Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 548 Lord of Flame Melt

Chapter 548 Lord of Flame Melt

On the outskirts of Liuzhong Mountain, Dike had just teleported to the outer edge of a violent energy storm area like a dark red sea of ​​fire. Before he really got close to Liuzhong Mountain, he was keenly aware of the increasingly violent energy fluctuations coming from the sea of ​​fire. It was as if there was some terrifying existence stirring up the sea of ​​fire.

"Huh?" Diko, who was looking at the rioting sea of ​​​​fire, felt that the entire sea of ​​​​fire was rioting, and then a tall red rock life that looked like a human-shaped mountain stepped out from the core area of ​​​​the rioting sea of ​​​​fire, and at the same time, a one-eyed eye shot out. He looked at Diko with a dazzling fire: "Human?"

"It turned out to be a lord of the human universe that I have never seen before. Could it be that he is from the primitive universe era?" The red rock life was a little surprised and confused, and then his breath became violent: "But, humans deserve to die!"

The next moment, the Lord of the Red Rock Life Universe turned over his hand and took out a dark red giant hammer. Then he suddenly swung the dark red giant hammer that turned into a small mountain and hit Dico fiercely...

The roaring moment was like a riot in the sea of ​​fire. The violent energy caused the surrounding space to twist and explode, and the chaotic air flow retreated. In the blink of an eye, the violent and terrifying hammer head was already above Diko's head.

"The Lord of the Flame Melt of the First Ancestral God Religion? How could it be such an unlucky coincidence that I met this lunatic!" Diko, who frowned upon seeing this, also punched out quickly, forming a miniature chaotic universe that slowly moved to greet him. Get on that huge hammer head.

Rumble... In an instant, the micro-universe formed by Dico's punch trembled under the terrifyingly powerful hammer head, and as if it was about to collapse, the violent energy turned into a storm and swept away, also destroying Dico and the Yan. The Melting Lord was so shocked that he flew back.

"What a powerful secret technique! Interesting, take another hit from me!" After stabilizing his figure, the Yanmelt Lord looked at Diko with an even more surprised expression, and then he flew toward Diko again with a grin on his face, holding a secret in his hand. The giant red hammer swung fiercely, and a fiery and violent aura filled the air instantly. The space where the hammer passed became distorted and dark, as if it had turned into a black hole.

"Asshole! Do you really think I'm easy to bully?" Diko, who was gritting his teeth and cursing secretly in his mind, took out the pinnacle sword Jin Yuan with a sudden thought, and swung it out. The dazzling golden sword light made the space distort and fierce. The sword energy seemed to turn into a long river of golden sword light, with softness in the hardness, and it met the hammer of the Lord of Flame Melt like a whip.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the golden sword light bending like a long river. When the sword light dissipated and dimmed, the power of the Flame Melting Lord's hammer was also quickly weakened and resolved.

"Haha...Human, your strength is pretty good! I didn't expect that a powerful human with little reputation would have the strength of the peak Lord of the Universe. Very good! Then come and have some fun with me!" Zhang Kuang roared wantonly. The Lord of Flame Melt suddenly seemed more and more excited and attacked Dico crazily again.

Diko, who quickly waved his sword to resist, also felt helpless secretly. Most of the strong men in the first reincarnation era were crazy because they were facing death. This Lord of Flame Melt has a hot temper and is very crazy. Even among the three Jedi, he often ventures into dangerous places.

Although the sea of ​​​​storm and fire outside Liuzhong Mountain is not too dangerous, the depth of the sea of ​​​​storm and fire is enough to threaten the Lord of the Universe. It is completely unpleasant to enter. Generally, the Lord of the Universe will never go deep into it easily, but Yan Melt... The owner rushed in desperately.

The key point is that the Lord of Flame Melt had a great feud with the humans in the first era of reincarnation back in the primitive universe, and even had a bad feeling towards the human race in the second era of reincarnation and the primitive universe, so he met Diko. Take action without further explanation.

