Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 549 Liu Zhong Mountain

Chapter 549 Liu Zhong Mountain

Buzz... The Lord of Flame Melt, who was shaken all over, flew away in embarrassment. At the same time, his aura was obviously weakened, and a look of horror appeared on his knife-like rock face. A huge His one eye almost bulged out of his forehead: "The Lord of the Universe fused the most powerful secret method? How is it possible? Did he create it through inspiration during the battle? And this power..."

"Haha... Lord of Flame Melt, take another move from me!" Diko, who was laughing heartily, waved the pinnacle sword Jinyuan in his hand again, frightening the Lord of Flame Melt to retreat in a hurry, but the power was so powerful and terrifying, The red-gold sword light, which caused time and space to become distorted and chaotic, still penetrated the space and fell on him the moment it tore through all obstacles.

For a moment, the energy storm raged, and the violent power caused the surrounding chaotic air to surge and boil. At the same time, a dark red sphere that was as dazzling as the sun and exuded a surging hot aura swayed in the storm, rapidly growing in size. Flying towards the distance.

"Haha, it seems that although the Lord of Flame Melt is crazy, he is still afraid of death!" Seeing this scene, Diko did not continue to take action. The Lord of Flame Melt hid in the peak of his palace. Inside the Arcana, Diko really had no choice but to watch him leave.

In fact, even if Diko realizes the secret method of merging the master of the universe and can crush the Lord of Flame Melt, and the millions of kilometers of the Lord of Flame Melt's huge divine body, coupled with the protection of the peak treasure armor, Dicko will not think about it in a short time. It was impossible to kill him.

However, knowing that he was defeated, the Lord of Flame Melt naturally could not continue to stay here and let Diko ravage him. Although he is crazy and belligerent, he doesn't like to be ravaged by others!

Diko, who forced away the Flame Lord in the first battle, continued on his way to Liuchong Mountain. The rest went smoothly, and he didn't encounter any big trouble until he entered Liuchong Mountain.

A few years passed in the blink of an eye, and Diko had already entered the interior of Liuzhong Mountain. He had experienced dozens of battles along the way, all of which were against strong men from the first and second reincarnation eras, and even encountered two The powerful man of the Great Holy Land universe.

Because the overall strength of the original universe is weak, the nine peak ethnic groups in the original universe, the strong men of the twelve top forces, and some lone universe masters are wandering in the universe sea. Unless they are attracted by treasures, they rarely return to the real world. fighting each other.

But the strong men in the first and second reincarnation eras were much crazier. Even if they were not competing for the treasure, they would fight directly once they met. There are even some strong men from the first and second eras of reincarnation who especially like to ravage the Lord of the Universe on the side of the original universe. After all, relatively speaking, except for a few peak and top-level masters of the universe in the original universe, most of them are weak and easy to bully.

Especially the masters of the original universe who enter the cosmic sea for the first time like Dico will definitely be "taken care of" by the masters of the universes of other reincarnation eras in the cosmic sea.

However, those guys who took the initiative to provoke Dico were hit hard this time. Instead of taking any advantage, they were ravaged by Dico one by one, and fled in panic in shock and anger.

However, Dicko could only ravage them. Most of the masters of the universe in the first and second eras of reincarnation are the masters of the universe at the peak or even the top level. Even if they are not as strong as Diko, most of them have powerful treasures such as the peak treasure. Even if Diko wants to kill them, Very difficult. Moreover, Dico came to the Universe Sea this time to sharpen his knowledge. It was unnecessary and naturally he would not easily reveal some of his trump cards to kill the Lords of the Universe. After all, most of the universe lords in the universe sea have ethnic groups. Even the lone universe masters are attached to some of the strongest people in the lone universe. Killing one of them will offend an ethnic group.

There was no grudge in the past, it was just a fight, there was no need to fight between life and death, and Dico would not easily provoke enemies for humans.

Dozens of battles and some new fighting styles and schools opened Dico's eyes and were quite rewarding. At the same time, Dico's strength also spread with his name, making many people in the first and second reincarnation eras The ethnic forces realized that a very evil guy came out of the human tribe in the original universe.

As for Diko, who had only been practicing for a hundred thousand years, he had the strength of the top master of the universe as soon as he entered the Universe Sea. This also made some strong men from the other two reincarnation eras curious, and even took the initiative to come to Diko to discuss and fight, including those two. Some ancient universe masters of the Great Holy Land universe.

At the same time, as he went deeper and deeper into Liuzhong Mountain, he encountered the emergence of some treasures. In order to fight for the treasures, cruel fighting was inevitable. Dico gradually encountered some life and death battles, and was even besieged because of his eye-catching performance.

Hundreds of years passed in the blink of an eye, and at the edge of a huge lake formed by a large number of waterfalls deep in the Liuzhong Mountains, with a roar and explosion, a palace-like treasure with a dark red aura, fiery and violent, broke through the water and flew straight into the distance.

Immediately afterwards, the dazzling golden light field filled the air, trying to hinder the Fire Temple like glue. At the same time, streams of light broke out of the water, and five streams of surging aura quickly chased towards the Fire Temple.

Facing the rapidly approaching golden light field, a starlight field also appeared around the Fire Temple. The starlight field shrouded in a layer of gray hazy light was far more powerful than the top field treasures. The golden field formed by the peak field treasures While forcing him to retreat, Diko's clear voice also echoed: "It's just a top-notch soul treasure. Is it worth your desperate efforts to snatch it?"

"Hmph! That crystal ball probably contains the inheritance information of ancient civilizations. You can't even think of monopolizing it! Master of the Fire Temple, hand it over!" A sharp, cold voice came from the golden light field, and it was Diko who responded to him. He sneered, and then the fire temple exploded with speed, like a meteorite dragging the tail of flames and quickly moved away.

After this pursuit, several days passed in the blink of an eye, but the masters of the universe from the first and second reincarnation eras were still unwilling to give up. They even notified the ethnic groups behind them and prepared to call for more powerful people. Let's surround Dico together.

Previously, the treasure in the undercurrent vortex deep in the lake was taken action, and a fight triggered a hidden space. As a result, Dico and several other masters of the universe entered an ancient ruins... There was nothing left in the desolate and dilapidated ancient ruins. Down, but Dico noticed the huge jade-like planet suspended above the ruins like a full moon. The process of obtaining the crystal ball made a lot of noise, which made several other first, The Lord of the Universe in the Second Reincarnation Era decided that the crystal ball was extraordinary.

Unknowingly, the number of Masters of the Universe involved in besieging Diko has reached twenty or thirty, including many top-level Masters of the Universe, and even powerful beings whose strength is comparable to that of the Lord of Chaos City.

"Damn it! These bastards are like crazy dogs." He tried his best to avoid Dicko who was trying to escape, but he was slowly forced by those guys with no way out and entered a very dangerous area in Liuzhong Mountain: " Isn't it just a residual inheritance from ancient civilization? It's not a powerful inheritance with a complete system. It's just related to the secret pattern and is useful to me. Otherwise, it would be okay to throw it to you to grab. But since it is useful to me, I want to I'll leave it to you, let's dream! If I'm forced to do anything, even if I abandon this blood-sea deity, I still have to drag a few of you into the funeral, right?"

Diko, who was feeling furious in his heart, suddenly looked out through the Fire Temple with a sense of perception. He saw a mysterious light flashing in a dark and void area in front of him. At the same time, the sudden sound of cicadas chirped, and in Diko's mind It echoed...

(End of this chapter)

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