Chapter 532 Jin Chihai

Bang... Peng... In the dark starry sky, the rhythmic knocking sound turned into invisible sound waves and spread. Next to an inconspicuous huge stone platform, Diko, surrounded by dark red flames, was holding a black handle. The round hammer struck seriously on a red-gold sword on the stone platform.

The entire sword has taken shape. Under Dico's hammering, the blade has become tougher. There is also an invisible edge aura permeating the blade. Some mysterious and complex secret patterns are also following Dico's hammering. Under the imprint of the flame, it continuously penetrates into the blade.

Bang... After an unknown amount of time, under Dico's last blow, the sword that had changed from red gold to dark gold suddenly trembled and buzzed, and the invisible edge and treasure breath made the surroundings powerful. The powerful dark red flames retreated some distance.

"High-level treasure sword?" Diko, who had a trace of divine power intruding into the dark golden sword, instantly judged the power and quality of the sword. His eyes lit up. This was the first high-level treasure he had created!

Although the attack treasure is the lowest value among the treasures of the same level, it is also the easiest to create. Those who can create high-level treasures may be rare in the entire primitive universe. The original ancestor of mankind was so amazing and talented, but he could only refine high-level treasures.

"It has only been more than two thousand years since I have been in contact with treasure refining, and I have created a high-level treasure. Not bad!" In the dark void on the side, an old man in green robe with a pair of crystal long horns stepped forward and glanced at the sharp blade in Di Ke's hand. The exposed treasure sword nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Dico, it seems that you do have some talent in refining treasures. If you put more thought into it, it shouldn't be difficult to refine top-grade treasures or even peak treasures in the future."

"What about the most powerful treasure?" Diko couldn't help but ask. The mountain guest couldn't help shaking his head slightly after hearing this: "The reason why the most powerful treasure is the most powerful treasure is because it is completely different from ordinary treasures. Even if there are ten pieces A peak palace treasure is not as good as a supreme treasure! And no one who possesses a supreme treasure would be willing to exchange the supreme treasure for a peak palace treasure."

"To refine the most powerful treasure, not only does it require extremely high skills in refining the treasure, but the materials required are enough to make even the peak powers like you humans feel distressed. Moreover, when it comes to actual refining, there is a possibility of failure. It's also very big," the mountain-riding guest continued: "Once it fails, even if a peak-level treasure is finally refined, the loss will be huge compared to the cost of materials."

"So, Diko, you better not think about it for the time being. First, slowly hone your weapon-refining skills. Let's wait until you can refine the top-level treasure and the pinnacle treasure! It's enough for you to spend a long time thinking about it," Sitting Mountain Guest shook his head and said. .

"Teacher! Look, can you give me some top-level or peak palace-type and domain-type treasures to use to figure out the secret patterns?" After hearing what Sitting Mountain Guest said, Diko did not dare to ask for the most powerful treasures for the time being. , and then asked with a change of heart.

"Are you short of top-level treasures and pinnacle treasures?" Mountain Guest asked, while Dike hurriedly said: "Teacher, I have a few top-level treasures and pinnacle treasures, but I also have clones. I still lack powerful treasures. Besides, no one would think that they have too many treasures, right? Besides, you gave Emperor Yan and Luo Feng such powerful treasures, so you can’t treat me favorably, right?"

"I have taught you all the treasure refining skills I have learned from the bottom of the box. How can I be so mean to you?" The mountain guest suddenly glared: "If you want a powerful treasure, you can refine it yourself in the future!"

"Teacher, I don't have that ability yet! Think about it, when the disciple is able to refine the top treasure and the pinnacle treasure, you will have no chance even if you want to give the disciple the treasure, right?" Diko licked his face and said with a smile. .

"You!" Sitting Mountain Guest pointed at Diko and said dumbfounded: "Okay! Since you kid has endured it for so long and still can't help but speak up, I will give you two peak treasures that are suitable for you, so as not to You say again that I favor one over the other. Tell me, what do you want?"

