Chapter 563 Dingjiu Warship

With that said, Diko glanced at Xi Yun, and then the figure took a step and disappeared into the void. But that look made Xi Yun's heart tremble, and he couldn't help but frown slightly and said to himself: "Did he already start to doubt me?"

"You have to pay attention to the matter of spies!" Temple Master Sikong Yang said through gritted teeth: "Three demigod many demigods are there in total in our Xia clan?"

"That's right! Especially the third priest of the Demon God Society. He should be a demigod knight. He is able to realize such a powerful true meaning. His talent is really great..." Lord Heshan spoke immediately, but Sikong heard what he said. Chiqiu Bai, who was beside Yang, felt a sudden change in his heart. If one were to infer based on his innate understanding, he might also be suspicious of him.

Lord Heshan continued: "Thinking about the demigod knights of our Xia clan, their fighting styles, and the strength and understanding they display, for a moment I really couldn't think of who might be the demon god who will meet the three demons." Priest. If he has been hiding his strength and hiding it so deeply, he must have a big deal! Now that his identity and strength have been exposed, is it really just to save General Yanze?"

"Could it be that the Demon God Society has made sufficient preparations to start a war with our Xia Clan?" Temple Master Sikong Yang said with a sudden look on his face.

"This" the expressions of the other Xia Clan demigods changed upon hearing this. Palace Master Chen, who narrowed his eyes lightly, laughed and said, "Everyone, please stop guessing. Anyway, we won a big victory this time. Solving those demon generals is also something worth celebrating, let’s go back to Xinhuo Palace first!”

Diko, who had traveled far away through space, could easily check the situation of the Xia Clan demigods through space. He even knew the content of their conversation. He couldn't help but shook his head and said with a smile: "Being able to become a demigod, it seems. They are not stupid either. It would be good if they were a little more vigilant earlier! Presumably, Palace Master Chen has already started preparing to attack the headquarters of the Demon God Association. Next, there will be more excitement to watch."

The four demon generals were all eliminated by the Xia clan at once, which really surprised the Demon God Association and the Witch Temple. Even the great demon god behind the Demon God Association was alarmed, and through some messages, he speculated that it was probably Dong Bo. Snow Eagle found the four demon generals.

At the same time, since Dong Bo Xueying had the means to quietly find the four demon generals, it is very likely that he also discovered the headquarters of the Demon God Society. Just in case, the Great Demon God quickly arranged for Chi Qiubai's three clone priests to take action.

The three priests who went to the headquarters of the Demon God Association wanted to take away the clone of the Great Demon God that had not yet been fully gestated. Naturally, they alerted Dong Bo Snow Eagle, who was secretly investigating, and then the top demigods of the Xia clan also quickly killed them. .

The three priests moved very quickly, and even with Dong Bo Xueying's strength and means, they couldn't stop him at all. Fortunately, Palace Master Chen was well prepared, and his Dou Qi clone had already controlled the Dingjiu warship, the Xia tribe's strongest mobile fortress, and was guarding the surroundings. As soon as the three priests left the headquarters of the Demon God Society and were about to tear apart the space and leave, the power of Dingjiu's warship caused the space to freeze.

"Quite fast! It seems that the Great Demon God is really anxious." On the top of a high mountain in the distance, Diko, who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, sensed the stagnant fluctuations in the large-scale space. He immediately opened his eyes, and his eyes instantly Locking on the area of ​​stagnant space: "Is the headquarters of the Demon God Society there?"

After standing up and taking a step, Dico's figure merged into the space. The next moment, he was outside the sealed space of about ten thousand miles in diameter. Then his figure disappeared and turned into a stream of light and flew over in a hurry. ..

Unable to teleport, unable to tear apart the space and rush forward, facing the siege of the four Xia Clan Divine Realm warriors flying out from Ding Jiu's warship, the three priests could only activate the "Shadow Order", a treasure that protects the body and life, in order to use Fly out of this space-blocked area as quickly as possible.

