Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 540 The Price of Greed

Chapter 540 The Price of Greed

The three alien cosmic overlords are all much more powerful than the Nightmare Candle King's father, Venerable Eclipse Fire. Among them, Venerable Masha even possesses a domain-like treasure, 'Ninety Million Sand River Domain'. In Venerable Masha's Under control, it can completely annihilate the weaker Universe Master.

Under the control of Lord Masha, each of the endless grains of sand exudes a little light. Countless sand grains gather together, and their power is continuously superimposed, forming a huge vortex of sand grains, sweeping towards Luo Feng.

However, after Luo Feng's true self was annihilated and disappeared in the whirlpool of sand, not a single treasure was left. The demon-killing clone of Luo Feng who reappeared immediately afterward was already tens of thousands of kilometers away, and was still flashing. , as if teleporting, in the blink of an eye, he was hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, and it was the "domain" of the secret talent that the Demon Killer Clan's clone accidentally obtained.

Relying on this special innate secret method, Luo Feng quickly escaped from the scope of Venerable Masha's domain treasure, which also made Venerable Masha angry and powerless. After all, he had the best chance of obtaining Luo Feng with the help of domain treasure. The most precious thing on his body, now that the cooked duck has flown away, one can imagine his mood.

Just when the mud frog wise man began to ridicule Venerable Masha, and the evil wing leader of the demon tribe also laughed in agreement, invisible fluctuations suddenly spread, and the surrounding space and time was instantly controlled, which also caused Venerable Masha and three other people to The overlord of the universe was shocked: "Lord of the universe? Emperor Yan? Or..."

The next moment, a large number of light spots suddenly appeared in the dark void, like a sky full of stars. They looked extremely beautiful, but Venerable Ma Sha, the Evil Wing Cult Leader and the Mud Frog Wise Man were shocked and became cold in their hearts: " Domain treasure? What a terrifying power, could it be a top domain treasure?"

When Master Masha and the others were panicking, a majestic figure suddenly appeared in the starry sky, wearing a gray-black simple armor. It was none other than Dike's Blood Sea, who was tens of thousands of miles tall.

"Lord of the Fire Temple?" As the overlords of the universe, Venerable Masha and the others naturally knew the information about the Lords of the Universe in the original universe. From the appearance of Diko and Luo Feng, who were both Earthlings, they immediately guessed who Diko was. Identity, for a moment I became more and more frightened.

They were just about to take action against Luo Feng when Dico came. The reason was self-evident. Not only them, but also Luo Feng who had fled far away stopped, turned around and looked here with some surprise. .

"Go and do your business first! Leave them to me," Dike said to Luo Feng's voice transmission, then turned to look at Venerable Ma Sha, the Evil Wing Cult Master and the Mud Frog Wise Man with cold eyes. The voice resounded through the void: "Keep the treasures on you, and I can spare your lives."

"The Lord of the Fire Temple, the majestic Lord of the Universe, bullies the small and interferes in the fight between the Lords of the Universe. Isn't it too much?" The evil wing leader of the demon clan couldn't help but said angrily.

"Bullying the small with the big? When you come to kill Luo Feng, don't you think you are bullying the small with the big?" Diko sneered, but he was too lazy to argue with the evil wing leader. He shook his head slightly, and suddenly the sky was filled with stars. , shrouding the Evil Wing Cult Leader like a laser beam.

Under the starlight attack of the top domain treasure that Diko extorted from the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe, even though the evil wing leader was protected by an ordinary treasure armor and his divine body was very large, he was still quickly annihilated by his divine power. He died in the blink of an eye, leaving only the treasure armor, world ring, etc. behind, which were taken away by the starlight.

"You talk about bullying the small, it's just the jungle of the jungle," Diko said with a sneer, then looked at the Venerable Masa and the Mud Frog Wise Man and said, "Do you want me to do it too?"

