Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 558 Demonic Disaster

Chapter 558 Demonic Disaster

The heroic woman bathed in purple light is none other than the Bu City Lord of Yunwu City, one of the four extraordinary organizations of the Xia clan, which controls several provinces in the south.

City Lord Bu, who controls an artifact, is not inferior in strength to the old lady Ye Meiye, the leader of the Blood Blade Tavern. He is definitely the most powerful among the Xia Clan demigods. However, the true meaning of her understanding was not too strong. Even with the help of the divine weapon, she still could not suppress the ice demon, let alone keep it or kill it.

"Shall I help you? Do you still need my help? You killed so many demons at once, including this demigod-level ice demon. You are much stronger than me," he reacted. City Master Bu couldn't help but feel helpless and curious: "Are you Di Ke? I heard Palace Master Chen mention you, but I never had the chance to see you. I didn't expect that you would reach such a level after practicing for only twenty or thirty years. .I am afraid that now, you have surpassed Master Heshan and Master Sikong and become the most powerful demigod in our Xia clan."

"No matter how strong we are, so what? So many demons swarmed into the Xia Clan all at once. Even if I try my best, I can only intercept and kill some of them." Diko shook his head and sighed. Even if his strength is far greater than what it is now. The demigods of the Xia clan couldn't help but feel a little helpless when faced with so many demons that suddenly appeared.

Next, if those demons take action, he can still sense it, but if he restrains his aura and concentrates on hiding, Diko will not be able to defeat them.

"It's good to be able to kill some, and you also killed the demigod-level ice demon. This ice demon is so strong, it will be a big trouble if it really escapes," Bu City Master Liandao.

Diko shook his head slightly and frowned and said: "I only killed one demigod demon. Among the demons that escaped, there should be other demigod level demons. Next, if they focus on hiding, it will be difficult to find them. easy."

"Hmph! These demons came to our Xia Clan world at all costs not just to devour human souls. With their nature, they will never hide easily, and they will definitely not be able to help but take action," City Lord Bu snorted coldly.

"I hope they hide. Once they take action, I don't know how many innocent people will die." Diko shook his head and sighed: "I have no choice but to search as much as possible. If I find any traces, I will take action immediately. I hope that these demons can be eliminated as soon as possible." , in order to reduce the casualties of ordinary people of our Xia clan as much as possible."

"There are so many demons, how easy is it to get rid of them in a short time?" City Master Bu said with a headache, "Even the weakest first-level demons are comparable in strength to mid-level to peak Feitian-level demons. It is difficult for ordinary Feitian-level extraordinary demons to kill first-level demons. Demons of second-level and above all have the strength of saint-level extraordinary ones. Some powerful fifth-level demons can even rival demigods."

"But there are only so many extraordinary people in the Xia clan. Most of them are just flying-level extraordinary people. Even if they are all deployed, they will still be at a disadvantage in the face of so many demons." City Lord Bu shook his head and felt powerless: "Even if they are all deployed, they will still be at a disadvantage when facing so many demons." In the face of those demigods and demons, some of the top demigods of our Xia tribe have to rely on artifacts to take advantage."

"There is no other way. As the Xia Clan's demigod-level combat force, facing this crisis, we can only stand up and do our best to kill more demons. If we kill more, we can reduce the impact of these demons on the Xia Clan world. "The dangers of those demons," Diko continued, "Now that those demons have just entered the world of the Xia Clan and are rampant and unscrupulous, they will definitely be unable to help but kill one by one. I will carefully sense and investigate, and kill as many as possible." Kill some powerful demons, especially demigod level demons.”

"Well, I have already informed the Xinhuo Palace and the other demigods of the Xia tribe. Next, we will definitely have to work harder," City Master Bu nodded. As the saying goes, if the sky falls, tall people will hold it up. These demigods He is the Optimus Pillar of the Xia Clan world! At the critical moment, you must stand up and fight tooth and nail to protect the Xia Clan world.

And then, those demons who experienced cruel killings in the dark abyss were indeed crazy and ferocious. Many demons, whether strong or weak, began to kill mortal life in the Xia world. After all, human souls were attracted to them. Too much force. Just like a cat smelling fishy smell, how could it resist eating fish? Powerful demigod-level demons even directly attack counties with tens of millions of people without restraint. Although those ancient counties and cities all have powerful formations arranged by mages, it is still difficult to resist some demigod-level demons.

However, when the first county town was attacked, Diko had already sensed it. With the help of the true meaning of space, he quickly teleported and rushed there. However, when he arrived at the county town, there were still hundreds of thousands of innocent people. The person's soul was devoured by the rampant demigod demon...

But the demigod-level demon couldn't escape, and was quickly killed by Diko who was angry. The power of Diko's punch shocked the Lord Heshan who came after him.

After that, in just a few days, relying on his keen senses, teleportation speed and powerful strength, Diko killed two demigod demons who tried to attack the county.

The fighting continued, and earth-shaking battles took place in the Xia Clan world. The movements that seemed to destroy the world also made more and more ordinary people aware of the crisis.

The demigods of the Xia Clan were like firefighters, following the movements of the demons and quickly killing them. Although they killed many demons, they were often too late to rescue them. After all, there were too many demons, and the Xia Clan There are only a dozen demigods.

When encountering some demigod-level demons, the weaker Xia Clan demigods would not only find it difficult to entangle or kill them, but they might even be injured and die.

In the third month of the war, the human demigod Gray Falcon Knight Pang Bai died in battle! Even though Dico had noticed Pang Bai's crisis, the demigod demon named Tu Luwu whom Pang Bai met was relatively strong, but Pang Bai's strength was weak. When Dico arrived, Pang Bai already dead.

But Tu Luwu, who had killed Pang Bai, could not escape when faced with Diko. First, he was easily crushed and seriously injured by Diko, and then he was beheaded with hatred by Lord Heshan who came later.

After that, although some Xia Clan demigods encountered crises and troubles, the Xia Clan demigods helped each other, and with the powerful combat power of Diko, it was generally smooth, and they were killed in just a few months. This time, most of the demigod-level demons that entered the Xia Clan world were killed, and many other demons were also killed.

But perhaps the Xia Clan demigods killed too hard and displayed too much strength. After just over half a year, the remaining demons gradually began to die down, and it was difficult to find traces.

However, the disaster caused by this demon is not over yet. Those demons in hiding, secretly looking for opportunities to take action, will cause even greater harm.

Therefore, this battle between Xia humans and demons is destined to be a protracted war. In order to find the hiding demons and eradicate them as soon as possible, the Xia Clan had to let a large number of Feitian-level and Saint-level extraordinary people leave the world of Xinhuo and go to the Xia Clan world to sense and investigate... Facing the demons, the extraordinary and powerful Their sacrifice is inevitable...

(End of this chapter)

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