Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 561 Three Priests of the Demon God Society

Chapter 561 The Three Priests of the Demon God Society

Chao Qing couldn't help but be anxious, because the Demon God was hidden too deeply and actually had a mysterious strong man who was stronger than Lord He Shan. This was undoubtedly a big threat to the Xia Clan.

"Aren't you leaving yet? Wait until all the Xia Clan demigods come to besiege you?" The mysterious man in dark red armor glanced coldly at General Yanze, who also looked excited. Taking advantage of the magic circle being broken, Lord Heshan and the others were surprised. When he was stunned, he quickly teleported to the mysterious man in dark red armor.

However, at this moment, the space suddenly stagnated, and General Yanze's figure seemed to be frozen in mid-air. At the same time, the space behind him was distorted. Dike, who stepped out of it, just stretched out his hand casually, and suddenly he was surrounded by darkness. The palm of the red flame sank into General Yanze's body.

However, General Yanze's body was not damaged at all, as if Diko's palm and General Yanze's body were not in the same space. However, General Yanze's body was like firewood, burning from the inside out in the blink of an eye.

"Ah" a shrill scream rang out, suddenly making Master Dehe and the others wake up with a start. They looked at Diko who calmly and casually retracted his hand with moved and surprised expressions: "Dico? His strength and methods seem to be more powerful. , deeper and unfathomable.”

Even the mysterious man in dark red armor opposite had his eyes narrowed, because he felt a familiar aura from the dark red flames burning on General Yanze's body, which was the smell of the Great Destruction: "Could it be that he also understood the Great Destruction? Destroy the true meaning? Moreover, just now he made the space stagnant, and then appeared through the stagnant space, could it be that he has also mastered the true meaning of space? "

General Yanze's screams lasted only a few seconds before the rising dark red flames turned into a dark red crystal with a purple halo. It was only as big as a fist, but it seemed like a rare treasure in the world. So magnificent and dazzling.

"That's..." Seeing the magical crystal, Lord Heshan and the mysterious man in dark red armor were stunned again. Apparently they didn't expect that General Yanze would leave this thing behind after he was burned.

In fact, using refining fire to burn demons to death and condense their life essence was something Dico figured out while dealing with some demons over the years. Those demons are born extraordinary beings with powerful bloodline comparable to ancient beings. It would be a waste to kill them directly and refine their bloodline life essence energy to form crystals that are comparable to some excellent extraordinary materials. Extraordinary beings have great uses, so they can be considered waste.

"I didn't expect that the devil would still have someone as strong as you." After putting away the spar left by General Yanze after he was refined and killed, Diko looked at the mysterious man in dark red armor with interest. : "Now that you're all here, let me introduce myself first! What do you call me?"

call? Mountain Master He and Chao Qing were speechless. This guy was obviously a strong member of the Demon God Society. Is there any need to be so close to him?

"The Demon God Association has three priests!" the mysterious man in dark red armor said coldly. Diko nodded slightly, and then said: "So, the Demon God Association should have a high priest and a second priest, right? Their strength should also be that of demigods. , and they are all Xia Clan demigods. There are only a few demigods in the Xia Clan, but three of them have taken refuge in the Demon God Association..."

When Di Ke said this, Master Heshan and Chao Qing turned ugly. Thinking that among the Xia Clan demigods they were familiar with, there were actually three traitors, they couldn't help but feel filled with anger and annoyance. There are three more dignified Xia clan demigods who betrayed their own clan and joined the Demon God Association!

"Why, am I wrong?" Looking at the silent look of the mysterious man in dark red armor, Diko asked calmly, but it made the fluctuations of dark magic power in his body become a little manic and disordered.

Diko, who shook his head slightly when he saw this, was too lazy to say anything more. He immediately traveled through the space and came to the opponent in an instant. At the same time, he punched violently, and the space where the fist passed by instantly surged and boiled like a wave. Get up

Peng... the mysterious man in dark red armor punched out with the same punch. The gloved fist was filled with black destructive energy full of deathly aura, stirring the chaotic space, and Dico's punch that penetrated the space. The fists collided fiercely, and terrible destructive power suddenly raged, causing the surrounding space to distort and collapse. Almost at the same time, Diko, who was trembling all over, and the mysterious man in dark red armor both retreated violently under the terrifying energy shock wave that spread in all directions.

"The true meaning of the Great Destruction is a bit interesting!" After stabilizing his figure in a slightly embarrassed manner, Diko looked down at the damaged clothes on his chest. He shook his head lightly and then said disdainfully: "It's a pity that this little strength is not in my hands. The qualifications to be arrogant in front of you.”

"Leave it!" Diko said and was about to continue his attack when the mysterious man in dark red armor suddenly reached out and pulled out the huge scimitar that was more than one meter long from behind, followed by a dry and harsh sound. With the sound, the blood-red scimitar was unsheathed, and the surface seemed to be stained with blood, and the terrifying smell of blood filled the air...

Chi... The mysterious man in dark red armor took action indifferently, whizzing towards him with a knife, and the space immediately collapsed and was annihilated. Everything around him was annihilated. The invisible power of destruction made Master He Shanzhu and Chao Qing feel their hearts tremble, but it was Dicko's eyes lit up.

"The artifact, coupled with the true meaning of the Great Destruction, and its destructive power, is really powerful!" Diko said in admiration. Facing the knife that seemed to be able to annihilate everything, his figure instantly became slightly illusory and merged with the space. Diko, who was as one as a whole, raised his dark red crystal-like palms to greet him...

The sharp sword energy fell on Diko's hand, cutting Diko's palm with some difficulty, and then the concentrated sword energy exploded with terrifying destructive power, impacting Diko's body.

Diko trembled and then retreated, his clothes instantly turned into fly ash, and also turned into dark red crystal-like body with some cracks. However, as the energy in his body flowed, Diko's body was gleaming with light. The cracks on his body were quickly restored, and at the same time he stabilized his figure, and his body once again condensed into a dark red energy robe.

"Such a strong body, how powerful is his body to this extent? Can he withstand a divine weapon?" Seeing this scene, both He Shanzhu and the others, as well as the mysterious man in dark red armor, were completely shocked.

After all, the cost of resources required to make the physical waist stronger is too high. Many demigod-level strong men can only upgrade their bodies to the holy level at most. The entire Xia clan has no special method for cultivating the physical body!

The reason why Dike is able to have such a powerful physical body is that he perfected it by combining the Nine Body Refining Methods of Swallowing the World's Flame Crystal, and slowly practiced to reach this point.

Today's Diko, with his physical body alone, has far surpassed those so-called ancient beings. He has definitely reached the ultimate level of demigod power. He can even crush most of the Xia tribe's demigods with his physical body.

After cultivating his body to this level, coupled with the attack and defense function of his true meaning, Dicko had enough confidence to withstand the full blow of the mysterious man in dark red armor using the artifact scimitar.

"It's a very strong sword! But it can't do anything to me! Three priests, right? You can also take a move from me," Diko said lightly, and suddenly grinned at the mysterious man in dark red armor in the distance. Pointed to the past...

(End of this chapter)

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