Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 531 The Return of Luo Feng

Chapter 531 The Return of Luo Feng

"Dike..." Jiang Fang looked at Dike hurriedly, while Dike looked at Xu Xin with a frown and said: "Brothers and sisters, calm down! You said Luo Feng might have died. What happened? Don't panic! Forget it! Luo Feng has really fallen, and now that I am the Lord of the Universe, it is very easy to resurrect him."

Upon hearing this, Xu Xin took a deep breath and calmed down slightly, and told Diko about the content of an email Luo Feng had sent him...

"Will he come back in the distant future? It seems that Luo Feng is really in big trouble and encounters a life-and-death crisis." After listening to Xu Xin's story, although he knew that Luo Feng was not dead yet, Di Ke was still on the surface. He said with a solemn look: "However, Luo Feng is on the battlefield outside the territory, and I cannot easily enter there. But Luo Feng carries the token of the Lord of Chaos City. Now, only the Lord of Chaos City can determine Luo Feng's life or death."

"Brothers and sisters, don't worry. I will contact the Lord of Chaos City immediately. If Luo Feng really falls, I will directly resurrect him," Dike comforted Xu Xin and then directly contacted the Lord of Chaos City.

Just a moment later, Dike, who confirmed from the Lord of Chaos City that Luo Feng was still alive, said to Xu Xin with relief: "Don't worry, it's confirmed that Luo Feng is still alive. But, he has been here for thousands of years. Inside the extremely special Star Tower in the extraterrestrial battlefield. I guess he was afraid that he would encounter some great opportunity, so he took the risk at the risk of life and death. This opportunity also comes with danger, but as long as he doesn't die, there is room for change. "

"I have talked with the Lord of Chaos City. The Star Tower is in a special situation. Even if we rush there, it will be difficult to find Luo Feng. So, all we can do now is to wait and hope that Luo Feng can come back safely. Even if we rush there, it will be difficult to find him. If the most serious result occurs, Luo Feng really falls, and he can always reverse time and space and resurrect," Di Ke said.

After hearing what Di Ke said, Xu Xincai finally calmed down. Although she was still worried about Luo Feng, she could only endure and wait silently.

More than a hundred years passed in the blink of an eye, and Dike and Xu Xin finally contacted Luo Feng. Dike, who guessed that Luo Feng had successfully completed the process of identifying the master of the Star Tower, secretly breathed a sigh of relief and was happy for him. In the future, with Luo Feng's help, Diko's burden of supporting the earth's people and even the entire human race will be lighter.

With Di Ke around, even if Luo Feng disappeared for thousands of years and was suspected to have died, no one dared to directly test Luo Feng's life and death without restraint.

After Luo Feng dealt with the aftermath of the extraterrestrial battlefield and passed through the original Tongtian Mountain, he also returned to Earth.

"Haha...Luo Feng, good job! You passed the original Tongtian Mountain as soon as you came back. It seems that your understanding of the law is already very high, and you are close to breaking through and entering the immortal level." On Earth, I saw it again in reality. Luo Feng's Dike was also very happy.

But Luo Feng's mood was really complicated when he saw Di Ke again. To be honest, Luo Feng was dumbfounded when he learned that Diko had now become the Lord of the Universe. He almost thought that the time it took him to go through the Star Tower's Lordship Test was not six thousand years, but sixty thousand years or even longer.

Luo Feng originally felt that his ability to reach the ultimate level of kingship in just ten thousand years was already very powerful, but compared with Diko, his achievements were like a kindergarten kid getting a little red flower.

"Third brother, you...the Lord of the Universe? Am I dreaming?" Luo Feng looked at Diko, feeling the invisible and powerful breath of life on Diko and the feeling that he was like the incarnation of the law, and he felt that Limited is not quite real.

"Haha.. Not only you, the God of Thunder was also damaged by me," Diko laughed loudly: "Now, he doesn't even dare to see me. He is focused on practicing hard in seclusion, hoping to understand thunder and lightning as soon as possible. The law has entered immortality! It is also said that after becoming an immortal god, you will have a long and endless lifespan in the future, so that you can slowly practice and catch up with me. In the future, even if you cannot become the Lord of the Universe, you must become the Venerable Master of the Universe."

