Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 560 Crush, accident

Chapter 560 Crush, accident

In the world of the Xia Clan, above a volcano, as the space twisted and tore, several figures flew out. They were the three demigods of the Black and White Mountains headed by Lord He Shan, Chao Qing from the Shuiyuan Taoist Temple, and a humanoid plant. Sapling is an ancient tree guard who is one of the Xia Clan's most powerful divine warriors.

"The purple-armored demon general is really hiding in this volcano?" Chao Qing looked at the volcano below with burning eyes, and the leader He Shanzhu looked down at the crater with lightning eyes, and his mind moved, invisible The fluctuations penetrated directly into the volcano.

Boom... Almost at the same time as Master He Shan's power penetrated and investigated, with an energy explosion, the entire volcano trembled, and then somewhere halfway up the volcano suddenly exploded, and a vague, lean figure flew out from it, In an instant, he was in mid-air.

"It's Master He from the Black and White Sacred Mountain of the Xia Clan. How did they find themselves here? They also brought God Realm soldiers. It seems they came specifically to deal with me. How did the Xia Clan know that I was hiding here?" Zi When Devil A saw Master He Shanzhu and others, his expression suddenly changed and he became suspicious. At the same time, his expression quickly became ugly.

A pair of purple-armored demons were enough to fight Master Heshan who possessed the artifact, but with the help of three demigods such as Chao Qing, and the entanglement of the ancient tree guard, it was enough to surround and kill him. Under the entanglement of the ancient tree guards, it was difficult for the purple-armored demon to escape.

"Do it!" Seeing the purple-armored demon, Lord He Shan's eyes lit up and he gave the order directly. At the same time, he took out his artifact, the Black and White Moon Wheel, and attacked the purple-armored demon.

The purple-armored demon gritted his teeth and wanted to escape through the void, but above the bright black and white moon, the hazy light filled the air, instantly activating the mysterious magic circle, which enveloped the purple-armored demon like a big net, causing it to The space seemed to be stagnant, directly interrupting the purple-armored demon's shuttle through the void.

Phew... the ancient tree guard was extremely fast, and at the same time, it shot out vines towards the purple-armored demon, wrapping around Chao Qing who was holding a thunder staff, and the other two demigods from the Black and White Mountain, who were also following closely behind. past.

"Here we go! He is worthy of being the best in the world, Master He Shan. This artifact, the Black and White Moon Wheel, is really powerful. The magic circle inspired by the artifact completely restrained the purple-armored demon," the man in the distance was looking through the space. Diko, seeing the purple-armored demon being entangled, knew that there was no suspense in this battle.

At the same time, battles broke out one after another in the other three places where the demigods and demons were hiding. Three or two demigods joined forces, and with the assistance of the gods' soldiers, they completely restrained those demons, and their power was even more overwhelming.

Among them, City Lord Bu of Yunwu City took two demigods including Deputy City Lord Chun Yuan and a divine warrior to deal with the powerful but weak mountain demons; Temple Master Sikong Yang and Chi Qiubai of Shuiyuan Taoist Temple In addition, a divine warrior was added to deal with the red-armored succubus; the Taishu Palace Master of Poseidon Palace, who was the most powerful on the sea, led his two demigods from Poseidon Palace to deal with it with the assistance of another divine warrior. Shadow demons hiding in the sea.

In terms of strength, whether it is the mountain demon, the red-armored succubus or the shadow demon, they are not as good as the purple-armored demon General Yanze and the top demon ice demon killed by Dico.

The Xia Clan's Master He Shan, Master Sikong Yang, who are at the top of the list of demigods, and even Master Bu City and Master Taishu Palace are able to suppress them with the help of divine weapons. With the assistance of the divine warriors, there is no suspense in the battle. It ended quickly.

