Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 538 The storm arises

Chapter 538 The storm arises

After the Chi Chi Secret Pattern Prison was formed, a series of powerful and violent red-gold flame sword lights suddenly condensed in it. It fell on Venerable Peifeng like rain hitting banana trees, causing the ordinary treasure armor on his body to tremble. , the divine power of the shattered divine body is quickly consumed...

"No." Feeling that the divine power in his body was rapidly decreasing like snow melted by boiling water, Venerable Peifeng suddenly became frightened: "Master of the Palace! Master of the Fire Palace! Spare my life, I am willing to keep the treasure on my body."

"It's too late!" Diko said coldly, his deep and spiritual eyes fell on Venerable Peifeng, and the terrifying power of will suddenly swept towards him like a tide. At the same time, the invisible power of virtualization also directly invaded Peifeng. In the body of the Wind Master.

"Rao" Venerable Peifeng, who still wanted to shout for help, fell into a trance for an instant, with a look of struggle behind him, but then, his expression became a little confused and confused. As the divine power in his body was rapidly consumed, His breath became weaker and weaker, and the confused and confused expression on his face slowly became dull and calm.

At the same time, Di Ke, who seemed to be feeling something, also raised his eyebrows and waved his hand. As the huge secret pattern cage dissipated, Venerable Peifeng, whose aura was weak and still had at least 20 to 30% of his divine power, was already respectful and submissive. He saluted Dico and shouted: "Master!"

Owner? Not far away, Luo Feng and Venerable Jiufeng were surprised when they saw this scene and heard Venerable Peifeng calling Di Ke. You must know that Venerable Peifeng is the overlord of the universe, has a complete divine general inheritance, and is also good at the soul. Facing Diko, he turned into a soul slave without any resistance. It is really incredible.

After all, most of the Universe Lords have strong wills. Even some universe masters who are good at soul methods are not easy to control ordinary Universe Lords, let alone controlling a Universe Overlord with their souls!

"If it weren't for the help of the ultimate soul-like treasure Illusion World Pearl obtained from the Demon God of Xu Zhen, even if my will is stronger now, my soul methods are not inferior to some universe masters who are good at souls, but I want to enslave a universe so easily Overlord, I'm afraid it's impossible," Diko thought to himself as he looked at Venerable Peifeng.

Even if it is used to deal with the master of the universe, the illusion-like auxiliary means of the peak soul treasure is enough to make many masters of the universe fearful. How can Venerable Peifeng, who has lost his divine power, be able to resist it?

"Okay, you go back!" He said to Luo Feng and Lord Jiufeng, and with a wave of his hand, he put Lord Peifeng into the world ring he carried with him. Diko teleported away directly with a thought. Go back to your residence in the Ancestral God Cult.

After Diko left, Luo Feng and Venerable Jiufeng looked at each other, still unable to bear the shock in their hearts. Venerable Jiufeng couldn't help but admired with burning eyes: "Master of the Fire Temple, It’s really amazing! No wonder he was able to become the Lord of the Universe in ten thousand years, and he was able to suppress the Demon Clan’s Heavenly Wolf Lord not long after becoming the Lord of the Universe. Now that tens of thousands of years have passed, the strength and means of the Lord of the Fire God Palace have really become more and more powerful. It’s unfathomable!”

"What level has Third Brother's strength reached?" Luo Feng, who didn't say much, felt a little complicated at this time. He originally thought that after entering immortality, his strength would be comparable to that of the Lord of the Universe, but thinking about Diko's strength and methods, he couldn't help but be a little bit shocked!

The battle between Luo Feng and the Barking Mirror King not only shocked the inheritors of the beast gods of all races in the ancestral mystical realm, but also shocked the upper echelons of the human race, leaving the cosmic sages who were previously dissatisfied with Luo Feng speechless. shocked.

