Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 550 Awakening the Ancient Bloodline

Chapter 550 Awakening the Ancient Bloodline

"The sound of cicadas is so familiar. It's strange. Why are there cicadas here? No..." Diko, who was slightly in a trance, suddenly woke up as if he realized something, and then felt a sense of time and space confusion. The feeling came through the Fire Temple, and in a trance, the Fire Temple seemed to have entered a whirlpool black hole with flickering light.

Soon, after Dicko fully reacted, the Fire Temple came to a dark and silent space. There were no vortex black holes around. There was actually a white light as clear as moonlight in the dark void, just like the night sky.

Immediately afterwards, the familiar and clear and loud chirping of cicadas sounded again, making Dicko feel like his soul was trembling. In the dark night sky outside, a looming cicada emerged, occupying half of the room. Like the night sky, cicada wings trembled, and invisible vibrations spread out, causing the Fire Temple to tremble like a wail in resonance, as if it was overwhelmed and might break at any time.

"What is this? A powerful and special treasure? Or is it formed by some secret method?" Seeing the looming giant cicada, the sense of crisis and fear originating from the soul and every ounce of divine power made Dico tremble and be confused.

Then, the chirping of cicadas seemed to be ringing in the Fire Temple, right next to him. Diko instantly felt a chill in his back. He subconsciously turned his head to look, and saw two black beads trembling with crisp sounds. The cicada chirped, and then became uncertain, penetrating the wall of the Fire Temple, and quickly grew in size and flew towards the giant cicada in the night sky.

Seeing the two beads obtained from Lord Ming Chan and accidentally obtained on the Primordial Star, they quickly grew in size after leaving the Fire Temple, and flew towards the two black hole-like eyes of the giant cicada in the night sky. Only then did Dico notice that The giant cicada originally has no eyes, and its huge eyes are really two black holes.

"Those are the two eyes of the giant cicada? Could it be that this giant cicada is really a powerful and special treasure?" Diko looked at this scene in surprise and disbelief. He saw the two beads enlarged and embedded in the giant cicada like a black hole. Behind the hollow eye sockets, there was a flickering light, and the entire giant cicada seemed to have spirituality, even wisdom.

At the same time, Diko felt the two huge eyes of the giant cicada looking at him. After hearing the ancient and distant chirping of the cicada again, his whole consciousness seemed to be trapped in ancient and huge memories...

"Is it inheritance? Or..." With his strong will, Diko, who had just had this idea, was already overwhelmed by the vast sea of ​​memory information. The divine body in the Fire Temple also fell into a soft state as if sleeping. on the sofa.

Not only Dicko's original blood sea, but also the other clones left in the original universe and the boundless blood sea clones in the Kingdom of God, all fell into coma in an instant, and soon caused a huge sensation among the upper echelons of the human race and the people of the earth.

It was like having a long, long dream. In the dream, Dicko experienced too many things and spent a long time. It was so long that Dicko felt so tired that he was about to collapse.

This effect on the soul is much more powerful than any soul attack method or illusion method, and it is also the most draining of spiritual power.

"Ah" I don't know how long it took, but a sense of pain made the tired and sinking Diko regain some consciousness. After suddenly opening his eyes, he saw a red face full of red-gold hair appearing in front of him. In front of him, when he subconsciously stepped back, he found that he wanted to move but his whole body ached. The feeling of weakness that he hadn't felt for an unknown period of time came to his heart, making Dico realize that he might have traveled through time again.

Then, Dicko saw clearly the true face of the man with red-gold hair and red face. It was a monkey face, like an upright ape-man. Although it was not too tall, and even a little thin, it was full of... A fierce aura.

But the ape-man looked at Dico eagerly at this time: "Master, it's okay, how do you feel?" "Huh?" Before he could figure out what was going on, Dico felt nervous all over his body. It was like pain, as if this body could not bear the powerful will of his soul, and then Diko felt his head was hot, as if his soul was burning, and then his whole body was hot, and the blood in his body was boiling, and his skin turned red and swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye. The heat and then the whole person started to rise with flames, causing the fire energy between heaven and earth to quickly gather and pour into his body. In the blink of an eye, Dico had turned into a flaming man, with a blazing aura that quickly ignited the bed and the entire room.

"Is this the awakening of the ancient bloodline?" The golden-haired ape-man, who was also forced back by the surging heat waves and flames, couldn't help but stare in disbelief when he saw this scene: "What a strong aura! Is this... a powerful person with the title? Or an extraordinary life? Young Master, he is just one A mere earth-level knight can actually awaken the ancient bloodline, and it is such a powerful ancient bloodline. This is simply..."

Not only the golden-haired ape-man, but also the three figures who came quickly from a large castle outside. Seeing the burning room and stepping out of it, their breath made the surrounding air vibrate and distort, making them all Diko, who felt his legs were weak and trembling, opened his eyes in surprise: "Oh my God! this the young master?"

However, what surprised them even more was that Diko, who had originally had a fiery and powerful aura, suddenly staggered and fell to the ground as if he was drunk. The flames all over his body were restrained, revealing his perfectly proportioned figure, which made them rush to the ground. Among the three figures who came, one was a cute girl with silver-white furry hair, wearing a snow-white fur skirt and robe, and her skin was as snow-like as jade, and she turned around subconsciously with a blush on her face.

"Master!" The golden-haired ape-man, as well as the handsome man in brocade robes who looked to be in his thirties and the beautiful woman in snow-colored velvet robes beside the girl rushed forward.

"Brother, what's going on? Young Master?" Looking at Diko, who was eagerly helped up by the golden-haired ape-man, the beautiful and enchanting woman with furry silver-gray hair couldn't help but frown and asked.

"It should be the awakening of the ancient bloodline. I really didn't expect that one day I, Long Tian, ​​would be able to witness a bloodline awakening with my own eyes, and the one who awakened was actually..." The handsome man who took off his robe and covered Dike had an extraordinary bearing, but at this time The look he looked at Diko looked strange and a little complicated: "If the earl is still alive, I'm afraid he will be very happy to know that Master Diko has awakened the ancient bloodline, right?"

"Awakening the ancient bloodline? He can actually awaken the ancient bloodline. It's incredible." The lovely girl who also walked over frowned at the handsome but slightly thin Diko who was lying unconscious in the arms of the golden-haired ape-man. .

"Xue'er!" The beautiful woman frowned and glanced at the cute girl. Just when she was about to say something else, a sharp and terrifying aura of evil suddenly filled the air. The next moment, a tall figure was swept by a gust of wind. He came and landed in the yard outside the still burning room, but there was a man with a fierce face, thick hair, and a human-like shape like a ferocious wolf.

"Young Master!" Seeing Diko's unconscious state, the man suddenly rushed forward with a stronger anger: "What's going on? Yuanda, this is how you take care of the young master when you stay in Scarlet Flame Castle? Also, Long Tian, ​​Hu Ji, you stay in Scarlet Flame Castle and you can't even protect the young master? How could you let the young master be seriously injured? In Qingwu City, when did a foreigner from a noble family dare to provoke the Di family? I'll kill him Kill them!"

"Wolf Er! The one who injured the young master is a child of the Zhang family. He is a child of the Chaofan family!" Seeing the werewolf man turning around and leaving with murderous intent after speaking, the golden-haired ape-man suddenly became anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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