Chapter 544 Lord of Thousand Swords

A ferocious humanoid beast-like man with a height of hundreds of kilometers, covered in black horny skin and a large number of spikes, walked out of a huge space vortex channel on the primitive star where Diko was, with a surging aura and pressure. It caused the surrounding space to become somewhat distorted.

"Eh? What a big noise! ​​Has a powerful treasure been born?" After noticing the movement of the sword tomb, this mysterious and ferocious humanoid beast-like strong man suddenly shot out something as sharp as substance in his dark eyes. With his eyes a little surprised, he instinctively controlled a side of time and space to explore the entire primitive star, and then discovered Diko: "Huh? He is... the new Lord of the Universe, the Lord of the Fire Temple of the human race?"

"I didn't expect that there would be a Lord of the Universe on this primitive star. What a coincidence! The Lord of the Fire Temple can suppress the Lord of Sirius, and his strength should not be underestimated." The strong man then said with firm eyes: "But it is rare to encounter a truly powerful treasure on the primitive star. It must belong to me."

When the ferocious humanoid and beast-like man turned into a black stream of light and rushed to the place where the sword tomb was born, Diko, who also sensed the situation and checked it out, also instantly determined the identity of the other party. : "The Lord of Thousand Swords of the Thorn Ring Alliance?"

"It seems that in the original work of Swallowed Starry Sky, the Lord of the Universe of the Thorn Ring Alliance got the sword Luohe, right? However, a Lord of Thousand Swords is not enough evidence. If we really want to fight, I am afraid that he will not be my opponent. Moreover, , he is further away from the Sword Tomb than me, and it is impossible for him to get Jianheluo before me." Dike's thoughts were whirling, but he didn't pay too much attention to the famous Master of Thousand Swords in the Thorn Ring Alliance. .

In fact, the Lord of Thousand Swords is not weak. He is the peak-level Lord of the Universe who has understood the most powerful secret method of the Lord of the Universe. He is enough to rival Emperor Yan, but he is still inferior to Dike's teacher, Lord Huangjian. Yes, it can't threaten Dico.

Diko, who also approached the Sword Tomb at the fastest speed, was submerged by the endless black water that spread quickly before he could fly very far: "What a powerful power, this is the top domain-level treasure black of the Lord of Thousand Swords" Waters?”

"However, he is not the only one who possesses the top-level treasures in the field," Diko squinted and sneered in his heart. With a thought, bright starlight suddenly filled the air with him as the center, and quickly pushed back the endless black water, filling the sky in the blink of an eye. The starlight has enveloped half of the primitive star on par with the black waters.

"A top-level domain treasure? I didn't expect that the Lord of the Fire Temple actually possesses a top-level domain treasure. The human race is really good to him." Seeing the dazzling stars in the sky, the Lord of Thousand Swords couldn't help but stare. After a while, he couldn't help but wonder in his heart: "But wasn't it said before that the domain treasure owned by the Lord of the Fire Temple is the endless blue sea water domain? Could it be that he actually has more than one top domain treasure?"

Thinking of the Lord of Thousand Swords here, he couldn't help but feel jealous and angry: "He is indeed a peerless monster of the peak tribe. The human tribe actually pays such attention to him. It seems that they have determined that he has the hope to grow to be comparable to the Lord of Chaos City in the future. level."

"But he has only been the Lord of the Universe for tens of thousands of years. No matter how evil he is, how powerful can he be? He is able to suppress the Lord of Sirius, probably mainly because of the treasure. If I can kill him, I can get it from him. The treasure..." Thinking of the Master of Thousand Swords here, his heart was filled with murderous intent: "If you want to rob me of the treasure that is about to be born, you are courting death!"

Diko naturally didn't know what the Lord of Thousand Swords was thinking at this time. Even if he knew, he would only sneer at it. The Lord of Thousand Swords wanted to kill him, but he wanted to fight back! The Black Water of the Lord of Thousand Swords may be less powerful than the Thousand Treasure River of the Chaos City Lord, but it is still very precious. If you can get it, you will make a lot of money today.