On the contrary, it was Diko who took action and his soul controlled Venerable Peifeng of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance. Only the three ancestral gods of the Ancestral God Sect, the guardian beast gods who stayed in the ancestral mystical realm, and the Lord of Nine Nethers and other guardian gods were aware of it. , secretly lamenting that while Diko was really protecting his shortcomings, he did not spread the news casually, so that the Northern Xinjiang Alliance only found out that Venerable Peifeng had become the slave of Diko's soul a long time later.

Luo Feng, who had proven himself with his achievements, not only successfully got the opportunity to be seated at the highest meeting of mankind, but his outstanding performance also attracted the attention of the Thunder Beast God, one of the Eight Directions Beast Gods of the Ancestral God Sect, and even showed up in person to give Luo Feng a gift. Feng is a top-notch gold thread aurora mirror in the field.

The top-level treasures in the field are rarer and rarer than ordinary treasures. They are enough to make many cosmic sages covet them. Moreover, they are made of metal and are very consistent with the laws Luo Feng has understood.

However, the news that Luo Feng had several treasures in his possession, as King Barking Mirror was soon resurrected by the Lord of the Universe of the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, suddenly pushed Luo Feng to the forefront. Most of the universe overlords do not have soul-type treasures, even the most common soul-type treasures. This is an extremely life-saving treasure, which naturally makes those universe overlords covetous.

Moreover, the King of Barking Mirror also fabricated that Luo Feng had a flying palace-like treasure. It is conceivable that once the news spreads, once Luo Feng leaves the territory of the human race and has several treasures on his body, he will definitely become a target of the powerful aliens. Those alien space overlords would probably come to kill Luo Feng to seize the treasure.

In short, with the rise of Luo Feng, there has been a lot of commotion about him. Even the Lords of the Universe at the highest level of the human race have heard about it and started discussing it before the start of the Supreme Meeting.

"Chaos," even the founder of the giant ax couldn't help but look at the Chaos City Lord sitting on the golden throne on his left and said with a smile: "Your partiality towards Luo Feng seems to have made many universe lords dissatisfied!"

"It's not surprising that they are dissatisfied. The soul-like treasure Chaos, your disciple is unified, which is also the strength of the overlord of the universe. He has been following you all year round, and it seems that he does not have the soul-like treasure. He didn't get it. Luo Feng was just the world leader at the beginning. But I got it, I'm afraid the Lord Guiyi will be a little unhappy, right?" said the Lord Qingdong of the First Bank of the Universe.

"What a dissatisfaction!" A cold and domineering voice that seemed to penetrate people's souls sounded: "Giving them treasures is a kindness! Not giving them treasures is a matter of course! Want the treasure? They have to fight for it themselves! Humph, Whoever Chaos bestows upon the soul-like treasure is Chaos himself. No one has the right to say more about who it should be given to."

"In my opinion, we should kill him as a warning to others. The one who dances the most cheerfully should be imprisoned directly in the prison of the original universe." The Lord of Huangjian looked very domineering, and Diko secretly smacked his tongue.

The bald, chubby and bearded Lord Peng Gong shook his head and said: "This is too much. We can't let the venerables below discuss it, right? They didn't rob or kill, so they won't be imprisoned in the venerable prison."

"Everyone," the Chaos City Lord on the golden throne said with a smile: "Although I dote on this disciple, everyone knows what I do, and I will never give him a soul-like treasure at the World Lord level in Luo Feng. Among the treasures he had when he was a Realm Lord, only the Wu-Killing Wings were given to him by me. As for the others, I only knew that Diko gave him a few, but I didn’t expect that Diko would directly give him soul-type treasures.”

Upon hearing the words of the Chaos City Lord, the other universe masters, including the founder of the giant ax, subconsciously turned their heads to look at Dico.

Di Ke, who was stunned when he saw this, also shook his head and laughed: "I have given Luo Feng several treasures, but they were only a high treasure armor, an ordinary domain treasure and a high treasure sword. But he was never given any soul treasure."

(End of this chapter)

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