Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 572: Outbreak, sneak in

Chapter 572: Outbreak, sneak in

The Witch God was full of confidence. He first borrowed the help of spies from the Warcraft clan in the Xinhuo world, and used voodoo and demon-killing divine fire thunder to break through the Xia clan's Xinhuo world from within.

However, with the various resources and treasures arranged by Di Ke and Dong Bo Snow Eagle, the Xinhuo World has long been transformed and reinforced to an impregnable level. Even if the Great Demon God and the Witch God control the Xia Clan world with the help of war weapons, they will not be able to truly break through the Xinhuo World. , just like it is also difficult for the Xia Clan to break through the world of the Sea of ​​Trees that is completely occupied by the Warcraft Clan.

Then, with the arrival of the clone of the Great Demon God, the clones of the Great Demon God and the Witch God, who had made all preparations, quietly left the world of the sea of ​​trees and came to an uninhabited desert in the Xia Clan world. They began to build a space channel here, connecting the distance between Xia and Xia. The world of the Clan is closer and has long been completely occupied and controlled by the Witch God. It is another mortal world in the material world that serves as a springboard to attack the world of the Xia Clan.

Such a movement naturally alerted the Xia Clan immediately. Hong Shi, who was quietly monitoring the entire Xia Clan world, and who had ventured to the Red Stone Mountain before the end of his lifespan, luckily broke through and became a god in the Red Stone Mountain world, and had already returned to the Xia Clan. Chao Qing hidden in the world.

The Xia Clan moved very quickly. A group of Xia Clan demigods quickly gathered and took the Dingjiu warship to leave the Xinhuo World and rushed to the desert where the Great Demon God and the Witch God established a space channel...

On Hongchen Island, Dongbo Snow Eagle, who had also received the news, saw his wife Yu Jingqiu who was eagerly coming to find him. Then he frowned and looked in the direction of Di Ke's training cave on Hongchen Island: "Is Brother Di still there?" Practice?”

"It's already this time, what's going on with Junior Brother Di Ke? Are you not anxious at all?" He Feiyun, a handsome young man in red robe who appeared next to him with Hongshi, Xi Wei and Ge Bai, couldn't help but frowned and asked.

"Diko has other plans and has already left Hongshi Mountain first," Hongshi said and said seriously to Dong Bo Snow Eagle, "Dong Bo, Diko asked me to tell you to contain the Great Demon God and the Witch God first. If you can destroy the space channel, destroy it. If you really can't destroy it, don't try it forcefully. Because as long as his plan succeeds, the space channel will be self-defeating, and the plans of the Great Demon God and the Witch God will also completely fail."

After saying that, Hongshi waved his hand and moved Dongbo Snow Eagle, who was a little surprised but still nodded solemnly, and Yu Jingqiu who was beside him, to the Xia Clan world.

After the two figures disappeared, Xi Wei couldn't help but frowned and looked at Hongshi and asked: "What is Diko's plan? With his strength, how could he prevent the space passage protected by the Great Demon God and the Witch God from attacking? What about self-destruction?”

"Yeah! I can't figure it out either! Unless Di Ke realizes the true meaning of the first grade, it will be impossible to easily destroy the space channel," He Feiyun, a handsome young man in red, said.

"First-grade true meaning? I admit that this kid Dike is gifted with the ability to understand evil, but he has only been practicing for a long time. How can he realize the first-grade true meaning so easily?" Ge Bai, a young man in thick robes, shook his head slightly: "If he really realizes it, If you have a true meaning, then this war can be won without fighting, so why do you need any other plans?"

"Okay, don't ask any more questions. In fact, I'm not too sure what Diko's plan is. But with him here, it shouldn't be difficult for the Xia Clan to win," Hongshi said.

Hearing Hongshi's words, He Feiyun suddenly became suspicious: "Dike, this kid, he can't really realize the first-grade true meaning, right? If other second-grade true meanings are extraordinary, I'm really not sure. But this Diko , he can’t judge it with common sense! He is even more evil than Dong Bo! In this world of Xia Clan, it is really unbelievable that two such evil geniuses were born in the same era."

"No matter what, with Diko's current attainments in the magic circle, if he controls the star tower, he can at least last a few more years." Ge Bai frowned and said: "Now, it depends on the big devil and the Does the Witch God have any more powerful trump card?" "After all, we can't personally interfere in this war. We can only hope that everything goes well for Dike and Dong Bo," Xi Wei also sighed slightly.

At the same time, in the barren desert in the western part of the Xia Clan world, when a group of strong demigods from the Xia Clan arrived in the Dingjiu warship, they saw a huge hexagonal gray fortress standing there in the distance. , the central cone-shaped top is emitting strong spatial fluctuations, and it is obvious that the stable space channel is inside it. This is also the war base established by the Great Demon God and the Witch God. People, horses and treasures can be easily dispatched through the fixed space channel to attack the Xia Clan world. .

At the same time that Ding Jiu's warship arrived, in the space gap not too far away from the gray castle, under the cover of the power of the invisible world of the Xia clan, he was dressed in a blood-colored robe, with dim light flowing all over his body, and he seemed to be walking alone. Diko, who had a completely restrained aura like a cave, was also looking at the gray castle through the obstruction of space, with a faint look of expectation in his eyes.

In the fixed space passage inside the gray castle, the vague and inconspicuous blood-colored light was rapidly advancing through the space passage, and soon came to another heavily guarded castle in the mortal world.

The blood-colored blurred figure has a restrained aura, as if it is in a different spatial dimension. With Diko's current state of affairs, even though there are many sorcerer gods' men in the fortress on the other side of the passage, and even god-level experts stationed there, it is still difficult to find Diko who has come to this mortal world through the space passage.

Dico left the castle quietly and came to the high altitude of the outside world. Only then did he realize that the castle was located on an island in the endless sea. There were fortresses everywhere on the island, just like a large war base.

"Is this the mortal world occupied by the Witch God and close to the Xia Clan world?" After careful sensing, Diko found that this world is actually a bit desolate. Although there are many magical beasts breeding in the ocean and land, there are no human beings. : "It seems that after occupying this place, the Witch God has probably slaughtered all the humans in the world, and is preparing to make this place a world where only Warcraft can survive, just like the mortal world he has completely controlled by refining the Heart of the World. ?"

"Try it! As long as I can refine and control this mortal world, I can also become the lord of the material world. At least before my strength is not strong enough, my ability to protect myself will be stronger. As long as this mortal world continues to exist, I can "Have a long-term safe back garden." Looking at the vast mortal world in front of him, Diko's mind was moved, and it directly turned into blood-colored water, easily infiltrating the space, and penetrating towards the heart of the world that he could clearly feel. go.

Theoretically speaking, only the indigenous creatures in the mortal world who reach a certain level of strength can sense the heart of the world and refine a mortal world in the material world.

But Diko is different. The special power of the blood sea contained in his soul not only allows him to cultivate into a blood sea body, but the power of the blood sea also has many wonderful uses.

When he was in the Xia Clan world, Diko had briefly tried to refine the world heart of the Xia Clan world. After gaining a certain degree of confidence, he decided to take advantage of the time when the Great Demon God and the Witch God opened the space channel between the two mortal worlds to violently rage there. Under the cover of space fluctuations, he avoided the induction of the Great Demon God and the Witch God's clone, and allowed his blood-sea body, which had been cultivated for many years, to sneak into this mortal world close to the Xia Clan world that the Witch God occupied at great cost, in order to refine this world. The mortal world has cut off the escape route for the Witch God and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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