Chapter 534 Small gains

After Diko took action to suppress the Lord of Sirius, the special life clone of the Lord of Chaos City, which was silver-white and had a large number of tentacles on its head, suddenly appeared, and then quickly shrank, becoming the same normal human height as Diko. One step has already arrived in front of Dico.

"I didn't expect that this unruly Sirius would fall into your hands like this," the Lord of Chaos City looked at Diko and shook his head slightly with emotion.

"He is too confident and too arrogant. Do he really think that with an extremely high-quality palace-like treasure, the Sirius Palace, he can have no fear in the primitive universe? There is not even a top-level domain-like treasure, and there is no such thing as a top-level treasure in the original universe. It is simply a miracle that he died in the hands of the other two powerful men from the reincarnation era in the universe sea." Diko also shook his head and sneered.

The Lord of Chaos City smiled noncommittally: "If he dares to go to the Universe Sea often, he won't even have a decent top-level treasure. This Sirius knows that he is weak in strength and rarely goes to the Universe Sea. Even if he does, most of them will He teamed up with the Monster Clan and other Masters of the Universe from the Monster Clan Alliance to fight outside the three major Jedi. Naturally, it was difficult to gain much. Moreover, he had been practicing for a long time, and he was still average in strength among the Masters of the Universe, with real potential. It is limited, and it is not taken seriously by the two demon ancestors of the demon clan, so it is naturally more difficult to obtain some powerful treasures."

"However, if you seal him now, it is impossible to let him go. If you kill him, you will be breaking up with the demon clan. They will definitely find ways to target you in the future," the Chaos City Lord said, shaking his head. .

"Haha.. Breaking up? Ever since the Demon Clan asked the Demon God of Virtual Reality to deal with me, it was destined that it would be difficult for us to coexist. They can kill me, but I can't kill their Demon Clan, the Lord of the Universe?" Diko said. He smiled nonchalantly and said: "Aiming at me? As long as they can't kill me, all actions against me in the future will be just a test for me. I just hope that in the future, the Lord of the Universe sent by the demon clan to deal with me will have more A good treasure. Otherwise, it would be meaningless to kill them and receive so little."

"You guy..." The Lord of Chaos City was stunned when he heard this. He couldn't help laughing, and then nodded and said: "Okay, as long as you have the confidence and preparation."

"Teacher!" Luo Feng, who teleported to the side, first saluted the Lord of Chaos City respectfully, then looked at Diko and said with a grin, "Third brother, please make this trip."

"What's the trouble? With just one trip, you can suppress the Lord of the Universe of a monster clan, make the monster clan feel heartache, and get some treasures in an instant. Although there are no treasures of very good quality in the Lord of Sirius, It’s a small gain,” Diko shook his head and smiled, “Moreover, the real gain is the Lord of Sirius.”

Little gain? Luo Feng was speechless. The value of the Wolf Palace alone was unimaginable to Luo Feng. How could the net worth of a master of the universe be less? For Dico, this is only a small gain?

But thinking about the powerful power of the blue sea bottle used by Diko to suppress the Wolf Lord, Luo Feng also somewhat understood Diko's confidence. If he hadn't been able to obtain the most powerful treasures and pinnacle treasures like the Star Tower and the Tribulation Armor in the future, he might not have been able to help but be a little envious of Diko.

"Such a powerful treasure, I wonder if it was given to Diko by the human race or from Teacher Sishanke?" Just as Luo Feng was curiously guessing in his mind, the Lord of Chaos City changed his expression after hearing what Diko said next: " Diko, do you want to try to control the Lord of Sirius with your soul? I'm afraid it's not easy. Lord of Sirius is the Lord of the Universe after all. Although his will has not reached the level of the strongest, he should be at the ultimate level of the Lord of the Universe. Even if there is the suppression of a small universe, it is almost impossible for the soul to control it. Although the giant ax is the strongest in the universe, it is not good at souls after all."

