Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 536 Mountains, Seas and Earth

Chapter 536 Mountains, Seas and Earth

"It has been more than 80,000 years, but I didn't expect it to be successful!" Feeling the obedience from the soul of the Lord of Sirius, Diko couldn't help but look excited with his eyes blazing as the virtual power had completely penetrated and controlled his divine body. He got excited: "Haha... it's really not easy to spend such a long time with each other!"

"Slave to the Lord of the Universe, the soul enslaves a Lord of the Universe. Very few of the strongest people in the entire original universe can do this, right? And it seems that I have never heard of the Lord of the Universe enslaving the Lord of the Universe before," Looking at the Lord of Sirius who became respectful and obedient, Dico couldn't hide his pride for a moment: "A living slave of the Lord of the Universe is much more valuable than killing it directly."

A moment later, when the blue jade bottle suspended under the original energy light group in the original space of the Shanhai Realm disappeared, and after Diko and the Lord of Sirius appeared, the Lord of the Mountains and Seas in gray robes also appeared suddenly and glanced at it. The Lord of Sirius followed respectfully behind Di Ke: "It took me so long, but I didn't expect that you really succeeded!"

"It's just a weak Lord of the Universe. It's of little use to me." Diko shook his head lightly and continued: "But after all, he is a Lord of the Universe. He can help reverse time and space, revive, and deal with some trivial matters. It’s still okay.”

"You guys are getting louder and louder! It seems that even though you have been practicing quietly for tens of thousands of years, your strength has improved a lot. You are really becoming more and more bold," the Lord of Mountains and Seas said with a smile. .

As he spoke, the Lord of Mountains and Seas waved his hand casually, and the space next to him was distorted, forming a whirlpool channel. Diko followed him and stepped into the whirlpool channel, arriving at the top of a mountain like Optimus Pillar outside.

On the edge of the cliff of the "Mountain and Sea Realm", Di Ke seemed to be standing on the nine heavens overlooking the endless world of mountains and seas below. Looking at some strange beasts and figures flying past in the distant sky, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "It's less than one hundred thousand." In the new year, the world of mountains and seas has become so lively again!”

"Yes! Thanks to you, using the mountains and seas realm to absorb the beneficial energy from the outside universe, even in the interlayer of space, the creatures in the mountains and seas have benefited greatly. The creatures born in these 80,000 to 90,000 years , There are indeed many people with good cultivation talents. Our mountain and sea lineage has more than ten immortals, and several immortals have broken through and become cosmic lords, and there are even more domain lords and world lords." The lord of mountains and seas is also satisfied. Face smiled.

"This is not my credit, but the Mountains and Seas lineage has a profound foundation and a lot of accumulation!" Diko shook his head and said with a smile: "And the mountains and seas are close to the earth, which has indeed made many people in the earth's lineage and even the entire galaxy. The living planets have all benefited. It has been nearly 100,000 years since the rise of the Earth lineage. The world masters have cultivated a large number of immortals, and finally have more than 20 immortals. Although most of them are ordinary immortals, there are also some immortals who are named princes and kings. Several.”

"Haha... It is very rare for the earth's lineage to give birth to more than 20 immortals in less than a hundred thousand years. In order to cultivate them, you also spent a lot of effort, right? How many of them are from your Di family? Huh?" The Lord of Mountains and Seas, who was smiling, asked with a hint of curiosity.

"More than one-third!" Dico said casually, "Actually, I didn't bother too much, but I let Vulcan worry. He stayed on the earth for tens of thousands of years."

"He is so dedicated, but you still can't accept his identity?" The Lord of Mountains and Seas couldn't help but ask, but Dike was noncommittal: "His identity? He is always just the Fire God Zhurong of the Shanhai lineage, even if he is from the Shanhai lineage Now he is closely related to my Earth lineage, but he will never become an Earthling."

"Hey, that's all, I'm too lazy to take care of your affairs." The Lord of the Mountains and Seas shook his head slightly, then glanced at the Lord of Sirius behind Di Ke who was as obedient as a pet dog and said, "Next, you What are your plans? Lord of Sirius, what are you planning to do, do you want to let Giant Ax and Chaos know about it?"

