Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 541 Battle with Emperor Yan

Chapter 541 Battle with Emperor Yan

Looking at the Yan Divine Halberd in Emperor Yan's hand, Di Ke couldn't help but narrowed his eyes: "Is this the Yan Divine Halberd specially refined for him by Master Zuo Shanke?"

"Take my halberd first!" Emperor Yan shouted loudly, and waved the Divine Yan Halberd in his hand. Under the instant violent divine power, the Divine Yan Halberd burst out with terrible power, and the space where it passed was It shattered and collapsed, and the surrounding space directly turned into a flow of particles.

Keng... Dico suddenly appeared with a dark golden sword next to him. He unsheathed the sword and slashed it out. At the same time, the dazzling red-gold light on the rapidly enlarged blade lit up, and the sharp and violent sword Guang met the Yan Shen Ji, and with a sharp sound of gold and iron clashing, Diko, who was slightly shaken, only took half a step back to stabilize his figure.

On the contrary, Emperor Yan was caught off guard and took three steps back before stopping. Then he looked at the dark golden sword in Dike's hand with a gloomy expression: "Jin Yuan? I didn't expect that Xu. The pinnacle sword that the Lord of Gold once obtained in the Cosmic Sea actually fell into your hands. It seems that the human race is really good to you."

"Emperor Yan, they say you are so powerful, but now it seems you are nothing more than that," Diko shook his head slightly and sneered in disappointment, which immediately made Emperor Yan furious: "Boy, since you want to die, then I will Fulfill you!"

Before he finished speaking, Emperor Yan waved the Yan Divine Halberd again. In an instant, violent burning power was poured into the Yan Divine Halberd, crushing the surrounding space and forming a vortex of black flames. Then it quickly shrank, and the terrifying power gathered. When he reached the Yan Shen Ji, all the surrounding top-level treasure fields collapsed and retreated. It also made Diko frown: "What a powerful secret method. Is it the strongest secret method at the level of the Lord of the Universe?"

"Yan Jin!" In the deep and angry voice that contained murderous intent, the Yan Divine Halberd, which was as violent and terrifying as the sun, penetrated the space directly and came to Diko, as if it contained the power of destroying the world.

"The origin is coming!" Diko, whose expression became slightly solemn, suddenly displayed his strongest innate secret method with a thought, causing a surging large amount of the universe's origin energy to descend. Under his deliberate guidance, it turned into gold and red. The torrent of metallic and fire-attribute energy converged on the ultimate treasure sword in Dico's hand. In the blink of an eye, a red-gold energy light ball appeared on the tip of the sword. It expanded rapidly and became larger, as if it had turned into a miniature universe. Like this, then a red-gold sword light with restrained power shot out from it and collided with the Yan Shen Ji in Emperor Yan's hand.

In an instant, an earth-shaking violent and terrifying energy storm swept away, and the incomparable condensed red-gold sword light and the Yan Shen Ji could be seen passing by, split in two, but still fell on Emperor Yan.

Buzz... Emperor Yan with transparent armor appeared on his body, his body was trembling like a trembling body, and his breath was slowly weakening at a perceptible speed.

At the moment when Emperor Yan's figure was thrown backwards uncontrollably, Diko was shocked and took two steps back to stabilize his figure, but he still stood in the void and withstood the impact of the violent energy storm. Even the breath barely changed at all, as if no divine power had been consumed in the terrifying collision just now.

"The most powerful secret method of the Lord of the Universe? Impossible!" Emperor Yan, who steadied his figure in embarrassment, roared with some fright and anger, stared at Diko, the corners of his eyes seemed to be torn apart, and the anger in his eyes seemed to turn into It was like a real flame, but also had a hint of disbelief and jealousy.

Emperor Yan's growth path was too smooth. When he was in the human race, he was extremely dazzling and almost never failed. During the growth process, there was no talented person at the same level who could compete with him, so he developed a self-centered, self-centered and powerful person. With his arrogant character, Emperor Yan's arrogance can be imagined.

However, Dicko has stepped into the realm of the Lord of the Universe within ten thousand years, and is definitely more evil than him. After becoming the Lord of the Universe for only tens of thousands of years, he actually understood the most powerful secret method of the Lord of the Universe and reached the peak level of the Lord of the Universe in one fell swoop. This was undoubtedly even more incredible, and it also greatly stimulated Emperor Yan.

