicko, it will be quick and easy to transform the galaxy into a stable location for the Lord of the Universe. Serving a master of the universe, one can imagine how efficient it is. From this, we can also see the background of human beings as the pinnacle group in the original universe.

The Cosmic Mercenary Alliance even directly arranged for Diko to have several cosmic lords, a group of immortal guards, many realm master guards and a large number of servants to follow Diko's orders.

In fact, generally speaking, in addition to the disciples of the Universe Lord, a Universe Master will also have a group of Universe Lords under his command. This is how the various large and small factions among the five major forces within the human race are formed.

However, Diko had just become the Lord of the Universe. He was still in the stage of accumulating knowledge and rapidly improving his strength, so he had no time to accept disciples. The few Universe Venerables who chose to accept the help of Lord Huang Jian were just to facilitate handling of some trivial matters. The leader among them was Venerable Yanhuang.

In the blink of an eye, it has been more than ten years since one of Diko's blood-sea clones returned to Earth and took over the Milky Way. On Earth, the Di family's old house was particularly festive and lively on this day, with many core disciples of the Di family gathered together. , because Di Ke’s only grandson Di Yan is back.

Di Yan is definitely a typical late bloomer. In terms of law understanding, he may not be that outstanding, and his understanding is just better than that of ordinary geniuses. However, because of his excellent state of mind, he followed the path of a mentalist and illusionist, and participated in the powerful battle organized by the Virtual Universe Company when he was at the universe level. , but luckily entered the core level of Virtual Universe Company. In just a few thousand years, under the training of the Virtual Universe Company, Di Yan was like a piece of jade that had been carved and transformed, slowly becoming a member of the Taichu Secret Realm from the periphery of the core layer of the Virtual Universe, and becoming a member of the Taichu Secret Realm at the Domain Lord level. His identity was transferred to Qianwu Universe Country.

After leaving for thousands of years, the family was very happy to finally return to Earth. Not only were their parents and grandparents Di Ke and Jiang Fang surprised, but even some of Di Yan's descendants were also surprised. Di Yan admired him very much.

Not only Di Yan, but also Di Ke’s son Di Xu, has long been adventurous in the universe and became a cosmic mercenary. He even entered the core level of the cosmic mercenary alliance through layers of screening, and later became a disciple of Lord Yanhuang. , and now it is already a realm lord level of strength.

This time Diko returned as the Lord of the Universe. It happened that his son Di Xu had just returned to Earth after an adventurous mission. Now Di Yan has also returned. It is rare for a family to get together, but for Diko, it is more important than him becoming the universe. The Lord would be even happier.

After the lively celebration dinner that night, in the garden-like backyard of the Di family's old house, Di Ke, Jiang Fang, Di Xu, Di Yan and others were casually drinking tea and chatting in the pavilion. Di Yan looked at leisurely with a smile on his face. Diko, who was enjoying the tea, said as if he was in disbelief: "Grandpa, you are actually the Lord of the Universe, and you have become such a great being as the Lord of the Universe after practicing for thousands of years. Am I really not dreaming?"

"I am now a member of the Taichu Secret Realm of Virtual Universe Company. Although I have seen many powerful immortals and worshiped a king-named grandmaster as my teacher, it is rare for me to even meet the Lord of the Universe, let alone the Lord of the Universe. I've had the chance to see him, he's a legendary strong man!" Speaking of this, Di Yan couldn't help but marvel.

"The entire Universe Mercenary Alliance, including my father, is only the four Lords of the Universe. Of course, it is not easy to see them." Di Xu also smiled and said: "Xiao Yan, I heard that you just worshiped a A cosmic venerable is my teacher, so I guess it’s because of my father that I accepted you as my disciple, right?”

When Di Yan heard this, he suddenly felt a little depressed and said: "Originally, I thought that I was chosen by the teacher because I was really good enough!"

"Haha, Yan'er, you are already very good. Even if you don't have grandpa, sooner or later you will be able to attract the Lord of the Universe to accept you as his disciple," Diko said with a smile. He didn't care about the universe with the Virtual Universe Company. His Holiness used this method to get closer to him. As long as the other person is willing to teach Di Yan attentively, what's wrong with it?

Jiang Fang smiled and watched the three of them talking. Although her talent and potential were limited, with the help of a large number of resources provided by Di Ke, she had practiced for tens of thousands of years and now she was only a Realm Master, but her husband, son and grandson It was so outstanding, but it was enough to make her feel proud and satisfied.

While the family was talking, a burst of noise suddenly came from outside, causing Di Ke to raise his eyebrows and turn his head in surprise, only to see Luo Feng's wife Xu Xin walking over in a hurry.

"Third brother, Sister Fang, something happened to Luo Feng. He may have died," Xu Xingang, who was approaching the pavilion, spoke urgently. Jiang Fang, Di Xu, and Di Yan couldn't help but change their faces.

You must know that Luo Feng is second only to Dico in terms of talent potential among the people on earth. He is also a disciple of the Lord of Chaos City. He is also a peerless genius of the Virtual Universe Company. He has every hope of becoming a pillar of the human race in the future! Has he fallen? This is definitely a cruel bad news for the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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