Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 537 Venerable Peifeng

Chapter 537 Venerable Peifeng

In the past 100,000 years, although the Earth lineage can be said to have produced numerous geniuses, Diko naturally looked down upon those so-called geniuses. He might give some advice to those who were more outstanding and temperamental, but he never accepted them. Disciple meaning.

Luo Feng and Hong Ye were almost devoted to hard work, and it was rarer than Dike to have some communication with those geniuses of the Earth lineage. On the contrary, the God of Thunder, who often stayed on Earth, as well as father and son Di Xu and Di Yan, successively accepted some geniuses from the Earth's lineage as disciples.

Today, more than half of the immortal gods of the Earth lineage are disciples of Thunder God, Di Xu and Di Yan. Seriously counting, most of the more than twenty immortal gods of the earth lineage belong to the Di family lineage. They are either descendants of the Di family or have a close relationship with the Di family.

After keeping a low profile for tens of thousands of years, Dicko finally succeeded in controlling the Lord of Sirius with his soul. The blood sea clone left on the earth was also in a good mood. It was rare that he summoned the immortal gods of the earth's lineage to gather in the virtual universe and give guidance. They practice...

"Huh?" Diko, who was explaining the laws and secrets in the temple of his own universe in the virtual universe, noticed some commotion among the immortal gods of the earth's lineage, such as Thor, who were listening carefully below. He couldn't help but frowned slightly, and then looked at Yi Liang's face showed joy: "Luo Feng has made a breakthrough? This kid, after being silent for so many years, has finally entered immortality."

Luo Feng became an immortal god, which not only surprised and excited the high-level officials of the Earth lineage and the immortal gods, but also caused a sensation in the entire human race.

Moreover, since Luo Feng immediately gained the treatment status of the Universe Lord after entering immortality, it also caused quite a controversy within the human race, especially among the Universe Lord group.

However, Luo Feng quickly responded to these arguments with practical actions. He and the Northern Xinjiang Alliance's special life, the barking mirror king, who was two thousand times more powerful than the ordinary universe master, had a life-and-death battle in the mysterious territory of the ancestors. With the ultimate level of secret techniques and the telekinesis weapon, the Supreme Treasure Star Sermon Picture, he was stunned to the point where he was so stunned that he killed the King of Mirrors, who had an ordinary treasure armor, and he blew himself up and fell.

But just after Luo Feng forced the Barking Mirror King to self-destruct, Venerable Peifeng, a cosmic overlord of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, also arrived, intending to take away the treasures and other relics left behind after the fall of the Barking Mirror King.

Luo Feng would not give it up easily, after all, these are his trophies! In particular, the ordinary treasured armor of the Barking Mirror King is much more precious than the ordinary attack treasures.

Seeing Luo Feng without hesitation taking away the space ring, treasure armor, blood-colored grappling sleeve, crystal ball and many other valuable treasures left behind by the King of Barking Mirrors after his self-destruction, Venerable Peifeng became angry immediately, and then directly used his soul on Luo Feng. means of attack.

A candidate god general of the Ancestral God Cult who is the overlord of the universe. Although he is not as powerful as a real god general and can rival the Lord of the Universe, the soul attack method used by Venerable Peifeng is also very terrifying. Luo Feng can easily After resisting, Venerable Peifeng guessed that Luo Feng possessed a soul-like treasure, and he became greedy, so he became more ruthless and ruthless.

Venerable Peifeng followed up with Black Wind, an equally powerful material attack method. Even though Luo Feng was protected by the high-grade treasure armor given by Di Ke, his divine power was still consumed very quickly.

"What? The loss of divine power is so small? Although the aura is weak, it quickly recovers. He carries a clone with him to replenish his divine power? And he also has a protective armor treasure? The defense is so strong, could it be a high-grade treasure armor?" Discovery His own material attacks were unable to do anything to Luo Feng for a while. Venerable Peifeng was surprised and at the same time, he couldn't help but feel more and more envious and jealous in his heart: "High-grade supreme armor! There are very few overlords in the universe who can possess high-grade supreme armor. Human race It would be too doting on the Daohe King."

