Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 543 The birth of Sword Tomb?

Chapter 543 The birth of Sword Tomb?

"What a strong aura, it's actually a high-level treasure?" Feeling the violent and surging aura emanating from the golden stick-like treasure, Dicko's eyes suddenly lit up: "It seems that my luck has come."

"No wonder they are so crazy. On the original star, high-level treasures are already very rare, enough to make many universe overlords and even top universe overlords covetous. Even if the Lord of the Universe comes across it, he will not be able to help but take action." With his mind spinning, Diko glanced at the more than ten alien cosmic sages who were still fighting, and finally his eyes fell on the ugly humanoid strongman who was dozens of kilometers tall like the Hulk:

"The Nine Domains Alliance, the Monster Clan Alliance, the Prison Clan Alliance, and the foreign warriors from the Hong League, but the strongest one is the Green Barbarian Venerable from the Northern Territory Alliance! The Overlord of the Universe, with such a powerful divine body, even He has enough confidence to protect himself against the top cosmic overlords. No wonder a high-ranking cosmic master died so quickly. This green barbarian master was famous for his powerful attacks."

"Huh? Lord of the Universe?" When Dico approached and actively released the aura of the Lord of the Universe, the expressions of the more than ten alien Universe Lords who were fighting like crazy suddenly changed: "It's the Lord of the Fire Temple of the human race! "

"He is the master of the human Fire Temple who suppressed the Lord of Heavenly Wolf?" The three foreign cosmic sages of the Demon Clan Alliance were shocked. After making eye contact with each other, they chose to leave first as if by tacit understanding.

Immediately afterwards, the other Universe Venerables also wisely chose to leave, including the Green Barbarian Venerable who had a look of reluctance on his face. You must know that as the only cosmic overlord among the cosmic venerables present, the green barbarian venerable is definitely the most promising to obtain the high-level treasure long stick. However, if you fight with Dico, you will undoubtedly be courting death!

"Lord of the Fire Temple!" The two Hongmeng Universe Venerables who were left at the end saluted Diko respectfully. Diko, who glanced at them casually, was about to wave his hand to signal them to leave when he suddenly felt the challenge. Mei looked into the distance and saw a burly and domineering figure covered in black scales stepping out of a vortex in a space channel far away. It was Emperor Yan.

"Huh?" Emperor Yan instinctively used the power of time and space to explore the primitive star. After discovering Diko and the stick-like treasure, his face suddenly darkened: "Higher treasure? This kid is very lucky! "

"Hmph!" Emperor Yan couldn't help but snorted coldly when he realized that the golden stick-like treasure was about to be completely born. Knowing that he had no chance or the strength to compete with Diko, he didn't even stay on this primitive star for a long time and directly spoke with his final words. Flying towards the nearest space channel vortex at a fast speed.

After Emperor Yan left, Diko also released a trace of divine power with a thought to invade the golden stick-like treasure that was completely born and with restrained power, controlled it to quickly shrink and fly over, and then turned his hand to put it away.

"This treasure belongs to me. If you want a treasure from now on, you can come to me and provide the materials. I can make an exception and help you refine a treasure suitable for you," Diko accepted the stick treasure. , then turned to the two Hongmeng Universe Venerables who were waiting respectfully and said: "Of course, only ordinary treasures! I guess you may not have all the materials to refine high-level treasures."

When the two Hongmeng Universe Venerables heard this, they were suddenly surprised: "Thank you so much, Master of the Fire Temple!"

This is definitely an unexpected surprise. After all, even if they join forces, there is very little hope of obtaining the high-level treasure of the stick type. On the primitive star, fighting for the treasure depends entirely on strength. It is Dicko's ability to get it, and there is no need to pay attention to them.

But now that Diko is willing to give them such compensation, it is an unexpected surprise. As the alien cosmic sages in Hongmeng, they have naturally heard more or less about Diko's method of refining treasures in the past tens of thousands of years. The cosmic overlords and high cosmic lords among the human race who have exchanged the treasures from Diko have There are also many.

However, if the alien cosmic sages in the Hong Alliance want to obtain the treasure, the price they pay will undoubtedly be higher. Therefore, even though these two alien high-ranking cosmic sages in the Hongmeng already possess the strength close to that of the cosmic overlords, they do not have the most precious treasure close to them.

Now they have the opportunity to exchange for a suitable treasure from Diko at a relatively small price. Even if it is just an ordinary treasure, it is enough for them to truly have the combat power of the universe overlord level. Otherwise, on their own, even if they are lucky enough to encounter a treasure on the primitive star, it will be difficult to obtain it. Even if you are lucky enough to get it, it is difficult to say whether you can successfully bring out the original star. In comparison, it is undoubtedly more reliable to find Dico to refine the treasure.

After sending away the two alien cosmic lords, Diko was not in a hurry to leave this primitive star, but just found a place to rest and wait.

But unfortunately, Dicko's luck on this primitive star seemed to have run out. After waiting for more than half a year, he gained nothing, so he had to leave this primitive star and try his luck on other primitive stars...

Decades passed in the blink of an eye, and Dico's luck was neither very good nor bad. Although he did not get any more high-level treasures, he did get two ordinary treasures, and he also got three top-level set heavy treasures. .

On the original star No. 07813, on the grass beside a lake in a forest, Dicko, who was sitting cross-legged and resting with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes with a feeling, frowned and looked at the shaking lake, and then he felt the ground around him. Everyone was trembling: "What's going on? Is there such a big movement?"

Soon, Diko, who was flying up in a hurry, looked at a wasteland outside the mountains and forests in the distance. He saw the ground churning and tearing, and a huge mausoleum-like building emerged from the ground. The sharp sword energy soared into the sky, causing the surrounding people to tremble. The space is a little distorted

"Is this... the birth of Jianzhong? Jianheluo?" Seeing that scene, Dicko suddenly made a guess in his heart, and his eyes couldn't help but heat up.

You know, in the original work, during the more than a hundred years since the primitive stars were first opened, twelve large-scale bloody battles broke out on the 10081 primitive stars, and the birth of Sword Tomb was one of them.

In fact, in the past few decades, there have been seven large-scale bloody battles on the original star, each of which meant the birth of a powerful treasure that was at least the top level. It's a pity that Diko hasn't encountered them yet, and has never had the opportunity to participate in the competition.

But this time, it seemed that the original will of the original universe was favoring him. He actually met the birth of the Sword Tomb directly, and it was so close. This was simply a great opportunity that came to his door!

Even if the treasure at the top level of the field is not complete, it is not so easy to get! Even if you travel in the cosmic sea, it is difficult to obtain treasures of this level.

The complete top-level sword Heluo, its power value even exceeds that of the Chaos City Lord's Qianbaohe. So Diko, who guessed that it was the Sword Tomb that was born, rushed over as quickly as possible without hesitation. At the same time, he used the power of time and space to investigate and instantly figured out the situation on this primitive star: "Distance Sword" There are seven cosmic sages who were born close to the tomb, and there is only one cosmic overlord. Even if they can enter the sword tomb one step ahead of me, they can't compete with me for Jianhe Luo."

"Huh?" Immediately afterwards, Dico sensed an invisible binding force coming to the primitive star. He couldn't help but frowned slightly: "Lord of the Universe? What a coincidence, there is a Lord of the Universe who just happened to arrive. On this primitive star?”

(End of this chapter)

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