Chapter 533 Lord of Sirius

Looking at Diko, who had a strong murderous intention for a while, the Mountaineer didn't say much. However, Diko immediately followed up with a smile and said: "Teacher, after I kill the Lord of Sirius, I will get some treasures from him. , materials, etc., can I exchange them for treasures from you?"

"Yes, exchanging it with me is definitely more cost-effective than exchanging it within your human race," Mountain Guest said with a smile: "If you can kill ten universe masters or one hundred top universe overlords, you will provide the materials. My master can even directly refine a top-grade treasure for you. You can choose the type by yourself, how about it?"

"Kill ten Lords of the Universe? Teacher, you really think highly of me! Most of the Lords of the Universe are gifted with the power of clones. And do you really believe that I can kill the Lord of Sirius?" Diko Hearing this, he immediately stared.

"You also said that the Lord of the Heavenly Wolf is of average strength. I believe you can do it," Sitting Mountain Guest said casually: "As for killing the ten Lords of the Universe, you are not required to actually kill them. In the fight, Being able to kill one of their main battle clones is considered as killing the Lord of the Universe."

When Diko heard this, he was secretly relieved. The difficulty was greatly reduced! At the same time, Di Ke couldn't help but sigh in his heart. It seems that Mountain Guest now prefers him. When he made such a request to Luo Feng later, he had no intention of discounting it.

When Dike, the blood sea deity, was still talking leisurely to the mountain guest, in the distant Wuhua secret realm, the Ice Prison Star Belt, one of the seventy-two generals of the Ancestral God Cult had a special combat power comparable to that of the lord of the ordinary universe. After the arrival of a palace shrouded in flames, the lair of the Venerable Zidou Kou of Life, invisible pressure enveloped the entire Ice Hell Star Belt, making the entire space tremble.

The Lord of Sirius came to the Ice Prison Star Belt with the Heavenly Wolf Palace, the high-level treasure palace for which he became famous in the universe, and also attracted the attention of two special beings, the Venerable Zi Doukou and the much inferior Qing Doukou, from the Doukou tribe. The Universe Venerable greeted him nervously.

The Lord of the Heavenly Wolf came to pick up a Heavenly Wolf with invincible strength who was trapped in the ice prison of the Supreme Suppression Treasure of Lord Qingdou Kou. However, he learned from his mouth that the Ice Prison Heavy Chemical Industry also imprisoned a human, and there was With the Beast God's inheritance order in his possession, he naturally ordered Venerable Zidou Kou and Venerable Qing Doukou to hand over the person.

After meeting Luo Feng, he discovered the Winged Treasure on Luo Feng's body and realized that he was so powerful for a mere realm lord. He must be a peerless genius of mankind. The Lord of Sirius suddenly felt murderous intent and wanted to do something to Luo Feng. .

At this moment, a huge blue jade bottle suddenly appeared in the sky, and at the same time, blue water poured out from the sky, turning into a huge blue ocean in the blink of an eye. The terrifying binding force caused the sky to collapse that day. The black-haired Lord of Heavenly Wolf in the void in front of the Wolf Hall was shocked. The Heavenly Wolf Hall behind him also trembled, like a small boat in the sea.

"Is this... a top-level domain treasure?" Even Venerable Zidou Kou and Venerable Qing Dou Kou were shocked. The restraining and suppressing power of the blue sea water was really terrifying.

"Who? Now that you're here, don't you dare to show up?" The Lord of Sirius roared angrily as he stood in front of the Sirius Hall.

"Don't dare to show up? Sirius, if you are the master of the universe of other demon clans, maybe I will be afraid of you, but you, the lowest among the masters of the demon clan, what qualifications do you have to prevent me from showing up?" Amidst the laughter, Diko's figure appeared from beside the huge blue jade bottle high in the sky. This was just a blood sea clone of Diko, but it was also comparable to the divine body of the Lord of the Universe that was thousands of times higher in genetic level and thousands of kilometers high. .

"Dico? You are a little human guy who has just become the master of the universe. You are lucky enough to get a top-level domain treasure, and yet you dare to be so presumptuous in front of me!" After seeing Dico, the Lord of Sirius was a little surprised. He was also immediately stimulated by Dicko's disdainful tone.

