Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 547 Reentering the Space Sea

Chapter 547 Reentering the Space Sea

"Senior sister told me that I was just lucky. I happened to meet the Sword Tomb and it was very close, so I was lucky enough to get Jianheluo." Dike shook his head and said, "But I want to make up for the other eight swords of Jianheluo." The divine sword is still a bit difficult given my current attainments in the secret pattern and treasure refining level."

Upon hearing this, the Lord of Huang Jian suddenly raised his eyebrows and said in surprise: "You are not going to find the other eight divine swords that Jianhe Luo has, but you want to refine them yourself?"

"It will definitely be impossible to get those eight divine swords together in a short time. Moreover, if you want to exchange them, other ethnic groups who have obtained the divine swords will definitely take the opportunity to open their mouths. Maybe when we get them together, I We have already researched and refined the eight replacement divine swords," Diko said as he shook his head slightly, looking confident.

"Oh? Are you really confident that you can refine it by yourself?" The Lord of Huangjian was a little surprised, and the Lord of Fengyao on the side even laughed with shining eyes: "Haha... knowing the skill of refining treasures is different! If you really can If you refine it yourself, Diko, you will save a lot of treasure points!"

"Junior brother is not only talented in cultivating monsters, but also has such a high talent in refining treasures. It's really enviable!" Lord Binglan also smiled and said with a rare smile: "When junior brother you can refine the top treasure, then senior sister will ask you to refine the treasure. , you must not fail to help!”

"Sister, don't worry. When I refine the treasure for you in the future, I will definitely charge you only the material fee. It will definitely be much more cost-effective than exchanging the treasure within the clan," Diko also said with a smile.

"Oh, I have gained so much from a trip to the Primordial Star. I can't help but want to go out for a walk," said the Lord of Fengyao, who was also a little moved.

"You can go if you want! In the Secret Realm of Glory, I can arrange for a clone to come and stay for a few years," the Lord of Huangjian also said with a smile. He was able to accept such an evil and outstanding disciple as Dike. Seeing the Universe Mercenary Alliance... The strength of the department is getting stronger and stronger, and he is in a good mood.

However, the disciple is so evil and his strength is improving so fast, which also makes the master of Huangjian feel the pressure: "It seems that we have to go to the universe sea to take risks and sharpen ourselves, and strive to become the top fifth-level master of the universe as soon as possible. Otherwise. , I’m afraid that it won’t be long before I’m surpassed by my apprentice. At that time, I will definitely be laughed at by the other universe masters of my human race.”

On the Primordial Star, Diko Xuehai, who sent Jianhe Luo and the treasure obtained by killing the Lord of Thousand Swords back to the Kingdom of God, returned to the Primordial Star and continued his adventure. The news of the death of the Lord of Thousand Swords also slowly spread. As the first Lord of the universe to fall after the activation of the original star, it naturally caused quite a stir.

After all, the Lord of Thousand Swords is not as weak as the Lord of Sirius. He is barely considered the Lord of the Universe at the pinnacle level. However, he fell into the hands of Diko, which naturally made all the ethnic groups in the original universe aware of Diko's power. His strength is so terrifying that I no longer dare to underestimate him.

Therefore, when Dico was wandering around the primitive star, the cosmic sages of other ethnic groups in the universe who discovered that he had arrived would wisely choose to avoid him. After all, Dico's evil reputation has now resounded throughout the universe.

Time passed quietly, and then Dike's luck seemed to have improved. First, he got a Jianheluo component divine sword because of Luo Feng. He made breakthrough progress in researching the secret pattern of the Jianheluo compass. In the following few hundred years, more than ten treasures were obtained, including two high-level treasures and one ordinary domain treasure of no less value.

This kind of harvest is already very good. But this is also because within the thousand years since the original star was first opened, the probability of treasures being born on the original star is higher. After this wave of fighting and killings slowly passed, the probability of the birth of treasures on the primitive star became smaller, and there were fewer fights and killings, so it became deserted. When there was no big movement, almost all the strong men on the primitive star were lurking. Hidden. Slowly, Dico, who felt that the original star was not interesting, left the original star, then quietly left the original universe, and entered the universe sea alone.

In the vast cosmic sea, in the endless chaotic airflow, an inconspicuous dark red palace treasure the size of a fist with a restrained aura is turning into a stream of light and advancing rapidly. In the core hall, Diko, sitting on a soft sofa, is squinting at Suspended in front of him were two inconspicuous black beads that slowly rotated like twin stars.

One of these two identical beads was the soul-like treasure that Diko obtained after killing the Zerg universe master Ming Chan who had enslaved Kodi. Another bead that looked exactly the same was obtained by Dico accidentally on the original star.

"What is the relationship between these two soul-like treasures? They are attracted to each other and are obviously closely related, but they are not fused. Could it be that they are not parts of the same powerful treasure?" Diko was full of confusion. In fact, at first When he got the soul-like treasure from Lord Mingchan, Diko was surprised, because the soul-like treasure could actually strengthen the soul's will, which was indeed something special.

The key is that there is no information in it after refining. However, Dicko later got an identical soul treasure on the original star. Such a coincidence, and the fact that the two beads could attract each other, made Dicko even more surprised, and he felt that this bead was more and more unusual.

But in the original universe, Dico had never heard of any information related to these two beads, so he felt that such special beads may come from the cosmic sea, such as those in the three Jedi. This is also the case with Dico. One of the reasons why I want to come to the universe sea this time. Perhaps in the cosmic sea, he can discover the secret of the origin of these two beads.

Especially with the improvement of treasure refining skills, Diko, who has a deeper understanding of the secret patterns, found that the secret patterns on these two beads are more mysterious and special, and they are not like the secret patterns on ordinary treasures at all, so Diko became more and more interested I feel that these two beads may really be parts of some ancient and powerful treasure.

"Although it's not the first time I've come to the Cosmic Sea, this is the first time I've truly ventured into the Cosmic Sea! Three Jedi, where should I go first?" He looked through the outer wall of the Fire Temple's palace into the endless distance. In the cosmic sea of ​​chaotic air flow, Diko, who was slightly pondering, made a decision: "Let's go to Liuzhong Mountain first!"

The reason why he chose Liuzhong Mountain was because Dicko had learned about the situation of the three Jedi in the cosmic sea. He felt that Liuzhong Mountain was strange and beautiful, like a maze, full of mystery, and more suitable for exploration. There were even traces of a secret pattern in it, making it suitable for exploration. Dicko went to realize.

At the same time, Dico also felt that the strange and psychedelic Liuzhong Mountain was somewhat similar to the two special soul-like treasure beads in his hand, and it might be easier to find clues related to them.

Diko, who teleported or flew all the way and left the original universe, spent several days arriving at the outskirts of Liuzhong Mountain and saw the huge, undulating and strange-looking mountain peaks in the endless chaotic airflow.

The huge Liuzhong Mountain gives people a heavy sense of invisible oppression when viewed from a distance. Moreover, there are many waterfalls on the mountain with overflowing water and various colors of light flowing around. It looks extremely gorgeous, but in fact they are all kinds of terrifying energy storms. .

Each of the three Jedi in the Cosmic Sea is very dangerous. Some dangers such as storms on the surface are enough to annihilate the Lord of the Universe. Various dangers inside can even threaten the Lord of the Universe. There is something at the core that can make the universe... The terrible crisis of the fall of the strongest.

"Liu Zhong Mountain, let me see how dangerous and special this place is!" Looking at Liu Zhong Mountain from a distance, Diko, who was a little curious and expectant, even controlled the Fire Temple to teleport closer to it.

(End of this chapter)

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