Chapter 535 Eighty Thousand Years

In the original space of the mountain and sea realm, under the original energy light group that exudes surging mysterious power, a blue jade bottle is suspended. The hazy original energy of the mountain and sea realm blocks it and suppresses it, and even penetrates into the jade bottle, absorbing the heaven in it. The Wolf Lord suppressed them firmly.

Inside the jade bottle, in the depths of the vast endless blue ocean, the dimly lit Sirius Palace is also penetrated by the original power of the mountain and sea realm. The Lord of Heavenly Wolf in it cannot resist at all. Under the isolation of the mountain and sea realm, it remains The incarnations of the demon clan's divine power were all destroyed by the isolation induction.

The current Lord of Sirius is hiding in the Sirius Palace, as if he is a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, with no power to resist at all. But it still held on to a glimmer of extravagant hope, hoping that the two demon ancestors of the demon clan could find a way to redeem it. It doesn't have the ability of innate clones, but it has finally cultivated to become the master of the universe, so it is not willing to kill itself by self-destruction.

In the sea water around the Sirius Palace, Diko's Blood Sea Clone looked at the Heavenly Wolf Palace with restrained power. With a thought, the invisible divine power mixed with a trace of the original energy of the Blood Sea Clone shot directly to the sky. The Wolf Palace quietly penetrated.

Buzz.. The Sirius Palace trembled slightly, and the Lord of Sirius was obviously resisting. However, with the assistance of the original power of the Blood Sea, Diko's divine power had a very good effect on the penetration of the Sirius Palace, and he began to continuously deprive Sirius. The Lord's control over the Heavenly Wolf Palace, even through the collision and consumption of the Lord of Heavenly Wolf's divine power, quietly penetrated the original power of the Blood Sea into his divine power...

In this way, time passed quietly, and hundreds of years passed in the blink of an eye. Diko, who deliberately slowed down the speed of refining the Sirius Palace, always kept a glimmer of hope for the Lord of Sirius, but still gradually gained the upper hand, and finally won the victory. Got the Tianlang Palace.

"Take it!" Diko's mind moved, and as the flames on the Heavenly Wolf Palace flickered, it began to vibrate. After the entire Heavenly Wolf Palace threw the Lord of Heavenly Wolf out, it quickly shrank and turned into a palm-sized palace model. It fell into the hands of Diko, and then was taken into the body by Diko's mind.

The Lord of Heavenly Wolf fell out of the Heavenly Wolf Hall in embarrassment. When he was about to struggle frantically, the surging flame energy that had just emerged from his body was extinguished by the surrounding blue sea water. At the same time, the terrifying power of restraint and suppression also made it difficult for him to struggle. move.

What frightened and shocked the Lord of Sirius even more was that it found that its divine power seemed a little difficult to control, and its whole body felt a little numb. Under the suppression of the blue sea water and the original energy of the mountain and sea realm that penetrated into the jade bottle, even if it wanted to It’s hard to blow yourself up.

The reason is naturally the result of the penetration of the original power of the Blood Sea over the past hundreds of years. Looking at the Lord of Sirius who was struggling feebly and with black armor emerging from his body, Diko's mind moved. The original energy of the Blood Sea in the body of the Blood Sea Branch continued to penetrate into the body of the Lord of Sirius as the void divine power continued. Go, at the same time, the constant impact of will and soul attacks make it increasingly difficult for the Lord of Sirius to resist.

Diko is trying to control the Lord of Sirius with his soul. Although it is difficult, but as time goes by, one day the Lord of Sirius will be unable to resist...

In the original secret realm, on the vast Qianbao River, Diko's blood sea clone followed the ups and downs of the mighty river. He was still slowly understanding the secret patterns of the treasures in the Qianbao River, and pondering the relationship between those secret patterns.

As for Diko’s other Blood Sea clone, he has already brought the Mountain and Sea Realm back to the Qianwu Universe Country, and is quietly hiding in the depths of a space mezzanine somewhere close to the Milky Way, quietly attracting some people in the universe through the Mountain and Sea Realm. Beneficial energy gathers, hoping to increase the birth rate of geniuses on the earth and even on a large number of life planets in the entire galaxy.