"Master of the Fire Temple!" Venerable Zidou Kou and Venerable Qing Dou Kou did not dare to neglect and saluted respectfully. Especially Venerable Zi Dou Kou, as a divine general of the Ancestral God Religion, she naturally knew that Di Di Ke is also a member of the Ancestral God Religion. As the Lord of the Universe, Diko's status in the Ancestral God Religion is naturally transcendent, and is only slightly inferior to the three Ancestral Gods and several guardian gods. Luo Feng couldn't help but stare with shock and nervousness in his heart at Dike, whose aura in the sky was no less powerful than the Lord of Sirius, and who could easily suppress the Lord of Sirius with the help of top-level domain treasures: "So powerful A domain treasure! Is this Diko’s strength?”

"Haha...arrogance? Sirius, among the Lords of the Universe, what qualifications do you have to be arrogant? You can only bully the juniors." Diko, who laughed loudly and disdainfully, then said in a cold tone: "You should know Luo What’s the relationship between Feng and me? You dare to touch him, do you really think I don’t dare to kill you?”

"Luo Feng? Is he Luo Feng?" Hearing this, he looked at Luo Feng in the distance with some surprise, and then the Lord of Sirius looked at Diko with shocked and angry eyes: "Kill me? Diko, you just It would be too arrogant to become the master of the universe!"

"Arrogance requires capital. I have it, but you don't have it," Diko said with a sneer, his eyes suddenly turned sharp, and the invisible and terrifying power of will went towards the Lord of Sirius like a sharp sword, while burning in it Under the full force of the divine power, the blue jade bottle in the sky quickly enlarged its mouth and moved towards the Lord of Heavenly Wolf and the Heavenly Wolf Hall behind him.

Roar... Accompanied by the painful howl of the wolf, the trembling Lord of Sirius, with his divine power boiling, hurriedly swept the snow-white Sirius who was unconscious directly beside him into the Sirius Palace, and then the entire Sirius Palace was filled with flames. Da Sheng burst out with terrifying power.

But under the suppression of the blue sea water, those flames were quickly suppressed and collapsed. Facing the swallowing of the huge blue jade bottle, the Sirius Palace wrapped in the endless blue sea water began to shake and began to move toward the bottle. mouth close

"No!" The angry and unwilling roar of the Lord of Sirius came from the Sirius Palace. Obviously, the Lord of Sirius knew very well that once he was put into the blue jade bottle and suppressed, it would be over. Diko was completely Can slowly process him.

But after all, his Heavenly Wolf Palace is only a high-level palace treasure, and there is no top-level domain treasure. Even at a critical moment, he controls a high-quality high-class treasure, causing black flames to fill the surroundings of the Sirius Palace. Under the restraint and suppression of the blue sea water realm, the treasures of higher realms were completely crushed.

Soon, Tianlang Temple, which was swaying like a small boat in the sea, was close to the mouth of the huge blue jade bottle. Facing the impact of the blue sea water and the increasingly terrifying sucking force of the bottle mouth, it Amidst the wild and unwilling roar of the Lord of Heavenly Wolf, the Heavenly Wolf Palace was unable to escape the result of being suppressed after all, and entered the black hole-like mouth of the blue jade bottle with a whoosh.

After all, the Blue Sea Bottle is a top-level domain treasure with a suppressive effect. The blue sea water domain and the jade bottle complement each other, and the power of swallowing and suppressing is even far greater than the top-level palace-level treasure. How can it be like the Lord of Heavenly Wolf? Can the weak Lord of the Universe break free?

Moreover, under the impact of Diko's will, the Lord of Sirius, who has not yet reached the will of the strongest person in the universe, is also greatly affected, and it is even more difficult to control the struggle of the Sirius Palace.

"Is he being suppressed like this? This is the Lord of the Universe!" Seeing that the blue sea water field quickly shrank back into the blue jade bottle, and the blue jade bottle also shrank and fell into Diko's hands, he retreated and watched the battle. Venerable Zidou Kou and Venerable Qing Doukou, as well as Luo Feng, who had received special care from Di Ke and was not affected, were all dumbfounded and shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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