"What should I do? After all, Venerable Peifeng is the overlord of the universe. It is too difficult to escape from him. Are we going to be forced to use domain treasures?" When the greed in Venerable Peifeng's heart became more intense, Facing Venerable Peifeng's merciless attack, Luo Feng, who hesitated a little, decisively used his other trump card, the Youhai clone that was as tall as nine thousand miles.

The divine power contained in the Nether Sea clone with a thousand times genetic level is huge. Such a large clone is enough to make many immortals and cosmic sages jealous, but it is nothing to Luo Feng who has the huge divine body of the Endless Nether Sea. "With the loss of a Nether Sea clone, Endless Nether Sea will be able to recover quickly. But if the domain treasure is exposed, the trouble will be even greater," Luo Feng thought to himself, after all, he has no treasure known to others. If it's less, if it's more, it will really attract people's attention.

Therefore, Luo Feng, who allowed the Youhai clone to withstand Venerable Peifeng's material attacks, then directly self-destructed the Youhai clone, catching Venerable Peifeng off guard, even though he was protected by ordinary treasure armor. , still losing two-tenths of his divine body.

Venerable Peifeng was shocked and angry, but he could no longer take action because Venerable Jiufeng, the overlord of the universe who had also received the complete inheritance of the divine generals from the human race and was a candidate for the divine generals and was stronger than him, arrived.

Just when Venerable Peifeng and Venerable Jiufeng were confronting each other, a sudden and terrifying pressure came. Diko, dressed in dark red armor and surrounded by flames, suddenly appeared. It was the blood sea clone that Diko left in the Ancestral God Cult. . And the armor on his body was the pinnacle armor that Diko got from the Demon God of Virtual Reality. It was so powerful that for a moment, the space that had just been in chaos because of the self-destruction of Diko's Nether Sea clone was stagnant.

"Third brother?" Luo Feng was a little surprised when he saw Di Ke. Lord Jiufeng, who was born in the werewolf clan, also quickly saluted respectfully and said: "I have met the palace master!"

"Lord of the Fire Temple?" Venerable Peifeng even exclaimed. His six eyes were widened. He looked at Diko in disbelief. Their conflict at this level made Venerable Jiufeng angry. It’s just a matter of coming here, but it actually alarmed a human race’s Lord of the Universe?

Although Dico is the new master of the universe of the human race, he has kept a low profile for the past 80,000 years, but his reputation is very loud in the original universe. After all, being able to suppress the Lord of Sirius, one can imagine how powerful he is. All races and forces in the original universe are convinced that Diko will definitely become a true pillar of the human race in the future, and he is even very likely to rival Chaos. City Lord.

"I didn't expect that someone would dare to kill a strong member of my human race in the Mysterious Ancestral Realm, and also a good brother of my fellow earthlings," Diko said coldly and looked at Venerable Peifeng with sharp eyes: "Pei Feng, don't you know that I am in the Ancestral God Cult? You still dare to kill Luo Feng. Are you provoking me? Do you want to die?"

"Master of the Fire Temple, I didn't mean to offend, but Luo Feng not only forced the King of the Barking Mirror to death in our Northern Xinjiang Alliance, but also snatched away the treasure left by the King of the Barking Mirror, so I..." Venerable Peifeng hurriedly tried to explain in fear. .

Before he could finish speaking, Diko said coldly and directly: "Leave the two treasures on your body and I will spare your life!"

"Master of the Fire Temple, we are all members of the Ancestral God Cult, you..." Venerable Peifeng glared, but Diko was too lazy to listen to his nonsense: "Since you are looking for death, then I will help you. "

With a cold shout, Diko turned his hands and the surging divine power swept through him instantly, turning into mysterious and complex secret patterns. It enveloped the Venerable Peifeng like a chain fishing net, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a huge secret pattern. pattern prison

(End of this chapter)

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