Luo Feng could only grin when he heard this. After slowly digesting and accepting the fact that Diko was already the master of the universe, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and relief. Finally, he no longer had to bear so much pressure. Diko is already the Lord of the Universe, and the Earth Lineage is equivalent to having Optimus Prime. Even if he practices slower and achieves less success in the future, he does not have to worry about the future of the Earth Lineage. But soon, infinite pride and fighting spirit arose in Luo Feng’s heart. They are both from Earth, and they are also peerless geniuses. Dicko is not much older than him. If Dicko can become the master of the universe, why can't he? Even if you are unable to become the Lord of the Universe, it should not be difficult to become the Master of the Universe. There is also great hope of becoming the Overlord of the Universe or even the top Overlord of the Universe.

After all, for Luo Feng now, there is no suspense about understanding the law of penetrating gold and becoming immortal, that is, the bottleneck of the Universe Lord can hinder him a little. With the Secret Code of Nine Tribulations to enhance his genetic level, he will be able to compete with the unique and special beings in the universe in the future. With the addition of treasures such as the Star Tower, when he becomes the Lord of the Universe in the future, he will probably be able to compete with the Lord of the Universe.

"Dike also accepted Teacher Zuo Shanke as his teacher. So, doesn't he become my senior brother? Teacher Zuo Shanke has such a high vision, and the three direct disciples he accepted have all become the masters of the universe. I will definitely be able to do the same in the future. ," Luo Feng, who was thinking like this, didn't stay on the earth for long before he left the earth with high morale and went to look for the second piece of the Secret Book of Nine Tribulations.

Except for Diko's Blood Sea clone who stayed on Earth to stay with his family, occasionally giving advice to the strong men of the Earth lineage and handling some trivial matters, the other Blood Sea clones in the Ancestral God Religion and the small Blood Sea clones in the God's country were all. Practice hard and comprehend with one mind, pondering and creating a stronger secret method.

After all, the masters of the universe who have just made a breakthrough have only a few ways to improve their strength. They must find ways to consume resources and treasures to improve their genetic level and obtain powerful treasures. The most important way is to create secret techniques.

The creation of secret techniques is, in a sense, the continuous improvement of one's realm. Continuously create more and more powerful and perfect secrets. As your strength increases, your realm will also improve, and you will slowly reach the level of the top master of the universe. Only in this way can you hope to break through and become the strongest.

Diko's Blood Sea deity was also concentrating on the secret patterns of various treasures at the Mountain Guest. With the realization of the complete laws of time and space, while his realm improved, Diko's understanding of the secret patterns became faster and more efficient. Even by analogy, the understanding of other laws is also improved very quickly.

Naturally, after quickly understanding the secret patterns on those treasures, Di Ke finally started to officially get into contact with weapon refining, and under the guidance of the mountain guest, he began to learn and try to create heavy treasures and treasures.

The reason why Mountain Guest was willing to teach Di Ke the real treasure refining method so quickly was obviously because Luo Feng was in a good mood after successfully recognizing him as the master of the Star Tower.

But even so, what Sishanke taught Diko at the beginning was just the beginning of his treasure refining methods. He asked Diko to try to create a refining method starting from heavy treasures.

Fortunately, Di Ke's realm is high enough now, and he has a deeper understanding of the secret pattern. Even when he first started practicing, his techniques were still a bit immature, but he was still able to easily refine a pseudo-heavy treasure.

A heavy treasure of this level is not a heavy treasure in the strict sense, but it is much more powerful than the weapons used by many feudal princes and immortal kings. It is enough to make some powerful immortal kings covet it. After all, heavy treasures are more powerful than princes. For readers, there are still some things that can be encountered but cannot be sought.

But soon, after reaching the threshold of proficiency, Diko was able to easily refine ordinary heavy treasures. Just a few hundred years later, Diko was able to refine top heavy treasures, set heavy treasures and even ordinary treasures. Got it

(End of this chapter)

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