"There's no rush, just stay in the Mountain and Sea Realm for now. Anyway, the space interlayer where the Mountain and Sea Realm is located is very close to the earth, and this Lord of Sirius can be regarded as a secret hand that I left behind to protect the earth," Diko said.

"That's fine!" The Lord of Mountains and Seas nodded slightly, and suddenly a snow-white Sirius appeared out of thin air in front of him. Dike was stunned: "This is not what the Lord of Heavenly Wolf rescued from the ice prison of Lord Qingdou Kou. That Sirius? When did you become the Lord of the Universe?"

"Before, you were only focused on enslaving your soul to the Lord of the Heavenly Wolf. After taking control of the Heavenly Wolf Palace, you only easily enslaved the Heavenly Wolf and threw it to me. I saw that it was trapped in the ice prison of Lord Qingdou Kou. For a long time, it has reached the level of invincible king without being well trained by the demon clan. It has some potential, so I gave it a few pointers. Unexpectedly, it is quite capable and can understand the laws of space and become the sage of the universe. "Shan Hai The main way. "Becoming the Lord of the Universe is of some use. Just follow me back to Earth to guard the door this time." Looking at the respectful snowy white wolf, as Diko spoke, it had shrunk and changed into a wolf in the blink of an eye. He has a cute little white dog, and his aura is perfectly restrained. It is probably difficult for even ordinary immortal gods to see its true identity.

"You can imagine letting a Heavenly Wolf with the strength of a Universe Venerable serve as a watchdog," the Lord of Mountains and Seas was stunned upon seeing this, and then shook his head with a dumb smile.

Nearly one hundred thousand years have passed since the Earth, which has been transformed by Earthlings into the top living planet in the entire human domain. The air is fresh, the greenery is beautiful, and nature and technology have formed a perfect harmony.

Men and women wearing practice clothes or casual clothes are walking on the streets. At first glance, there are no cars or other means of transportation in the city. Today’s people on earth, because they have enough training resources and live on the earth, They are all elites of the earth's lineage, so as long as they reach adulthood, they can easily step into the planetary level, and they can fly and travel very quickly.

Moreover, the underground passages connecting cities on the earth are extremely fast, allowing people to easily reach any city on the earth, even some islands, and even the Antarctic and North Pole.

Today, the earth's population has already reached an extremely large level. The family population of Di Ke, Luo Feng and Hong alone is already frighteningly large.

Therefore, the people of the earth have long since left the earth, and now they are all over the Qianwu Universe Country, and even dispersed to other universe countries further away, making the influence of the entire earth lineage more and more powerful, and it can be said that it is the most influential among the entire human race. It is a very famous race. Even compared with the famous races among humans such as Manka Star and Mother Ancestor Star, their background is just a little worse. Their peak combat power is actually stronger because of the existence of Diko.

With sufficient resources to cultivate them, the probability of the birth of a powerful genius from the Earth's lineage is also very high. There are about a dozen immortal gods who usually live on the Earth.

However, those with the best talent, strength and potential are naturally Di Ke, Luo Feng, Hong, Di Xu, and Di Yan, who have all entered the core layer of the five major forces of the human race.

Except for Di Ke and Luo Feng, Hong, Di Xu and Di Yan were all granted the title of Immortal King after entering immortality. Even the God of Thunder was granted the title of Immortal God and worshiped a cosmic lord who was the Lord of Virtual Gold. His disciples are also well-known in the giant axe fighting arena and among the upper echelons of the entire human race.

Some other rising stars of the Earth's lineage of immortal gods, although there are also a few immortal lords, most of whom have joined the five major human forces, their potential is still far from being comparable to Diko and the others, and is not even as good as Di Xu, Di Yan and Lei Shen. .

But relatively speaking, in less than 100,000 years, the Earth lineage was able to cultivate several immortal princes. The probability of birth of geniuses and strong men is definitely far higher than that of other races within the human race.

It is precisely because of the potential of the people on earth that the masters of the universe of the five major forces of the human race attach so much importance to the earth and are unwilling to easily return the ownership of the earth to the people on earth, even if Dicko gets the ownership of the earth back. , they are also increasingly keen on arranging for people to immigrate to the earth at any cost.

(End of this chapter)

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