Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 551 Di Family of Scarlet Flame Castle

Chapter 551 Di Family of Scarlet Flame Castle

Facing the golden-haired ape man's eager dissuasion, the werewolf man said angrily: "So what? When the old master is here, even the royal family members have to give face to the Di family. Who dares to bully the Di family?"

"Don't be reckless and impulsive. Even if you want to seek justice for the young master, it won't take more than a moment. The young master's safety is the most important thing now." The golden-haired ape-man was anxious and angry.

"Master... Master, what's wrong with him? His aura is so strong, it doesn't look like there's anything wrong with him, and there's no injuries on his body!" The werewolf man walked back with a frown, and couldn't help but wonder when he saw that Dico was completely unharmed. Feeling connected.

"Master Di Ke must have awakened the ancient bloodline," the handsome man Long Tian just spoke, and the werewolf man Lang Er's eyes widened as his momentum froze: "Taikou bloodline?"

"Great! It turns out to be an ancient bloodline. No wonder the young master's aura is so strong. Could he be comparable to the powerful one as soon as he wakes up? The Di family is about to rise!" Then the werewolf man Lang Er was surprised and excited.

The cute girl Xueer on the side curled her lips slightly and said: "He doesn't want to make progress, he only knows how to have fun, and is jealous of women. Even if he awakens the ancient bloodline, what achievements can he achieve? Looking back, his tail will definitely be cocked with pride. If you go to the sky, you might cause more trouble."

"Huh?" He glanced at Xue'er's Lang Er with a frown. His face looked a little unsightly for a moment, and then he looked at Diko and said, "Why did you fall into coma after awakening the ancient bloodline? Could it be that you couldn't bear the power of the awakened bloodline for a while? ?”

Long Tian, ​​who had carefully examined Diko, also frowned and said: "The young master's body is very good, and his soul aura is also very strong. There should be no problem. However, he looks very tired. This ancient bloodline has awakened. We I have only heard about it, and I don’t know what the specific situation is. But in history, I have never heard of any unexpected dangers due to awakening the ancient bloodline. So, there is no need to worry too much."

In fact, Dico was not really in a coma, but his consciousness was too tired. After slowly adapting to this new body, he regained some consciousness, but the fatigue from his soul still made him It feels like I just woke up from a hangover.

At midnight, Diko, who was lying quietly on the bed, opened his eyes quietly. His deep eyes seemed to reveal endless vicissitudes of life. The invisible will made the space in front of him distorted. After slowly sitting up, he shook his head. Shaking his head, the somewhat dizzy and unreal trance made Dico couldn't help but frown.

"Ape-man?" He raised his head and glanced at the golden-haired ape-man who was already asleep on the threshold at the door. Diko's eyes flashed with a strange expression: "The world of Xia Clan, extraordinary life, is this... the world of Lord Snow Eagle? "

With a thought in his mind, Diko relied on his strong will to quickly check the original memory of this body: "The son of an earl, his ancestors have a close relationship with the royal family. It seems that he is still a son of aristocratic family, but he has already been well-established. Decline, coupled with the fact that the young master of the Di family is not up to par, has average cultivation talent, and is unwilling to endure hardship, even the descendants of the Chaofan family can trample and bully him at will, it is really useless!"

"However, his father, the old earl, did have some charisma. He is dead, and he still has a few loyal followers who are dedicated to protecting the Di family." Diko, who was sighing in his heart, couldn't help but look at it again. Looking at the golden-haired ape who was sleeping on the threshold: "A meteor-star knight, a silver-moon-level knight, and two meteor-star mages are barely enough to protect the territory of an earl."

The meteor-level knight is naturally the golden-haired ape-man Ape Da. Although the werewolf man Lang Er is reckless and impulsive, he is also the most powerful. He is a powerful silver-moon-level knight, a real strong man who can fight between life and death. As for Long Tian and the fox-woman Fox Ji and his wife, they are both meteor-level mages. They are definitely big shots in the small Qingwu City. With their presence, the Di family, who holds the title of earl, has a transcendent status in Qingwu City. Scarlet Flame Castle can be said to be the strongest force in Qingwu City, but compared with some truly profound forces and extraordinary families outside, Of course, it's still far from enough.

