Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 559 Cheng Lingshu and Chi Qiubai

Chapter 559 Cheng Lingshu and Chi Qiubai

Time flies by, day after day, year after year, the war between the Xia Clan's extraordinary and demons continues

Xinhuo Palace has absolute control over the entire Xia Clan world, and its intelligence network all over the world provides great convenience for finding demons. And those hidden demons cannot endure the temptation of human souls forever. Therefore, some first- and second-order demons at the bottom began to secretly attack

With the help of the intelligence network and the patrols of extraordinary powerful men, the Xia clan began to discover demons one after another. The demigods also went out everywhere, killing or capturing demons alive again and again.

But in this process, human extraordinary beings are occasionally exposed, and are attacked by magical clones sent by fifth-level demon clones hidden in the extraordinary world. Some flying-level extraordinary beings cannot save their lives even when facing the magical clones of fifth-level demons.

Even compared to the demons, relatively few of the Xia Clan's extraordinary people died, but the number of human beings' extraordinary beings was far less than that of the demons. Every loss would make the Xia Clan feel heartbroken.

Maple City is a very beautiful city. There are many maple trees growing in the city. In late autumn, the red maple leaves are extremely beautiful at a glance.

On one side of the ancient street full of maple trees, in an antique restaurant, Diko was sitting by the window on the second floor with a pot of wine and a few side dishes, eating and drinking casually. He seemed very leisurely, but his invisible will was It has already spread, sensing movements in all directions. As long as the energy fluctuations in the entire Xia Clan world reach an extraordinary level, no matter how subtle and obscure it is, it is difficult to escape Diko's detection.

The process of induction investigation is also a way for Dicko to feel and figure out the true meaning. With the help of space and other means that are good at detecting the true meaning of induction, Dicko is also very efficient in detecting and finding demons.

"Huh?" Diko, who seemed to be aware of it, suddenly raised his eyebrows and looked at a certain place in Maple City: "You are really brave to do something under my nose!"

Buzz... Dico put down his wine glass and just pointed his finger casually, accompanied by slight distortions and fluctuations in the space. At the same time, the red curved-horned devil exuding a terrifying and evil aura in the air in Maple City was about to attack a man walking in a mansion below. The female superhuman Cheng Lingshu took action, but her face suddenly changed and her eyes widened, and then the magic clone containing a trace of soul exploded like a watermelon.

"What?" Cheng Lingshu, who also felt something and looked up, felt the pressure of the red horned devil's aura. Just when he was a little frightened and nervous, he saw the figure of the red horned devil explode like a stagnation, and he was suddenly stunned. Then I saw the twisted space where the red horned demon figure disappeared, as well as the invisible hot and destructive aura, and I couldn't help but be surprised and happy: "Such a powerful power, it was my Xia tribe's demigod who saved me? What does this really mean? , so terrifying? Which demigod took action?"

"Leave quickly! Be careful, don't expose your identity easily again," Di Ke's cold and indifferent voice sounded in Cheng Lingshu's ears, but it made Cheng Lingshu more and more tempted and curious: "This voice... doesn't seem to be there. Have you ever heard of a Xia Clan demigod I don’t recognize?”

However, at Di Ke's urging, Cheng Lingshu obeyed and quickly left Maple City, hiding her identity and continuing her journey to find the devil.

Not long after Cheng Lingshu left, Chao Qing tore apart the space and appeared in the sky above Maple City. Then, as the surrounding space rippled, Diko appeared out of thin air holding a bottle of wine.

"Dico? I guessed that it was you who took action. Fortunately, you were nearby and could take action in time, otherwise that girl Lingshu would have been in danger." Chao Qing was not surprised when he saw Diko.

Diko shook his head and said: "It's just a magical clone of a fifth-level demon. Its true form should be hiding in a small extraordinary world and cannot be killed at all." "It is rare to be able to save an extraordinary person. As for those who are hiding in The devils in the small extraordinary world, we can't enter the small extraordinary world, so we can only think of other ways," Chao Qing couldn't help but frowned after hearing this.