"Then leave it to me, let me suppress it in the original space of the mountain and sea world, grind it slowly, and try it slowly. Even if you don't believe it now, when I become the strongest person in the universe in the future, there is still hope that I can Controlled by his soul," Dico said with a casual smile.

The Lord of Chaos City, who nodded in silence, said nothing more. After saying hello to the Venerable Zidou Kou and the Venerable Qing Dou Kou, he and Diko took Luo Feng back to the territory of the human race.

Through teleportation and teleportation from the Kingdom of God, in just a moment, the three of them arrived at the depths of the original secret realm among the many cosmic secret realms in the territory of the human race. The Thousand Treasure Clothes worn by the Lord of Chaos City also flew into the air and transformed instantly. The endless surging river surrounded the surrounding starry sky and enveloped the rolling palace complex. "What a river of thousands of treasures. Thousands of treasures complement each other. To have such power, the refining method must be very exquisite. City Lord, can I stay and ponder it?" Diko looked at the river. The boundless river can't help but admire and even ask.

"Of course! You are now learning weapon refining from Sitting Mountain Guest. If you can refine treasures at the level of Qianbaohe in the future, it will also be a blessing to mankind." The Lord of Chaos City nodded straightforwardly and said: "It's just that you Don’t you need to deal with the Lord of Heavenly Wolf first?”

"It's okay, let the Lord of the Mountains and Seas bring the Mountains and Seas Realm here. I will suppress the Lord who is trying to control the soul of the Heavenly Wolf, and at the same time think about the Qianbao River, without delay." Diko said with a smile, and then looked at Luo who was aside. Feng said: "By the way, Luo Feng, I just refined a high-grade treasure sword before, and I will give it to you later. It will be enough for you to become the Lord of the Universe."

"Advanced Arcana Sword? Are you already able to refine the Advanced Arcana?" The Lord of Chaos City looked at Diko in surprise, while Diko smiled casually and said, "You're just starting to learn, progress is always faster, even Mountain Guest The teacher also said that I have a good talent for learning weapon refining. But now I can only refine some heavy treasures and ordinary treasures. Refining high-level treasures is a bit difficult. As for refining top-level treasures and peak treasures, it is much more difficult."

"It is rare to be able to refine heavy treasures and ordinary treasures. The powerful immortals and cosmic lords of our human race mainly need heavy treasures and ordinary treasures! What's more, you can barely refine even high-level treasures. You know, even the master of the God of Craftsman, who is also very good at refining weapons, can only refine top-level palace-type treasures!" The Lord of Chaos City still couldn't help but marvel.

Di Ke said noncommittally: "The Lord of the God of Craftsman? I know him. Teacher Sishanke once taught him how to refine weapons, but his talent is limited. Teacher Sishanke never accepted him as a disciple, and he was not even a named disciple. Go up. In the future, it will only be a matter of time before my weapon refining level surpasses his."

"Oh? Sitting Mountain Guest once taught the Master of Craftsman God how to refine weapons. I have never heard of this." The Lord of Chaos City was surprised when he heard this: "It turns out that the master of Craftsman God can have such a high level of weapon refining. It’s related to the Mountain Guest! I just don’t know where the Mountain Guest learned the art of refining treasures. Could it be that he had some great opportunity in the Universe Sea?"

Hearing this, Di Ke and Luo Feng couldn't help but look at each other. In fact, Luo Feng knew very little about the mountain guest. Although Dico knew, he was not prepared to say anything more. What's more, even if you say it, no one would dare to believe it.

After safely returning to the primitive secret realm of the human territory, Diko no longer had to worry about the revenge of the demon clan. When another Blood Sea clone came with the Mountain and Sea Realm, he prepared a high-grade treasure armor for Luo Feng, a piece of After the ordinary domain treasures and the high-level treasure sword were handed over to him, Diko went to the original space of the mountain and sea world to deal with the Lord of the Wolf.

At the same time, a blood sea clone of Dike was also staying by the vast Qianbao River, and his divine power penetrated into the Qianbao River to investigate carefully. Without the Chaos City Lord's organization, it would be easy to study and figure it out.

(End of this chapter)

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