As one of the Xia Clan's top and most powerful clan-suppressing artifacts, the Dante Nine Warship naturally not only has the means to block space, but also has powerful attack capabilities.

From a distance, Dico saw that astonishing scene. Centered on the three priests who were escaping as quickly as illusory figures, a huge spherical shadow suddenly appeared out of thin air, with a diameter of three thousand miles, and it was filled with dense and complex runes. The moment it appeared, it began to gather the thunder energy between heaven and earth like a mad plunder. In almost the blink of an eye, a huge thunder sphere with a diameter of three thousand miles appeared.

"What a powerful magic circle! The mage's methods cannot be underestimated. Being able to use various mysterious magic circles to activate the power of the rules of heaven and earth is far more complicated and sophisticated than directly grasping the secrets of the rules of heaven and earth." Feeling the huge magic circle The condensed thunder and lightning power was so terrifying that Diko couldn't help but secretly thought with his eyes shining: "It seems that the Blood Blade God Emperor, the strongest man in the abyss of the divine world, has extremely high attainments in the magic circle. It seems that I will also spend some time. I have to put some thought into studying the magic circle. Through the understanding of the magic circle, I may be able to understand the true meanings faster and reach the realm of the divine mind earlier. I just don’t know if this magic circle and the secret pattern have any What are the connections?”

In a flash of Diko's somewhat shocked mind, the huge lightning sphere condensed into a dot in the blink of an eye, and the world became quiet for a moment. The lightning energy condensed to the extreme, and the terrifying power that exploded in an instant, made the three priests stunned. Even though he was protected by the artifact armor, his body still suffered obvious damage. He was stunned and fell powerlessly from mid-air. The artifact scimitar behind him and the weapon holding the Great Demon God's clone were held in his hands. The bronze coffin of the body flew out.

The illusory projection of the Great Demon God that appeared on the dark red armor of the three priests was extremely anxious, and it roared and shouted before the three priests woke up. But just when the three priests suddenly recalled the artifact scimitar and wanted to grab the bronze coffin, Dongbo Snow Eagle took the first step, grabbed the bronze coffin, and dragged it into the virtual world.

"What a virtual world true meaning. Although it is only at the bottom of the second-grade true meaning in terms of attack, this method of walking in the virtual world is really powerful in terms of life-saving and detection!" Diko watched the bronze coffin disappear out of thin air. I can't help but be a little surprised. Even with Diko's current perception of the space, he could only vaguely sense the location of Dongbo Snow Eagle, and could not directly find it from the virtual world.

Along with the terrible explosion just now, a huge crater was blown out of the ground, revealing the underground headquarters fortress of the Demon God Society. At the same time, the Xia Clan demigods who came one after another failed to stop the three priests. After watching him flee quickly, they began to vent their anger on the huge Demon God Association headquarters fortress, and launched a siege.

"As expected of this lair that the Demon Gods Association has been running for a long time, the defense is indeed excellent," Diko, who also arrived, looked at the countless runes appearing on the surface of his hair, and the heavy arrays blocked the attacks of the Xia Clan demigods. He couldn't help but sigh at the huge hexagonal fortress.

"Dico, how are you? Do you have a way to break through the defensive formation of the Demon God Association's lair?" Temple Master Sikong Yang asked. Although Diko has only practiced for a few decades, he is much stronger than him in terms of strength and means. .

"I'll try!" The noncommittal Dicko punched the fortress below with a seemingly random punch. Suddenly, the blazing dark red flames condensed, and their power was restrained, turning into a dark star, penetrating the space and falling. On top of the fortress.

The next moment of the boom, the space shook, and the light of the magic array runes on the fortress wall also trembled and collapsed, and then a corner of the huge fortress collapsed.

"So strong!" Seeing this scene, all the Xia Clan demigods were a little shocked and exclaimed. You must know that just now they jointly attacked but they were unable to defeat the fortress, but Diko directly broke through the fortress defense with one punch. .

(End of this chapter)

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