Diko, who had forced back the black waters with the help of the stars, also flew towards the place where the sword tomb was born at a faster speed, and soon approached the huge sword tomb that had completely emerged from the ground. At the same time, he also saw those few Dao quickly flew into the figure of the Universe Venerable at the entrance of the Sword Tomb.

"It's too fast!" Knowing that they were the alien cosmic sages who were close to the place where the Sword Tomb was born, Diko, who curled his lips slightly, didn't care. Then he ducked outside the Sword Tomb and saw what looked like a mausoleum. A stone monument stands at the entrance of the huge sword tomb. While Diko looked at the stone tablet, invisible fluctuations spread, and some information about the Sword Tomb was instantly conveyed to Diko, including the detailed introduction of Jianhe Luo.

"Sure enough, it's Jianhe Luo," Diko's eyes flashed, and he quickly flew into the sword tomb. Suddenly, he felt a sharp aura overflowing. In the huge and dark space inside the sword tomb, there were densely packed swords on the ground. There are a large number of divine swords with different shapes and auras, most of which are ordinary heavy treasures, but a few of them are obviously much more powerful, and they are clearly treasure-level divine swords.

However, the most powerful aura, which even exceeds the level of high-level treasures, is a huge compass showing off its wealth in mid-air. The complex secret patterns on the black compass are looming, and there is a black divine sword standing on it, as if it is one with the entire compass. The powerful and sharp aura even caused the divine swords in the entire sword tomb to tremble and buzz.

Boom... At the same time, violent energy fluctuations filled the air, and laughter and roars came one after another. The few alien cosmic sages who came in first took away some of the precious swords, and then were taken away by those few treasures. The Divine Sword and the huge Compass Sword Heluo were attracted, and each one started fighting madly and desperately.

"You know clearly that the Lord of the Universe is on this primitive star, but you still dare to come and snatch the treasures in this sword tomb. It's really a waste of money and food for people!" Seeing this scene, Diko shook his head secretly, and immediately released The surging and powerful aura of the Lord of the Universe immediately caused the fighting Masters of the Universe to stop.

"Get out! The treasure here is not something you can covet," Diko said coldly, and the invisible pressure of will rushed away like a wave, immediately causing the alien cosmic lords, including the only one The face of the mechanical universe overlord changed, and then he wisely prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Diko spoke again, but his eyes fell on the tall mechanical overlord of the universe who seemed to be made of black metal: "The others can go, you, take the ordinary treasure you took away The sword stays."

"Lord of the Fire Temple, we have given you the most precious treasure in the Sword Tomb, Sword Heluo. It is just an ordinary treasure. As the majestic Lord of the Universe," the face of the Mechanical Race's Universe Overlord Ninja changed slightly after hearing this. He couldn't help but said angrily.

"Seeking death!" However, before he could finish his words, Diko shouted coldly, and with his hand, the sharp golden sword light ripped through the space and struck towards the mechanical race overlord of the universe.

Chi... With a slight friction-like sound, the black armored treasure that emerged from his body trembled and buzzed. The face of the mechanical race universe overlord changed drastically, and then his whole person turned into nothingness. In front of Dico, he didn't even have time to react before he was killed by Dico with one move.

Although the Overlord of the Universe has power comparable to that of the Lord of the Universe when unleashed at full power, it can only barely reach the level of the Lord of the Universe. In terms of the defensive power of the divine body, it is far inferior to that of the Lord of the Universe. Dico's seemingly random attack had already exceeded the limit that the ordinary Arcana armor on his body could withstand, causing the armor's defense to drop sharply in an instant.

The human race and the machine race are mortal enemies. Even though Dico doesn't care about a mere ordinary treasured sword, he doesn't want it to fall into the hands of a strong man from the machine race. What's more, if this mechanical overlord of the universe dares to be arrogant in front of him, he is really asking for his own death.

(End of this chapter)

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