"Impossible? Emperor Yan, you can understand the most powerful secret method of the Lord of the Universe, why can't I?" Seeing Emperor Yan's gaffe, Diko sneered, and then said: "How about it, now Are you awake?" "Dico..." Emperor Yan said with an ugly face, almost gnashing his teeth, and then roared and struck again: "I don't believe it!"

"Yan Jin!" Emperor Yan once again used the most powerful secret method of the Lord of the Universe that he had realized, and the Yan Divine Halberd in his hand swept toward Diko with terrifying power.

"Broken!" Dicko, who did not use the sword again, instead sheathed it with a thought, stepped forward with a low cry, and punched out. The gray-black armor on his body extended into a gray and inconspicuous glove. , the surging power caused the surrounding space to ripple like water. At the same time, it seemed as if a large amount of chaotic energy came, and the surrounding void turned into a gray world...

Rumble... With Dico's punch, it was as if a miniature universe was slowly pushed to meet Emperor Yan's Divine Halberd. The restrained power exploded in an instant, which was even more terrifying than the sword just now. The shocked Emperor Yan flew away almost instantly: "It's another the most powerful secret method of the Lord of the Universe, and it's even more powerful. How is it possible?"

"Emperor Yan, if you only have so few means, then I advise you not to humiliate yourself." Dike shook his head and retracted his hand. Feeling that Emperor Yan's body was obviously much weaker, he couldn't help but said: "Jie Armor is indeed the pinnacle of the most precious armor that Master Zuoshanke personally refined. It is really powerful. Without the armor to protect you, it would not be that easy for you to withstand my punch."

"If I can activate all the power of the robbery armor, how can you hurt me?" After steadfastly stabilizing his figure, Emperor Yan finally sobered up and calmed down. His face was still a bit ugly and he said unwillingly: "The armor on your body is , it should be the pinnacle treasure, right? But even the pinnacle treasure armor cannot make your divine power intact. It seems that your divine body is very strong, but Teacher Sishanke is really biased and helps you."

"Haha... I'm obviously useless, but I blame Teacher Sishanke for helping me. Emperor Yan, if you never really wake up, I'm afraid you will never become the strongest person in the universe," Di Ke sneered disdainfully.

After saying that, Diko, who was too lazy to chat with Emperor Yan, teleported away and left as soon as his mind moved. At the same time, a sneer echoed in the void around Emperor Yan: "Haha... you relied on Jie Jia to fight with you today. I fight hard, and without Jie Jia, you are no longer my opponent."

"Asshole! Diko, when I break through and become the strongest person in the universe, I will make you regret it!" After hearing this, Emperor Yan's face became even more ugly, his eyes were about to spit fire, and the surrounding space was filled with violent and terrifying chaos. He trembled under the fluctuation of breath.

However, Emperor Yan also knew very well how difficult it was to become the strongest person in the universe. He has not yet reached the top level of a true Lord of the Universe like the Lord of Chaos City, and he is even further out of reach of the realm of the strongest person in the universe!

Thinking of this, Emperor Yan suddenly became even more angry and unwilling: "Teacher Zuoshanke, you are so partial to Dike and Luo Feng, and to the Earthlings, you will definitely regret it in the future. I will let you know that I am the one who Your most outstanding disciple, I will definitely become the strongest in the universe, even surpass you!"

On the other side, after leaving the mysterious realm of Yan and teleporting back to the temple on the edge of the solar system through the Kingdom of God, Diko couldn't help but said: "I guess Emperor Yan is so angry now that he has nowhere to vent his anger. Luo Feng still has to go get the robbery armor. There is no doubt that It's adding fuel to the fire! But with Teacher Sishanke here, I think Emperor Yan can only embarrass Luo Feng, but he doesn't dare to take the Jie Jia as his own."

In fact, Di Ke was not prepared to help Luo Feng ask for the robbery armor from Emperor Yan at the beginning, because he knew Emperor Yan's temper very well. Even if he went to ask for it for Luo Feng, Emperor Yan would not give him face. On the contrary, he would Emperor Yan was angered.

And the reason why Di Ke showed up to take action was just to establish his authority, to let those powerful foreigners know that Luo Feng and the Earthlings were not easy to mess with, and by the way, he could justifiably get a few treasures, so why not?

(End of this chapter)

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