Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 542 The Original Star Opens

Chapter 542 The Original Star Opens

Di Ke had just returned when Luo Feng contacted him in the virtual universe. As soon as they met, he said excitedly: "Third brother, you are so amazing! I didn't expect that you have just become the master of the universe for tens of thousands of years. You can defeat Emperor Yan. Now, even if your strength is not as good as my teacher, Lord of Chaos City, I am afraid you can match Teacher Qi, Master of Huangjian, right?"

"I have practiced for ten thousand years and become the Lord of the Universe, and I have been practicing low-key and hard for tens of thousands of years. Is it any wonder that I have become the Lord of the Universe at the peak level? Emperor Yan is just an arrogant man, but he is actually a frog in the well. You can't see how big the sky is. He claims to be a peerless genius, but after practicing for a long time, his strength is just that. In my human race alone, there are several masters of the universe who can defeat him," Diko shook his head. Don't care about Tao.

"However, I made him angry this time. I'm afraid it will be even more difficult for you to get the robbery armor next time." Then Diko joked and said with a smile: "But with Teacher Sishanke watching, he won't do it either." I dare not give it to you. Luo Feng, you have also seen that I just went to Yan Mysterious Realm, and before I provoked him, he came to trouble me first. Now, even if I want to help you to trouble It’s impossible to rob armor.”

Luo Feng, who smiled bitterly after hearing this, shrugged and said calmly: "It's okay. At worst, I will spend more time slowly rushing to the Yan God Clan. Anyway, there is still some time before the original star is opened. After I get the Tribulation Armor, I will go to the original star again. It’s not too late to venture out. Otherwise, with my current strength, it would be too dangerous to venture into the primitive star. Although I want to take risks, I don’t want to be easily ravaged by others.”

"It's good that you think so," Diko nodded and smiled, and then said: "Go to see Emperor Yan first. I believe he won't dare not give you a robbery. If he really dares If you disobey Teacher Zuoshanke's order and insist on not giving you Jie Jia, I will go meet him again."

"Haha..." Luo Feng couldn't help laughing when he heard this. After seeing Dike's strength, he was now confident.

Now that Di Ke really wants to go to Yan Mysterious Realm again, if Emperor Yan doesn't want to be ravaged and lose his face under the attention of many powerful Yan God Clan, he may have no choice but to bow his head and hand over the Jie Jia obediently.

But if that happens, it will really break up. Di Ke may not care about Emperor Yan, but he still has to take into account the face of the mountain guest.

In the blink of an eye, it's time for the Primordial Star to open, which is a grand event for billions of people in the entire universe. Of course, almost all the immortal gods don't know that this is a killing feast for the superpowers in the original universe.

Dico, who arrived early at the outskirts of the area where the primitive stars were located, also saw with his own eyes the scene of the primitive stars opening. The passages opened one after another. It was truly earth-shattering and infinitely powerful. Under the control of the original will of the universe, every passage opened. The power activated exceeds the power of the Lord of the Universe.

With the opening of the original star, the super forces and super beings composed of billions of groups in the universe, either acting alone or in groups of three, entered the 10081 through different channels scattered throughout the original universe. primitive star

Of course, Dicko also entered a primitive star through the nearest passage, and officially started his treasure hunting journey on the primitive star.

The original star was very big, and it looked boundless at first glance. The invisible and terrifying pressure made Diko feel like he was in the inner space of a suppressive treasure when he entered it. He was unable to teleport at all, nor could he teleport to the Kingdom of God. Therefore, once you encounter a crisis on the Primordial Star, it will be difficult to escape. This is why so many strong men will fall on the Primordial Star every time the Primordial Star is opened.

The primitive star that Dick first descended on was very quiet, with no space fluctuations at all. At first glance, there was only a vast forest, full of life.

"It's like staying in the realm of treasures," Diko frowned slightly as he felt the invisible pressure on the entire primitive star. Then his mind moved, and an invisible wave suddenly spread out, and the entire primitive star suddenly Everything is bound by an invisible force, which is the ability of the Lord of the Universe to control a side of time and space.

Almost at the same time, in the passage connecting other entrances on this primitive star, the alien cosmic sages who came to this primitive star with Diko one after another felt the invisible binding force, and their expressions suddenly changed: "The universe masters." The Lord has come?" "Is it such a coincidence?" Several foreign cosmic lords smiled helplessly, and immediately retreated, or flew towards the nearest vortex channel leading to other primitive stars, trying to leave as soon as possible This original star.

After all, there is a Lord of the Universe coming, and even if any treasures appear on this primitive star, they cannot compete with the Lord of the Universe. Moreover, who knows what kind of temperament this Lord of the Universe is like? If they attack them regardless of their status, it would be an unjust death.

"Huh? There are more than ten valuable treasures on this primitive star. No wonder you can pick up valuable treasures while walking on the primitive star." Diko seemed to be aware of it and directly controlled the investigation through the power of controlling time and space. The dozen or so valuable treasures he discovered flew toward him.

"Too slow! Under the strong pressure of the original star, it will take a long time to accelerate to the speed of light. It will also take some time for those heavy treasures to fly over." Feeling the speed of those heavy treasures, he felt a little helpless. Dico was also busy speeding up and flying towards the nearest heavy treasure.

After about a meal, Dico, who was flying rapidly, saw a black stream of light coming from the front. In a blink of an eye, he was approaching and turned into an inconspicuous black long knife. His aura was restrained. If he hadn't been close, he might have It's hard to sense.

"Top heavy treasure? Not bad!" Diko stretched out his hand to grab the knife. After the divine power invaded and felt it, he suddenly smiled with bright eyes: "I didn't expect that the first heavy treasure I got when I came to the original star was of such high quality. So good. The original star has just been opened, and before the more precious treasures appear, it is a small gain to get more than ten valuable treasures at once."

Diko, who was hanging in mid-air, slowly waited for the valuable treasures that were at different distances to be "thrown into his arms". After collecting them all, he waited for a while, but did not sense that there was anything of good quality on this primitive star. After hearing the fluctuations of the birth of important treasures or treasures, he reluctantly went to another primitive star through a nearby vortex channel: "It seems that it is not that easy to just wait and see!"

For the Lord of the Universe, it is too easy to obtain important treasures on the original star. However, some of the more precious set treasures and ordinary treasures are still relatively few, and they all appear randomly on the original stars. Even if the Lord of the Universe can easily obtain it, it is useless if he cannot touch it.

Since the chance of high-level treasures and better top-level treasures appearing is also smaller, even the masters of the universe need to work hard and try their luck if they want to get the powerful treasures that are exciting on the original star.

In the blink of an eye, Dico has been to the primitive star for several months, and has visited dozens of primitive stars. He has obtained a lot of valuable treasures that can be found on almost every primitive star, but there is news of the birth of the treasure. If you haven't encountered it once, you will naturally have no chance to get it.

"Is my luck so bad?" On this day, Diko, who was flying over a primitive star as if he was bored, was thinking with a frown in his heart, when suddenly an invisible wave came, even though it was a little far away. , was still keenly sensed by Dico.

"So far away, there is still a lot of movement. Could it be that a high-level treasure has been born?" Dico, who was shocked, immediately speeded up and rushed towards the direction of the wave. At the same time, he quietly investigated with the help of the power of time and space.

Not long after, when Diko arrived at the place, the news of the birth of the treasure had already alerted more than a dozen alien cosmic sages around him. The golden and dazzling stick treasure has mostly emerged from the ground. It has not yet been completely born. The surrounding alien cosmic lords are already fighting madly, and there is even a weaker alien high lord of the universe. Fallen.

(End of this chapter)

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