While the two were talking, the space not far away was torn apart again. A handsome young man in a white robe and white hair stepped out, causing Diko to turn his head and look. Chao Qing also grinned when he saw the other person and said: "Dico, this This is Chi Qiubai, the most outstanding extraordinary person of our Xia clan before, and also the newly promoted demigod of our Shuiyuan Taoist Temple. You probably haven’t seen him yet, right?”

"Changfeng Knight, I've heard about the name for a long time," Di Ke, who looked at Chi Qiubai, also smiled lightly, while Chi Qiubai, who also looked at him curiously, continued: "Brother Di, thank you for saving me. Got Lingshu."

"You're welcome! We are all responsible for dealing with demons," Di Ke said casually. Seeing Chi Qiubai's extraordinary demeanor, but with a hint of loneliness and sadness in his eyebrows, he couldn't help but secretly sigh in his heart, this Chi Qiubai is indeed a member of the Xia clan The world is the most amazing genius, but it is precisely because of his outstanding talent that he was secretly plotted by the Great Demon God, and he had to become a minion of the Great Demon God for the sake of his wife. It is really sad.

It was a rare meeting, so Chao Qing and Chi Qiubai were not in a hurry to leave. They followed Di Ke back to the restaurant, had a drink together, laughed and got to know each other before leaving separately.

Next, the Xia Clan's extraordinary beings exposed their identities and were attacked by magical clones of fifth-level demons. Although Diko tried his best to rescue him, sometimes it was because the distance was too far and there was no time to rescue, resulting in some Xia Clan's extraordinary beings being attacked. kill.

This is also inevitable. As extraordinary strong men, they shoulder the responsibility of protecting the Xia clan. Even if they know the danger, they can only face it. And after all, there are only a few people who can become extraordinary and are truly timid and afraid of death.

Just like that, it has been nearly twenty years since the demons came in the blink of an eye. Facing the demons hiding in the extraordinary small world, the Xia Clan has never been able to deal with them. As another newly emerged genius of the Xia Clan, the extraordinary Dongbo Snow Eagle, mastered With the second-grade true meaning, the action to attack those extraordinary small worlds was quickly put on the agenda.

Dicko, who is already a demigod and cannot enter the extraordinary small world, did not participate in this operation against the demons of the extraordinary small world.

But Dong Bo Snow Eagle took action, and he realized and mastered the three second-level true meanings one after another. Although he experienced some twists and turns and encountered a team of reincarnators arranged by the Temple of Time and Space to perform tasks in the Xia Clan, Dong Bo Snow finally exploded. The eagle still managed to kill many demons in one fell swoop.

Since then, the threat of demigod demons to the Xia Clan world has been greatly reduced, but those demigod level demons hiding in the dark are still a huge threat.

Fortunately, Dongbo Snow Eagle understood the true meaning of the second-grade true meaning of the virtual world. He walked around the virtual world to investigate and spent time, but also slowly found the traces of the hidden demigod-level demons...

Even in the process, Dong Bo Xueying unexpectedly discovered the headquarters of the Demon God Society that had been hidden for many years. He also discovered that the high priest of the Demon God Society was Xi Yun, the demigod of the Xia tribe, and also discovered that several other people had taken refuge The Xia Clan Chaofan of the Demon God Association, and the clone of the Great Demon God who is being gestated.

As a result, a plan to target those semi-god-level demon generals and even attack the headquarters of the Demon God Society was slowly brewing. Unless the Xia Clan took action, it would be truly earth-shattering...

Under Dongbo Snow Eagle's investigation and guidance, the Xia clan naturally dealt with the few hidden demigod demons first. However, since the Ice Demon had already died at the hands of Diko, the Xia Clan only had four demigod demons to deal with. The Xia Clan demigods had more manpower and could naturally attack them in a targeted manner. ..

(End of this chapter)

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