Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 562 Doubt and Trust

Chapter 562 Doubt and Trust

As Diko pointed out, a cluster of dark red flames appeared out of thin air in an instant, condensed into an increasingly darker energy ball, directly penetrated the space and came to the front of the mysterious man in dark red armor. The small bullet The energy ball as big as a bead caused the surrounding space to collapse, and also caused the eyes of the mysterious man in dark red armor to shrink.

Dico's attack speed was too fast. He traveled through space and instantly arrived in front of the mysterious man in dark red armor. He had no time to block it and could only use the scimitar in his hand as a shield in front of him.

The rumbling energy ball compressed to the extreme fell on the bloody scimitar like a black dot. As the bloody scimitar and the dark red armored mysterious man's hand holding the scimitar trembled, extremely violent and terrifying power exploded instantly, Just like a small supernova explosion, the terrible destructive power made the surrounding space instantly darken, turning into a black hole and swallowing the mysterious man in dark red armor.

In an instant, the space within several miles around collapsed and collapsed, turning into a dark area of ​​destruction, which frightened Lord He Shan and others into hurriedly flying away to avoid it.

A moment later, after everything returned to calm, even though the space was gradually distorted and returned to normal, the mysterious man in dark red armor appeared in an awkward shape. The bloody scimitar in his hand had already been released and flew far away, but with the defense of the artifact armor, he could not No substantial harm was suffered.

"Go" and looked at Di Ke's dark red armored mysterious man with some horror and fear. Seeing the space in the distance tearing apart, Sikong Yang and other Xia Clan demigods arrived one after another. With a thought, he recalled the bloody scimitar that had flown far away. He was busy tearing apart the space and left.

This time, Dicko didn't stop him. In fact, with Dicko's current strength and means, it is not impossible to keep him. It's just that since then, he has exposed too many strengths and trump cards, which is completely unnecessary.

"Diko, why did you let him go? With your strength, you are completely able to entangle him. When all the Xia tribe demigods arrive, we will besiege him together. No matter how powerful he is, he will never be able to escape." Xi Yun, who runs the tribe's own hatred-like-enemy persona, almost tore through the space with Sikong Yang, Chi Qiubai and the others one after another. Seeing the scene of the mysterious man in dark red armor escaping, he couldn't help but get angry. He opened his mouth and said: "With the strength and potential of the three priests of the Demon God Society, he will definitely be a big threat to our Xia clan in the future. What a great opportunity this time is to surround and kill him!"

Seeing Xi Yun's "resentful and unwilling" look, Di Ke, who felt a little resentful, couldn't help but said: "Surround him and kill him? Xi Yun, you want to kill him, why didn't you come earlier?"

"Okay, Xi Yun, the three priests of the Demon God Society are really powerful. It's not easy for Diko to keep him. Moreover, he is protected by an artifact armor. I'm afraid that even if we, the Xia tribe's demigods, join forces, it will be difficult to keep him." He killed him. In the face of his desperate counterattack, he might even be injured." Hearing the displeasure in Diko's tone, Si Kongyang immediately said, and at the same time looked at Diko with a smile and said, "You have Di Of course, although the three priests of the Demon God Society are difficult to deal with, they are nothing to worry about."

"I can't see it, Temple Master Sikong, don't you find it strange where did the three priests of the Demon God Society come from?" Xi Yunze continued.

"Xi Yun, what do you mean by this?" Chi Qiu Bai next to Si Kong Yang suddenly asked with a flash of eyes when he heard this. Si Kong Yang also frowned and looked at Xi Yun: "Xi Yun, could it be that you Do you doubt that Dico will be the third priest of the Demon God Society?"

"Dike is the third priest of the Demon God Society. How is this possible? They were fighting just now! Xi Yun, what are you confused about?" Chao Qing also frowned and looked at Xi Yun.

"I'm not confused, I just think it's a bit unreasonable for the Xia Clan world to suddenly have two demigods with such evil talents and such strong strength." Xi Yun shook his head and said, "Yes, they were fighting just now, but this How could it be possible that it's a deception? Don't you know that some truly powerful people in the abyss of the God Realm can practice the legendary clone method? "Clone method?" As soon as Xi Yun mentioned this, Master He Shan, Master Sikong Yang, and the Xia Clan demigods who came one after another couldn't help but subconsciously looked at Di Ke with their expressions changing.

"The key is, the news about the fight between the two of them just now, don't you think that the true meaning used by Diko and the three priests of the Demon God Society are somewhat similar? Is it such a coincidence? The two powerful demigods newly born in our Xia Clan world Who actually comprehended the same true meaning?" Xi Yun continued, while looking at Diko with sharp eyes, as if he recognized that Diko was the third priest of the Demon God Society.

Hearing Xi Yun's words and recalling the fight between Diko and the mysterious man in dark red armor, Lord Heshan and the others couldn't help but change their expressions.

Even Di Ke couldn't help but look at Xi Yun with narrowed eyes, secretly wondering if the Demon God had come to target him before, but he didn't expect Xi Yun to be waiting for him here! Did the great demon have such an intention when he asked Chi Qiubai's clone to take action? It was indeed a good plan to plant a seed of doubt about Diko within the Xia Clan demigods.

"What a pity! This Xi Yun is still a bit smart," Di Ke looked at Xi Yun silently. On the surface, he didn't seem to mean to defend himself, but he sneered secretly in his heart, because Palace Master Chen of the Xinhuo Palace of the Xia Clan had already left from the east. Bo Xueying learned about Xi Yun's identity as the high priest of the Demon God Society. Isn't it a bit ridiculous that he is dancing so happily now?

Seeing Xi Yun swearing to the letter and being very confident in his guess, and seeing Di Ke's silent look, just when Master He Shan and other Xia Clan demigods couldn't help but feel a little confused, Palace Master Chen finally tore apart the space and appeared. But he continued: "Everyone! Everyone has seen Diko's strength. With his amazing talent, he can be called the most amazing genius in the history of our Xia clan. What reason is there to join the Demon God Society?" "

"Let's think about it, if Diko is really the third priest of the Demon God Society, why would he take such a high-profile action? If he is trying to save General Yanze, why do he want to kill him? He fights with himself, just for Doesn't it make us suspicious?" Palace Master Chen's words immediately made everyone react, and they all nodded secretly.

"So, Xi Yun, I'm afraid you are overthinking," Palace Master Chen turned to Xi Yun and said, "You may not know it very well, but I know how many demons Diko has killed since the demon invasion. , including several demigod demon generals. I have absolute trust in Diko. It is rare for our Xia clan to give birth to such a peerless genius. He has devoted himself to fighting for the Xia clan these years. Do you still doubt him?"

"I'm also anxious about this. I feel that there are too many doubts about Di Ke. I didn't think about it in such detail for a while," Xi Yun, who was suffocated after hearing this, could only say this. Obviously, he didn't expect that Palace Master Chen had such trust in Di Ke. .

"Dike..." Master Heshan, Master Sikongyang and other Xia tribe demigods also spoke one after another in a somewhat embarrassed tone, feeling ashamed for having doubts about Dike before.

"It doesn't matter..." Di Ke was very calm and casual, and then said to Palace Master Chen: "Palace Master Chen, since we have killed those demon generals, the remaining demons are not a concern, I will continue to sense and investigate Exploring their whereabouts. If there is nothing else to do, I will leave first. However, there may be three spies of the Demon God Society among the Xia Clan demigods. Palace Master Chen should pay more attention to this matter and make a good investigation. "

(End of this chapter)

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