Chapter 557 Bu City Lord

More than twenty years was a short period of time for Di Ke, but it was impossible for him to remain in seclusion all the time. His understanding of the mysteries of the rules of heaven and earth gradually slowed down, especially for Long Xue, Yuan Da, and Lang Er. After becoming an extraordinary powerhouse one after another, Diko left Wuya Volcano and embarked on a journey to travel throughout the Xia Clan world...

Although the world of the Xia Clan is only a material world, it is also very vast, with huge land and vast oceans, and many creatures. Naturally, it has also given birth to many scenic spots, allowing Diko to enjoy a comfortable and relaxing journey life from time to time. Touched, the strength has improved.

Alone, walk through the grassland and desert, cross the vast and uninhabited desert, or be with wild animals in the mountains, watch the sunrise and moonset, or watch the ebb and flow of the tide on the island, or soar for nine days, or be curious Going deep into the bottom of the sea... Unknowingly, Dicko's traces have spread over most of the Xia Clan's world, and he has visited some famous or famous places.

This winter, Di Ke, who just returned from traveling in the South China Sea, came to the rich Nanqin Province, which had not yet felt the cold, and drank leisurely local drinks in a small seaside town...

"Huh?" With Diko's state of understanding, he has already understood many true meanings by analogy. With the deep understanding of the true meaning of the second-grade true meaning space, although he is still far away, he can still feel it keenly. Violent fluctuations came from the distance: "Such a strong space fluctuation, the attack of a demigod is absolutely difficult to achieve in the material world. What force tore the space? Could it be?"

Dico, who was thinking a lot, disappeared quietly, leaving only a gold coin falling on the table. The other guests in the tavern didn't realize it. In the end, even the waiter who came to pack things was scratching his head. He was a little confused, because he couldn't remember when the guests at this table left.

At the same time, in mid-air above an unnamed mountain peak in Nanqin Province, with a deep and unpredictable force transmitted from the distant space, the space membrane wall of the Xia Clan's world was directly torn open, forming a ferocious deep crack. aisle

At the other end of the passage is a world full of destruction. It is one of the worlds in the dark abyss. And soon, the demons near the connection of the space channel discovered this channel connecting the material world. The demons who felt the breath of human souls suddenly went crazy, and began to call friends and pour into the Xia Clan world in large numbers. .

As soon as the demons entered the world of the Xia clan, they sniffed like hunting dogs and turned into streams of light and disappeared in all directions.

Suddenly the space was distorted, and a human woman with dazzling purple light appeared out of thin air. Seeing this scene, her face changed greatly, and then she took action with some shock and anger: "Devil! Go to hell!"

Boom... The dazzling purple flames covered the sky, sweeping in all directions like a tide. The weaker demons immediately turned into fly ash, but a tall demon with an ice-blue body stretched out his palm and slapped it, causing The space began to freeze, and the purple flames collided with each other and consumed each other.

Relying on the same powerful strength of the demigod level, after resisting for a moment, the ice demon disappeared through the void with one step. At the same time, the torn deep space cracks had begun to heal. The few demons that were still frantically burrowing into the Xia Clan world were directly squeezed, strangled and crushed by the healed space cracks, howling unwillingly.

The heroic human woman bathed in purple light was still controlling the purple flames to attack in all directions, burning all the demons that were slow to escape into ashes, but more demons had already sneaked into the Xia Clan world and ran away. , it’s too late to find and kill him.

"Damn! The crack leading to the dark abyss that appeared this time is too big, and there are too many demons." The heroic human woman was eager and angry. When she was about to pass the news to the Xinhuo Palace and inform all the Xia Clan demigods, Then he looked into the distance with a slight change of expression: "Huh? This wave... is someone chasing the escaped demons? How come there are waves of fighting in all directions at the same time?"

The heroic woman hurriedly conveyed the news, and then rushed through space towards the direction of the nearest fighting energy wave...

"That's..." Dozens of miles away, the heroic woman appeared with the distortion of space. She saw a palm that seemed to suppress the world, easily smashing a ferocious demon that was fixed in mid-air into powder, and then that The owner of the palm disappeared instantly as his figure blurred.

Space oscillations are still coming, as if someone is swatting flies in all directions with a fly swatter. If you can see it from high in the sky, a large number of vague figures appear within thousands of miles around, there are hundreds of them. Qian, locked onto those demons that were also fleeing in all directions, and it was like swatting flies, one by one, one by one, and they were really shattered to pieces, and those dead demons didn't even leave a complete body. The increasingly violent energy fluctuations spread from a wilderness thousands of miles away, just like a big stone dropped by the lakeside, and immediately alerted the heroic woman who was looking around with suspicion.

"This" After traveling through the void and arriving over the wilderness where the battle took place, the heroic woman suddenly stared in surprise at the fierce battle below. One of the two parties fighting was the ice demon who had escaped from his hands before, and with that The phantoms that the ice demons fought were not unfamiliar to her. They were the mysterious strong men who had killed many demons before.

"Not a phantom? A clone?" Seeing dozens of blurry figures surrounding the ice demon, they struck out fiercely and fiercely as if they were punching sandbags, and a dull collision sound came, and although the ice demon was exuding... The cold air made the surrounding space freeze, but it still could not affect the other party at all. She was beaten suffocatingly, with a lot of cracks and blood on her body, almost like broken porcelain. The heroic woman couldn't help but become more surprised, her eyes They all stared.

"How could this happen?" Not only the heroic woman was shocked, but even the ice demon was filled with shock, anger and fear: "What is the true meaning of this, and how can it form so many clones? And it seems that every clone is the original self. , he is so strong just by attacking with fists and kicks, how can his human body be stronger than mine? I am a high-level demon, ah..."

The Ice Demon was going crazy. He and Dicko were not on the same level at all. Diko, who has a deep understanding of the immeasurable true meaning, and even the true meaning of matter, relies on his body that has also been trained to be very strong. It is not as easy as an adult to beat a child to ravage a half-body demon.

"Die!" Dico gave the ice demon a good beating until blood dripped all over his body. Then with a low roar, the figures gathered together and transformed into his only true form. He punched out, Suddenly, black flame-like energy gathered on the fist, and the space instantly twisted into a black hole, followed by terrifying waves of destruction that fell on the ice demon.

Boom.. Amidst the terrifying explosion, his whole body suddenly froze and his eyes widened. His eyes were filled with fear of the ice demon. The next moment, his body collapsed and melted like sand, and was swallowed by the terrifying black hole vortex. You can still faintly see the black flames rising from it.

"What? So strong? He is strength. What does this mean? Could such a terrifying wave of destruction be the true meaning of the legendary Great Destruction?" The heroic woman who saw this scene was simply stunned.

Diko, who killed the ice demon with one punch, moved his body, turned to look at the heroic woman and smiled: "City Master Bu, after watching for so long, he didn't even come to help."

(End of this chapter)

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