"The ultimate treasure in the pinnacle field, preferably the one at the highest level in the pinnacle field," Di Ke said, and the Mountain Guest couldn't help laughing and scolding: "You kid, you really have a big mouth! You know what's going on? Is a treasure of this level so rare?" "Teacher, don't you?" Diko asked in disbelief, and the mountain guest was noncommittal: "It's not impossible to give it to you, but if you want a domain treasure of this level, then I can only get this one, I can’t give you another peak palace or domain-level treasure.”

"It doesn't matter! It's enough to give me another top-level treasure. I'm not greedy or picky. I don't want any top-level treasures like palaces or fields. Just something special, a top-level treasure that can control time and space. Teacher should have one, right?" Dico asked with a fake smile.

"Aren't you greedy and picky?" Some of the mountaineers laughed in anger, and then their expressions changed: "The top treasure that controls time and space? You kid, you want to use the treasure that controls time and space to assist the domain treasure, and you want to Is the power of a domain-type treasure comparable to the domain-type supreme treasure?"

"At least it allows the disciples to have domain methods that are far more powerful than other masters of the universe and even the strongest person in the universe. In this way, they can advance, attack, retreat and defend. Even if they venture into the universe sea, it will be safer," Diko accompanied him with a smile. : "Coupled with the disciple's innate secret method 'Origin Arrival', it is estimated that the disciple's domain methods can compete with the real domain-type supreme treasures."

"Well, your innate secret method is indeed very powerful. With the peak domain treasure and the treasure that controls time and space, the power is indeed comparable to the domain supreme treasure. It is better than giving you two peak palace or domain treasures directly. The treasure will be of great help to you." The mountain guest, who was slightly pondering, nodded and stretched out his hand, and then saw a golden stream of light flying from a distance in the dark void, turning into a small fish pond: "Although this Golden Chihai is not the best among the pinnacle treasures, it was refined with great effort by my master. I will give it to you today."

"Jin Chi Hai? Teacher, is this the fish pond where you live?" Di Ke, who stared slightly, couldn't help but feel a little moved when he heard this. After all, Mountain Guest had spent a lot of time preparing his residence and placed the fish pond there. He obviously liked it very much. , now it is given to him like this.

"Thank you, teacher!" Di Ke, who was in a complicated mood for a moment, quickly saluted the mountain guest respectfully. Upon seeing this, the mountain guest also smiled even more intensely and brought the fish pond to Di Ke, and then turned his hands over. He took out a crystal ball with a hazy interior and said: "This top treasure is like a miniature universe. In terms of controlling time and space, it is much stronger than the way the Lord of the Universe controls time and space. It is comparable to the control of the strongest person in the universe." I have control of time and space, and I will give it to you as well.”

Diko, who was even more surprised after hearing this, quickly reached out to take it. He was about to say a few more words of thanks to the Mountain Guest to make him happy, but his face suddenly changed slightly. The Mountain Guest on the side raised his eyebrows and asked: "Why? Already?"

"Teacher, Luo Feng is in trouble, disciple." As soon as Di Ke started to speak, Mountain Guest was already saying: "You can't make a weapon without polishing it. This is a test for him as a teacher. No matter how big the trouble is, at least he won't be killed." Those controlled by the soul will lose most of their clones. And at a critical moment, his other teacher, the Lord of Chaos City, will not just sit idly by."

"Huh? Lord of the Sirius?" Sitting Mountain Guest also frowned slightly as he spoke, while Diko said anxiously: "Teacher, is this Lord of the Sirius, the majestic Lord of the universe, going to take action? How can you deal with a junior like Luo Feng? This is too shameless!"

"What? Are you ready to take action? Are you sure you can deal with the Lord of the Heavenly Wolf?" Mountain Guest asked with a noncommittal raised eyebrow.

"If it's another Lord of the Universe, I'm really not sure, but what is a Lord of Sirius? Although he has been practicing for a long time, his strength is only average among the Lords of the Universe, and he doesn't have the ability to clone himself." Diko couldn't help but sneer as he spoke: "What a great opportunity, it gives me a reason to kill him, how can I miss it?"

(End of this chapter)

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