Among them, the shadow demon was the first to be eliminated. Although he had a special talent for shadows and could hide his body and fuse with space to remove the opponent's attack power, he was faced with the power of the Sea-Suppressing Hunyuan Stick holding the most powerful artifact of Poseidon Palace on the sea. The incomparable Palace Master Taishu, every blow caused substantial and terrible damage to him. After a few blows, the shadow demon who was unwilling to scream was smashed to death.

The one who fell immediately was the red-armored succubus. Facing Sikong Yang's palm that contained the true meaning of the sun, one palm smashed the red-armored succubus' body into pieces, and its vitality was greatly damaged. However, within three palms, the red-armored succubus was completely destroyed. The succubus has exhausted its vitality and can no longer condense its body.

As for Kong You's powerful but weak mountain demon, he was captured alive by Bu City Lord and the others. This was also the first demigod demon captured alive by the Xia clan since the demon invasion. "This battle is really meaningless." He clearly saw the three battlefields through the space and watched the battle that ended quickly. Diko couldn't help but shook his head and said secretly. For him, a battle of this level is really hard to bring out any interest. .

"Huh? Something happened." But then, he seemed to realize something and immediately turned his head to look at the battlefield of the purple-armored demon.

The most powerful purple-armored demon faced four demigods led by Lord Heshan, who was also the strongest demigod of the Xia tribe, and was entangled and besieged by the ancient tree guards. It was also the most miserable.

Accompanied by rumbling energy explosions, the black and white moon wheel in mid-air descended, like a rotating millstone, slamming into the purple-armored demon again and again, shattering every inch of his powerful body.

The ancient tree guard controlled a large number of tough vines to entangle and harass him, making it difficult for him to dodge and escape. Chao Qing, who was holding a thunder staff, was also extremely domineering and attacked from the side, making the purple-armored demon even more embarrassed and miserable.

However, just as the purple-armored demon's injuries were getting worse and worse, and it was about to be beaten to death by Master He Shanzhu and the others in a short time, a dark crack suddenly appeared in the air in the distance, and a figure walked out of the crack.

Seeing that figure, Master Heshan and the others couldn't help but change their expressions slightly. I saw this man wearing dark red armor, a dark red horn helmet, and a similarly dark red mask on his face, revealing only a pair of eyes filled with gray aura, full of heart-stopping silence and darkness.

"Chi Qiubai, you are a well-hidden avatar and the third priest of the Demon God Association. Can you still not help but take action? Want to save General Yanze? It seems that the great demon thinks that General Yanze is strong. It might be useful to him, so he didn't hesitate to expose the three priests and come to the rescue." Diko, who squinted his eyes and looked at the mysterious man in dark red armor from a distance, couldn't help but slightly raised the corner of his mouth: "It seems that it is interesting again."

As he spoke, Dico took a step, as if entering water, his body directly integrated into the slightly rippling space, and then appeared in the air close to the battlefield above the volcano.

At the same time, the three priests of Chi Qiubai's clones took action directly after appearing. The huge artifact scimitar that exuded a terrifying and bloody atmosphere was like the scythe of death in his hand. With one strike, the space collapsed and was wiped out. The ancient... The vines guarding the tree and the magic circle that restrained the purple-armored demon all collapsed, and even the black and white moon wheel was knocked upside down and flew away.

Although the Black and White Moon Wheel, the strongest artifact of the Black and White Mountain, is powerful, it is only a auxiliary artifact after all. Facing the attack of the artifact, the Scimitar, which contains the true meaning of the Great Destruction, it still falls short.

"What? He actually suppressed my black and white moon wheel. Who is he?" Lord Heshan was shocked. Even Chao Qing and other three demigods who were hurriedly retreating from the side also changed their expressions. The power of a sword actually suppressed it. Lord Heshan, it’s really terrible.

"The Demon God Association? The Demon God Association actually hides such a master? Or does it rely on the power of artifacts? But no matter what, his strength is too strong, much stronger than Master Heshan. It's troublesome!" Feeling the darkness Chao Qing, who could naturally guess the identity of the mysterious man in red armor due to the surging aura of dark magic, couldn't help but look ugly and became anxious in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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