"That's right! Among all the tribes in the universe, the law of the jungle is the law of the jungle." The mud frog wise man smiled bitterly at himself, and wisely chose to throw out the black scepter in his hand. At the same time, a dark green armor appeared on his body, and The black scepter flew towards Dicko. The Mud Frog Wise Man is different from the Evil Wing Cult Leader. He is the leader of the Mud Frog Clan of the Nine Realms Alliance. Once he falls, and there is no strongest person in the universe to resurrect him from the Nine Realms Alliance, he has truly fallen. Without his protection, the status of the Mud Frog Clan will plummet, and they may even be in danger of annihilation. So with his wisdom, no matter how unwilling and bitter his heart was, he still made the wisest choice.

The mud frog wise man was wise, but Dico did not show any mercy. He directly took away his two treasures with a wave of his hand, and at the same time moved them out of the scope of the starry world with a thought. After all, when the mud frog wise man chooses to deal with Luo Feng, he will not show mercy. If Dico didn't show any signs, others might really think that the people on earth are easy to bully!

"Since you are greedy and have taken action, you should be mentally prepared to pay the price." Looking at Venerable Masha who was still hesitating in the end, Diko spoke coldly and was about to take action. Venerable Masha finally couldn't hold on anymore: "Wait a minute, I'll hand it over"

At this moment, endless black flames suddenly spread out from the depths of Yan Mysterious Realm, like a black sea of ​​fire, causing the stars in the dark void to tremble and shrink.

"Huh?" Diko, who frowned slightly and turned to look, couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly: "Emperor Yan? I haven't gone to find him yet, but he can't calm down yet."

"Dico, the majestic Lord of the Universe, is it too disrespectful to humiliate a cosmic overlord like this?" The domineering voice swept along with the surging black flames, making Venerable Masha turn his head with bright eyes. Go: "Emperor Yan?"

"Emperor Yan, I am willing to spare their lives, which is considered a mercy," Diko said calmly, but with a thought, he directly controlled the dazzling starlight to kill Lord Masha.

Venerable Masha, who was reluctant to part with the domain-related treasure, saw Emperor Yan suddenly appear. He thought that a savior had come, and did not immediately hand over the domain-related treasure. In the end, he still sought death.

Ah... amid the painful screams, Venerable Masha's divine body was quickly annihilated in the dazzling starlight. Only the hourglass-like domain treasures, treasure armor, world rings and other things were left behind.

Emperor Yan, who had already appeared, was also tens of thousands of kilometers tall, had dense black scales on his body, and a black horn on his forehead. When he saw this scene, his face suddenly darkened and he said: "Dico, since you have worshiped Teacher Sishanke as your teacher." Master, when you see me, shouldn’t you call me Second Senior Brother?”

"If senior brother still cares about the friendship of the same sect, he will not sit back and watch the three of them deal with Luo Feng, nor will he deliberately embarrass Luo Feng," Dike shook his head slightly.

"It seems that you came here specifically to ask me for punishment!" Emperor Yan's face became even more ugly when he heard this: "Why, do you think that by stepping into the realm of the Lord of the Universe, you will not take me, the second senior brother, in your eyes?" ?Diko, no matter how evil you are, it will only take you tens of thousands of years to become the Lord of the Universe. I am not a senior brother, let alone the stupid wolf of the demon clan. In front of me, you should restrain your temper. .”

"Oh? It seems that the second senior brother is really confident, and he doesn't take me as a junior brother in his eyes. Why, with this attitude of the second senior brother, does he want to teach me a lesson on behalf of the teacher?" Di Ke smiled half-heartedly. Looking at Emperor Yan.

"Presumptuous!" Faced with Di Ke's active provocation, Emperor Yan immediately shouted angrily, with flames spurting out from his nostrils. He turned his hand violently and took out a simple black halberd: "You are so arrogant. , Today, as my senior brother, I will ask you to sober up."

 happy New Year!



(End of this chapter)

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