It just so happens that this guy is very powerful. Although he is not as good as the Lord of Chaos City, he is no less powerful than Diko’s teacher Huang Jianzhi. In addition, he has lived for nearly three reincarnation eras and has accumulated many treasures. He possesses the pinnacle divine hammer, Peak palace-like treasures are really difficult to deal with.

"You want to use me as a ball, you are not qualified!" Faced with the crazy attack of the Lord of Flame Melt, Diko gradually got angry and directly used the innate secret method 'Origin Arrival'. With the assistance of the innate secret method , the most powerful secret method of the Lord of the Universe that he has understood is also greatly increased in power, and he is not inferior at all against the extremely violent Lord of Flame Melt.

Unexpectedly, Diko's equally fierce counterattack actually aroused the madness and fighting spirit of the Lord of Flame Melt, making him fight even more desperately, only attacking but not defending, with a desperate posture. But even so, Diko has nothing to do with him, because this guy is not only a special being with thousands of times the genetic level and a huge divine body, but also has a peak treasure armor to protect him. Even the Lord of Chaos City can't do anything here. his.

"You can't kill me, and I can't gain much advantage by fighting. Am I going to be forced to use the golden pond sea given by Teacher Zuoshanke to escape when I first come to the universe sea?" While fighting with the Lord of Flame Melt, Di Ke I also felt a little annoyed and depressed.

The Lord of Flame Melt does not have a peak domain treasure, so if Diko uses Jin Chi Hai, he can leave calmly. But leaving like this was really a bit frustrating.

Dicko has his own pride, how can he be willing to retreat easily? Moreover, in terms of strength, the Lord of Flame Melt couldn't do anything to him. Therefore, he did not want to bow his head in the face of the madly attacking Flame Lord.

In this way, after the two of them fought desperately for a long time, the Lord of Flame Melt finally noticed something was wrong, and couldn't help but look at Diko in surprise and surprise: "After fighting with me for so long, your breath is not obvious. Weak, how can a human being have such a powerful divine body?"

"Nothing is impossible, it's just that you are ignorant," Diko sneered. On the contrary, he was more bellicose than the Lord of Yanmelt and killed him crazily, which also made the Lord of Yanmelt roar and wave his hand again. God's hammer.

After another fight, the Lord of Flame Melt realized that he couldn't do anything to Diko. He finally lost the patience to fight with Diko and wanted to leave.

But this time, Diko took the initiative to entangle the Lord of Flame Melt, and started fighting with him more and more crazily. He was so angry that flames rose all over the Lord of Flame Melt, and his heart became even more angry.

The Lord of Flame Melt, in a rage, directly used his strongest Master of the Universe Fusion Secret Technique. The Master of the Universe Fusion Secret Technique was not too perfect, but it was violently and terrifyingly powerful, compared to the real Lord of the Universe. The fusion secret method was not much inferior, directly overpowering Diko, who was assisted by the talented secret method "Origin Arrival", causing Diko to be beaten back again and again in a slightly embarrassed state.

"Okay! A very powerful secret method! It's interesting that the combination of flame and space can be like this," Diko, who was at a disadvantage, stared at the Lord of Flame Melt who was attacking with all his strength again and again, looking very excited. .

"This human being is simply crazy!" Slowly, the Lord of Flame Melt discovered that compared to him, Diko seemed to be equally crazy, and more bellicose than him. After venting his anger and dissipating a lot, he faced an increasingly difficult situation. The bellicose Dico couldn't help but feel a little headache.

"Haha... Lord of Flame Melt, you have been attacking for so long, it's time for me to come and try my move!" After a crazy fight, Diko's eyes suddenly sparkled and he laughed. , all the divine power in his body was boiling and he waved the sword in his hand again. In an instant, the space was chaotic and distorted. The violent and fierce red-gold sword light seemed to penetrate the space and tear apart all obstacles. The speed was so fast that it directly rubbed against the hand of the Lord of Flame Melt. The edge of the hammer struck the Lord of Flame Melt hard, causing the dark red body of the Lord of Yan Melt to tremble, but the divine body was obviously shattered.

(End of this chapter)

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