Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 552 Extraordinary Life

Chapter 552 Extraordinary Life

"Master!" Yuanda, who also discovered that Dico was awake, was surprised and excited and ran in: "Master, are you okay?"

"Of course it's okay! Uncle Yuan, I made you worry," Diko said with a slight shake of his head and a smile, but it made Yuan Da cry with joy.

However, Long Xue, who came in with two maids, frowned and looked at Diko with confusion. When did this guy become so polite?

But then, the look that Diko looked over made Long Xue feel like he had seen through him instantly. She couldn't help but glared at him with a blushing face. That somewhat embarrassed look made Diko slightly smile. He was stunned for a moment, then touched his nose in embarrassment.

Dike, who had obtained the original memory information of this body, naturally knew who Long Xue was, and also knew that the original body coveted Long Xue, but Long Xue was so talented and ambitious that he didn't look down on him at all. But no matter what, they can be considered childhood sweethearts and grew up together. Now, Di Ke, who had replaced his original self, couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when facing Long Xue, who had always disliked him.

After Di Ke finished practicing, he just got up and took a quick shower when Lang Er, Long Tian, ​​and Hu Ji rushed over. Facing them, Diko dealt with them casually, and when asked about his current strength, he was also vague.

After all, Diko was not even a heaven-level knight before, nor was he keen on practicing. Now that his strength has increased dramatically, it is normal that it is difficult to measure and judge his own strength.

They all thought that Dico's strength should be at the title level. From an earth-level knight to a title level, it was already a very exaggerated leap in strength. But Di Ke knew that he had absorbed so much power from heaven and earth, and his ancient bloodline had awakened perfectly, so he should have directly become a supernatural being.

However, it was a bit too incredible to directly become an extraordinary being after awakening the ancient bloodline. Now Di Ke did not want to come into contact with the extraordinary organizations and extraordinary powerful people of the Xia Clan, so he deliberately restrained his aura and prepared to practice in a low-key manner and gain insights. To be honest, when you become stronger in the future, it won’t be too late to reveal your true strength.

So next, Diko, a playboy who only knew how to eat, drink and have fun in the past, became serious about practicing. Although Yuanda and the others were a little surprised, seeing Diko making such progress, everyone was filled with relief and expectation.

Long Xue, on the other hand, was full of suspicion towards Dico. It was really hard to imagine that the completely reborn Dico could even change his temper. How could a dog change to eat shit?

However, Diko really endured the loneliness, and his obsession with cultivation surprised even Yuan Da and the others, and they increasingly felt that Diko would definitely become an extraordinary person in the future, and even become a powerful extraordinary person.

As time goes by, the world of the Xia Clan is very peaceful most of the time. Even the battles at the extraordinary level rarely affect ordinary people and some small mundane family forces. Scarlet Flame Castle is located in a small county, so it is more difficult to encounter any trouble.

In the calmness, he easily reached the realm of unity between man and nature that ordinary knights and mages could hardly reach in their lifetimes. Even with the understanding of all things, Diko slowly realized the true meaning, because he was worried that practicing in Scarlet Flame Castle would be too easy to be exposed. The strength is to leave the Red Flame Castle and go to the Wuya Volcano, two to three hundred miles away from the Red Flame Castle, to meditate and comprehend in the magma river in the hinterland of the volcano, so as to understand the mystery of the flame more clearly...

In the blink of an eye, Diko has been in the Xia Clan world for several years, and has been meditating in Wuya Volcano for two years to understand the mystery of fire.

On this day, Dico was lying on the lava river as if sleeping, drifting with the surging magma, and his whole body was filled with hot and mysterious fluctuations of flames. In this half-asleep and half-awake state, he had a mysterious understanding of the flames between heaven and earth. The perception is also clearer...

"Huh?" Dicko, who was very sensitive to everything around him, suddenly opened his eyes with Ningmei sensing the feeling. He immediately saw a stream of water flying out of the lava river, paused and trembled for a while, and then moved faster. He flew out of the crater at a very fast speed and flew towards the high altitude clouds and mist.

