Chapter 539 Original Star

Diko's words surprised all the universe masters, and at the same time, their expressions became increasingly weird. Just a high-level treasure armor, a common domain-type treasure and a high-level treasure sword?

"Dico, I know you are not short of treasures," even the founder of the giant ax couldn't help but said: "But it is rare for even some universe overlords to have one of the high treasure armors, common domain treasures and high treasure swords. , are almost the most precious treasures among them. But you gave Luo Feng three of them at once. It seems that you are the one who dotes on Luo Feng the most."

"Luo Feng is the strongest person in my lineage of people on earth besides me, and has the highest talent potential. Naturally, I have to protect him so that he can have more confidence to deal with any danger, so that he can grow up faster. Diko smiled lightly and said casually: "It is rare for our human race to give birth to such a monstrous genius. There is every hope that he will be able to sit with me in the future. Isn't it worth cultivating?"

"Haha...Diko is right. How can we cultivate truly strong men without giving up resources and treasures?" When all the masters of the universe were speechless, the master of Huangjian laughed loudly. .

Upon hearing his words, the Lord of Qingdong couldn't help but joked: "Huang Jian, what kind of treasures did you give Diko before in order to train him?"

The Lord of Huangjian was choked up when he heard this, and the other Lords of the Universe couldn't help laughing when they saw his embarrassed look.

"Haha... I'm afraid Huang Jian not only has no chance to prepare any treasures for Diko, but also has very few opportunities to teach him, right?" Lord Peng Gong also stroked his beard and smiled.

"Since neither Chaos nor Diko gave Luo Feng the soul-like treasure, how did he get the soul-like treasure?" The Master of Youhou from the Virtual Universe Company couldn't help but asked curiously.

The Lord of Chaos City said: "It seems that since my disciple was able to obtain the soul-like treasure, he also had some good fortune and was quite lucky."

"The treasure he got by himself?" Everyone was surprised when they heard it. They must know that this treasure is not something else, especially a precious and special treasure such as the soul treasure. It is not something that the magic of chance can just imagine. Almost all of them are in the world. In the hands of some super beings, even if they are deliberately kept, they are reserved for future generations. How can they be allowed to be obtained by unrelated people at will?

The masters of the human race and universe, who guessed that there must be a super strong man behind Luo Feng, laughed and didn't care. After all, Luo Feng is a human being first, and secondly he has something to do with the being who left the treasure. This makes the human masters of the universe feel like the human race is taking advantage.

Next, the Supreme Meeting officially began, chaired by the Lord of Chaos City. This highest meeting of the human race was mainly because the original star was about to open.

This primitive star is the core of the vast universe, and is the battleground for hundreds of millions of people. There are a total of 10081 primitive stars, all surrounding the origin of the original universe. It can be called the closest place to the origin of the universe in the entire universe.

Countless treasures are bred on the 10081 primitive stars. You can get some valuable treasures by walking and flying among them. The birth of some top-level treasures, set treasures and ultimate treasures will cause a lot of noise, which will naturally attract people to explore the primitive stars. The strong men from all races in the universe are fighting and robbing each other.

For the sake of powerful treasures, not to mention the Lord of the Universe, even the Lord of the Universe has fallen. The weak Master of the Universe simply did not dare to venture into the Primordial Star. At least one must have the strength of a high-ranking lord of the universe to be qualified to venture on the primitive star.

Therefore, on the original star, the high-ranking sages of the universe are at the bottom of the list, and they are also the easiest to fall. After all, many of them don't even have treasures, so how can they fight against some universe overlords? But in order to obtain important treasures and treasures, they will choose to take risks even if they know it is dangerous. As long as one obtains an ordinary treasure, its value will probably far exceed the entire net worth of many high-ranking persons in the universe. If you are lucky enough to get a powerful treasure if you put it all together, it will be a great success for the high-ranking master of the universe.

As for the cosmic overlords and masters of the universe, no one would disdain that they have too many valuables and treasures. A large number of heavy treasures can also be exchanged for treasures. If you collect a sufficient number of ordinary treasures and high-level treasures, you can also exchange them for top treasures or even peak treasures!

Therefore, the primitive star that is opened every long time is like a grand gathering of the top powers of the primitive universe. The primitive star has been open for tens of millions of years. For the treasure, the super-powerful people of billions of races in the universe will go through countless battles. A large number of universe lords have fallen, and even a very small number of universe masters have fallen.

You must know that every time the original star is opened, there will be top-level treasures and even peak treasures. Although the number is small, it is enough for the masters of the universe to fight desperately, and even occasionally the strongest people in the universe will intervene. Although the Lord of the Universe is powerful, he may still fall.

"The Primordial Star... has been silent for so long. It's rare to encounter such interesting things. I finally have the opportunity to go out and relax and have some adventures." Reading the information about the Primordial Star, Dico couldn't help but his eyes sparkled. I was looking forward to it, and at the same time I thought to myself: "I don't know if any of the universe masters from all the forces who also went to the primitive star can force me to show my true strength?"

"After going to the primitive star to fight for a while and fighting with the masters of the universe from other ethnic groups in the primitive universe, it's time to go to the cosmic sea. Compared to the cosmic sea, this primitive star poses too little threat to the master of the universe. "Although there are many treasures born on the primitive star, most of them are just heavy treasures and ordinary treasures. The truly top and most powerful treasures have more opportunities to explore and take risks in the cosmic sea," Dico already had a plan in mind.

In fact, ordinary heavy treasures and treasures are not of much use to Diko, but if you get more of them, the materials of those heavy treasures and treasures are still relatively precious. If you don't need them, they can be separated and used to refine some high-level treasures and even top-level treasures. The most precious.

The masters of the universe go to the primitive star not just for the top treasures and the pinnacle treasures. After all, treasures of that level rarely appear every time the primitive star is opened, and they can be encountered but not sought.

It is normal for the masters of the universe to fight for an ordinary treasure or a high-level treasure. Even if it is an ordinary treasure, the masters of the universe will still pick it up when they encounter it. After all, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. Especially for some universe masters who are responsible for the ethnic group, even if they cannot use the important treasures or treasures, they can still give them to the ethnic group, descendants or disciples.

Not only Dike was moved, but also Luo Feng was thinking about going to the Primordial Star. However, Luo Feng also has self-awareness and understands that he is not as powerful as a middle-level venerable in the universe, and his strength is still a bit weak when he goes to the primitive star.

Therefore, in order to improve his life-saving ability and strength confidence on the primitive star, after rejecting some cosmic sages who came to borrow the treasure, Luo Feng quietly left the territory of the human race and went to the nest of the Yan God Clan to find the second Senior Brother Yandi went to ask for his own pinnacle armor, Jie Jia.

But how could Emperor Yan be willing to hand over a treasure like Jie Jia to Luo Feng so easily? He didn't dare to openly disobey the mountain guest's orders. When he found out that Luo Feng was coming, he took the initiative to spread the news, attracting several cosmic overlords in the universe who coveted Luo Feng's treasure to intercept and kill Luo Feng, hoping that Luo Feng could retreat despite the difficulties. .

Far away from the territory of the human race, Emperor Yan has used means to seal off the vast space around the Mysterious Yan Realm, so Luo Feng can only take a spaceship and travel slowly.

After the news spread, three alien universe overlords with great reputations in the original universe appeared one after another, including the Evil Wing Cult Leader of the Monster Clan, the Mud Frog Wise Man from the Nine Realm Alliance Mud Frog Clan, and the Master Masha who possesses domain treasures. To kill Luo Feng and get the treasure from him

(End of this chapter)

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