However, in Qingwu City, the Red Flame Castle of the Di family can be called a local emperor. At least some of the small nobles and families in Qingwu City dare not provoke the Di family.

"This is a good start. At least Scarlet Flame Castle has some properties in Qingwu City, which is enough for me to have no worries about food and drink, and I can practice and improve my strength with peace of mind. Only if I quickly improve my strength and make myself stronger in this world can I escape. The influence of this deity even helped this deity get rid of the crisis he encountered in Liuzhong Mountain." Dike, who roughly understood his own situation, sat cross-legged with a firm gaze, closed his eyes and felt: "The cultivation of this world, It is through various true meanings that we can master the rules of heaven and earth. Let me try it and see the mystery of all things first!"

With Diko's strong will, even if his body is still weak and his soul is not very strong, it is easy to feel the mysteries of all things, especially the mysteries of flames that are in line with his own bloodline.

"Fire is the fire of all things. Fire can be gentle or blazing. It can be as terrifying as a star, refining all things. It can also shine and heat, bringing light and vitality to the world." This realization made Dicko obsessed with it. , the body also automatically absorbed the flame energy between heaven and earth, and vague and uncertain flames appeared all over the body. It did not burn the bed and the room, but it exuded mysterious aura fluctuations.

Early in the morning, the golden-haired ape Man Yuanda woke up in a daze. When he saw Diko sitting cross-legged on the bed, immersed in his cultivation insights, he was stunned for a moment, subconsciously rubbed his eyes, and then grinned. A look of surprise: "Young Master... finally knows the importance of cultivation."

"Uncle Ape," a clear and sweet voice sounded along with the gentle footsteps. The lovely girl Long Xue and two maids came with some toiletries.

"It's Xue'er! The young master is practicing!" Seeing Long Xue, Yuan Da immediately smiled and said. He, Lang Er, Long Tian, ​​and Hu Ji all had adventures together, and their friendship was like brothers and sisters. Similarly, Long Xue, who had watched him grow up since childhood, regarded him as his nephew.

"Cultivation? Will he work so hard?" Long Xue curled his lips slightly, obviously disdainful of Diko. As he spoke, he looked into the room. When he saw Diko sitting cross-legged on the bed practicing, he noticed Diko couldn't help but be startled by the looming flames on his body, and then he couldn't help but frown and asked curiously: "Uncle Ape, his young master has awakened the ancient bloodline. What kind of strength is he now? Is it possible that he will become a real strong man as soon as he awakens? Already?"

"I don't know exactly what level the young master has reached, but he must have surpassed me. It is probably at least the title level," Saruda said with a wider smile on his face.

"Title level? There are only a few title level experts in the entire Qinghe County? Is it so easy to achieve it? If it can be achieved with just one bloodline awakening, then it would be great luck, right?" Long Xue frowned and said, obviously a little unhappy. I really believe that Dicko can become so strong all of a sudden.

After all, Diko was too weak and useless before, even worse than Long Xue. Three years younger than him, Long Xue, who is only seventeen years old, is already a heaven-level mage. Her mage talent is much better than that of her parents. She has every hope of becoming a silver-moon level mage in the future, and it is not impossible to even become a powerful person. possible.

"Haha... this is the charm of the ancient bloodline! The young master awakened, obviously the relatively powerful ancient bloodline, so his body is like a transformation, and his strength has increased so much all of a sudden," Yuanda said with a smile, looking very excited Proudly proud. That was the ancient bloodline, and it was rumored that some powerful ancient warriors even had power comparable to gods.

Long Xue, who was a little angry after hearing this, puffed out his mouth and was about to retort, but out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that Dike on the bed opened his eyes, and his deep and thoughtful eyes fell on her.

(End of this chapter)

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