"It turned into water, an extraordinary life that understood the mystery of water? The aura is not strong, it must be just the first time to enter the extraordinary. Could it be..." Diko sat up in the lava river and couldn't help but smile with twinkling eyes: " Has Dongbo Snow Eagle just become an extraordinary being? Interesting! It seems that I still have enough time to become a truly powerful extraordinary being when the Witch God and the Great Demon God launch a war to occupy the entire Xia Clan world. Even saying that Maybe, I will have become a god by then, and I may have realized the first-level divine heart and become a world god." At the same time, the stream of water that quickly flew away from the Wuya volcano also condensed into a human form, it was Dong Boxue eagle. Dongbo Snow Eagle looked back with some lingering fear: "What a strong aura, that is... a powerful extraordinary life? It seems to be a human being, but it is not necessarily true. Maybe it is a strong man of the Warcraft clan who has transformed into a human form." , otherwise, why would you be hiding in a volcano to cultivate?"

"Whether it's a human or a powerful supernatural being from Warcraft, at least it's not someone I can offend now. I never expected that I would unexpectedly meet a powerful and powerful latent cultivator. Fortunately, he didn't catch up, so I had to leave quickly." Dongbo Snow Eagle, muttering to himself, then turned into water again, accelerated and left quickly.

After Dongbo Snow Eagle left, Diko quickly left the lava river in the heart of the volcanic mountain and turned into an inconspicuous dark red flame and flew towards the Red Flame Castle outside Qingwu City.

There are not many people living in the Scarlet Flame Castle, which covers an area of ​​several miles. Apart from Yuan Da, Lang Er, Long Tian and his wife and their families, there are only a few guards and servants and maids. There are only a few in total. Hundreds of people.

Compared with a few years ago, Scarlet Flame Castle has not changed much. But whether it is Yuan Da or Lang Er, their strength has undergone a transformation. Just because Dike taught them the secret method of stimulating bloodline, they also awakened the ancient bloodline one after another, and their strength quickly reached the title level.

With title-level strength, Yuan Da and Lang Er just went to the Destruction Mountains to train a few times and kill some monsters. In addition, the business of Scarlet Flame Castle was also doing well. With more wealth, Scarlet Flame Castle naturally helped Long Tian and Hu Ji allowed them to spend resources on researching spells, and they also became Silver Moon mages.

"Master!" Sensing Diko's aura coming to Red Flame Castle, Yuan Da and Lang Er were the first to greet him, and then Long Tian and Hu Ji also came out from their mage tower.

Now that their strength has greatly improved, they are gradually keenly feeling the terrifying power of Diko's aura, and realize that Diko's strength may have surpassed the title level. As for what level it has reached, they cannot speculate. Yes.

But there is no doubt that regardless of whether Diko has become an extraordinary being or not, Yuan Da and the others are now confident in Diko. They all believe that Diko has practiced so diligently after awakening his bloodline and has such an unfathomable aura that he will definitely be able to become one in the future. A powerful extraordinary life.

When Diko and Yuanda came to the castle hall talking and laughing, Long Xue was greeting the servants to prepare dinner. When he turned around and saw Diko, he was stunned for a moment, and then he saluted slightly and shouted: "Master!"

A few years have passed, and Long Xue has grown into a big girl. Because she has the blood of the Silver Moon Fox, a royal family of the fox people, she has become more and more beautiful. She has also become a meteor mage. In addition, she has been responsible for the past two years. After managing some businesses in Red Flame Castle, after experiencing it, his temperament became more extraordinary, and his bright beautiful eyes were full of wisdom and spirituality.

"This girl is really getting more and more attractive. If she were in the Panlong World, such a pure soul would be able to practice undead magic or life magic with twice the result with half the effort. Even in this Xia Clan world, she is very spiritual and understanding. In the future The journey of becoming a mage will definitely go further," Diko couldn't help but secretly praise him when he saw Long Xue.

(End of this chapter)

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