"Dico..." A clear shout came, and the special life clone of the Lord of Chaos City was seen walking through the void. Seeing Diko with his eyes open, he couldn't help but said: "Luo Feng has successfully given birth to the third child." The clone also realized the complete Golden Law, but when it tried to break through the shackles of the original nucleus, it was still hindered and failed to successfully break through and enter immortality."

"Drinking and pecking, there is no rush. He has only been practicing for a short time, so it would be a good thing for him to practice more if he is stuck in a bottleneck," Diko said calmly. "You are very patient. It seems that these years of fighting against the Lord of Sirius have also tempered you!" The Lord of Chaos City smiled after hearing this, and then said: "However, there is no need to be too demanding. Before , The Demon Ancestor once wanted to redeem the Heavenly Wolf Lord. But as soon as you opened your mouth, it was a treasure at the peak palace or domain level. Even the Demon Clan was reluctant to pay such a high price for the Heavenly Wolf Lord!"

"If you can't afford it, don't redeem it! In fact, I don't care that much about a treasure at the peak palace or domain level. Since the demon clan is unwilling to pay, then forget it," Diko said indifferently.

The Lord of Chaos City paused slightly when he heard this, shook his head and laughed, and then said: "By the way, you have been thinking about Qianbao River for so long, have you gained anything?"

"Not bad! I have a general understanding of the refining principles of treasures such as Qianbaohe. I can try to refine this kind of treasure in the future. I can't refine top-level domain treasures. I can refine a large number of heavy treasures or ordinary treasures to make them more powerful. There is still hope that they can complement each other and form a powerful top-level domain treasure. In fact, this is also a more sophisticated and complete set of treasures," Dico nodded slightly.

When the Lord of Chaos City heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up and he was a little surprised: "Great! If you can really refine this kind of treasure, maybe in the future our human race will be able to equip every lord of the universe with one at the minimum cost. This is a top-level treasure. In this way, the survivability of the human universe master in the cosmic sea can be greatly improved, and it can also have a greater advantage in the battle with the alien universe master in the original universe. "

"Actually, every lord of the universe does not need to be equipped with top-level domain treasures. Some good-quality high-level domain treasures, coupled with treasures that can control time and space, are completely comparable in power to top-level domain treasures. Top-level domain treasures. The power of a domain-type treasure coupled with a time-space-control treasure will greatly increase, and can even rival the peak domain-type treasure," Diko continued.

"You are actually able to refine such a special treasure? If this is true, then the peak domain treasure should be combined with the treasure that controls time and space." Upon hearing this, the Lord of Chaos City became even more surprised and excited.

"Teacher Sishanke gave me such a treasure. I have thought about it, and I can try to refine it, but it will take time," Di Ke said. "Moreover, it also requires a lot of materials to refine the treasure."

"Okay, great! Diko, don't worry about the materials, I'll prepare them for you," the Chaos City Lord said quickly before Diko could finish.

Diko would naturally not be polite. Then, in the peaceful life of asceticism, time passed very quickly. In the blink of an eye, 80,000 years had passed. Diko's blood sea clone had already finished studying the Qianbao River. Deep in the middle of the barren starry space in the Milky Way galaxy, which is closer to the earth, there is a slowly rotating mountain and sea world like a chaotic planet.

In the blue sea bottle in the original space of the mountain and sea world, in the depths of the endless blue water, the black Sirius was as motionless as a bug in amber. The black hair on his body was glowing with blood, and the top-level treasure armor that protected him had long been destroyed. Science Refining and Chemical was deprived.

The original power of the blood sea has continuously penetrated the Lord of Sirius for tens of thousands of years, which has made the Lord of Sirius' divine body controlled by Diko. The last and weak resistance of his soul will was also caused by Diko's weakened divine power. Gradually collapsed and disintegrated under the attack..

Buzz...Suddenly, the Lord of Sirius, who was shaking like a spirit, let out a dry roar, and his numb eyes regained their vitality. The look he looked at Diko no longer had the ferocious hatred in the past, but instead Full of reverence and obedience..

(End of this chapter)

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