Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 573 Refining and Testing

Chapter 573 Refining and Testing

This is a special place. It is located in the most mysterious space in the mortal world that is completely occupied by the witch god’s men. It is like the original will of the mortal world. Even the will of the powerful cannot touch this place. .

However, with the penetration of wisps of blood-colored energy, Dicko's consciousness came closer to this place and felt the fluctuations of the mysterious operating rules of the entire mortal world, as if he was in an ocean of rules.

However, when Dico started trying to refine it, he still felt an invisible obstacle. However, this layer of invisible obstacles is only hindering. The power of Dicko's blood sea body is still slowly penetrating towards the heart of the world through the invisible obstacles. It's just that this refining speed is too slow. If you want to truly refine the heart of the world in this mortal world, it may take longer.

"If the refining continues so slowly, I'm afraid it won't be successful within a few decades or even hundreds of years." A slightly helpless Diko, with a flash of thought in his mind, began to absorb the entire mortal world while infiltrating and refining. He wanted to use the energy to cultivate the body of the blood sea, and wanted to let the body of the blood sea accumulate more energy so as to speed up the refining of the heart of the world.

Slowly, Diko discovered that while the world heart of this mortal world was resisting his refining, the mysterious operating rules of the material world also fluctuated more and more obviously, allowing him to understand and feel more clearly: "I didn't expect it. , and an unexpected surprise! If I continue to comprehend like this, maybe I will soon be able to master more first-grade divine hearts."

That's right! In fact, it took only more than ten years after Dike mastered the first-level true meaning to rapidly improve his realm and directly condense the first-level divine heart into the mixed-dong divine heart, but he was not in a hurry to break through and become a world god.

Even Diko has realized the first-grade true meaning and the ultimate true meaning, and it is only a matter of time before he can master the ultimate divine heart. At the same time, Di Ke also has a deep understanding of the true meaning of the universe, the world, time and space, immeasurableness, matter, etc., and it is only a matter of time before he masters it.

Now, under the guidance of the increasingly clear fluctuations in the rules of operation of the material world, Dicko's understanding of various true meanings and improvement of realms have naturally become more rapid and efficient. Almost every moment, a large amount of inspiration comes to his mind, which is like a dream. Like an initiation.

When Diko's blood-sea body was immersed in the refining and understanding of this extraordinary world, the Xia Clan world had already established a stable space passage and a fortress to protect the passage. The great demon and wizard god were determined in their hearts. They finally showed their minions and directly sent eighteen demigods who had reached the threshold of god level to break through to become gods in the Xia clan world, and control the Bingjiu warship, which was stronger than the Dingjiu warship. Defeated the Xia clan in one fell swoop.

But Dongbo Snow Eagle, who appeared immediately afterwards, waved his hand and sacrificed the twelfth-level star tower refined by Ge Bai himself, forcibly controlling the surrounding area within a hundred thousand miles to form a world of his own, directly destroying the Great Demon God and The men and horses under the Witch God were trapped with the gray castle that protected the fixed space passage.

When Dongbo Xueying and Yu Jingqiu entered the star tower and began to activate and control the star tower, Dike also quietly appeared in the core control room of the star tower.

"Brother Di? What's wrong with you?" Sensing Di Ke's obviously weak aura, Dong Bo Xueying and Yu Jingqiu couldn't help but change their expressions.

You know, Di Ke also practiced the world god level body refining secret technique "The Hunyuan Sutra of Ten Thousand Tribulations" on Hongchen Island, and his body is stronger than that of real gods. But now, Diko's aura is actually weaker than that of ordinary demigods.

"It's okay! I just paid some price to prepare another plan. But as long as it succeeds, it will be worth it," Diko smiled calmly: "At least, my clone can help you control the star tower. . But in the next battle against the Great Demon God and the Witch God, I’m afraid I’ll have to rely on you first, Xue Ying.”

"No problem! Leave it to me! But, Brother Di, what are your plans?" Dongbo Xueying couldn't help but asked curiously as he nodded.

"This explanation is a bit complicated, but you will understand it later," Diko shook his head and said, "Now, let's deal with the Great Demon God and the Witch God first to see what other methods they have." "Remember! Don't take risks. ! Even if we are in a stalemate with them, as long as we can hold on for a longer time, I will be sure of victory," Diko then reminded Dong Bo Snow Eagle sternly.

"How sure are you of winning? Could it be that Brother Di is trying to refine the world heart of the Xia Clan world?" Dongbo Xueying thought to himself, but he didn't ask any more questions because it was indeed not the time now.

Soon, as Ding Jiu's warship flew into the star tower, Di Ke, Dong Bo Xueying, and Yu Jingqiu also joined the Xia tribe demigods. However, in order to prevent spies from the Demon God Association or the Warcraft clan, the Xia Clan demigods dispersed after entering the Star Tower, staying in different areas and meeting and communicating with the help of energy projection.

After a brief exchange, he first calmed the hearts of the Xia tribe demigods, and then Dongbo Snow Eagle showed the god-level plant he had cultivated, the Life-Blood Vine Flower, and prepared to formally engage in a trial fight with the opponent.

Blood Manhua is already in the middle stage of god level, and with the special weapons prepared by Dongbo Snow Eagle for it, it can fully explode into the late stage of god level. Under the star tower's power, its strength can be enhanced.

The Great Demon God and the Witch God also quickly sent out the eighteen god-level warriors under their command who had just broken through, and piloted the Bingjiu warship to test the strength of Xue Manhua.

As a plant life, the huge Blood Vine Flower is indeed very powerful in combat. It is not afraid of the Bingjiu warship controlled by the eighteen god-level experts. But even though the Bingjiu warship couldn't touch the blood vine flowers, the blood vine flowers couldn't touch them either.

Both sides were testing each other at the beginning, trying to figure out each other's trump cards and methods. When Dongbo Snow Eagle ordered Xue Manhua to ignore the Bingjiu warships and directly attack the fortress, the witch god in the fortress also arranged for a powerful peerless extraordinary to deal with Dong Bo Snow Eagle.

With the wave of becoming a god as the Divine Sea opened up, a huge ocean shadow appeared over the desert, which also made Dongbo Snow Eagle and others in the Star Tower secretly surprised.

"The Divine Sea within a range of nearly 100,000 miles seems to be the extraordinary breakthrough of a very monstrous evildoer. It is estimated that he has condensed the heart of a second-level god and may even have created a secret skill. The Great Demon God and the Witch God are really lucky to be able to find such a "Assistant," Diko, who was controlling the Star Tower, noticed the movement and quickly sent a message to Dongbo Snow Eagle to remind him: "Snow Eagle, be careful when dealing with it!"

Soon, Elder Youping, the evil genius of the God Realm who had just broken through to become a god, drove a Yijiu warship out of the fortress, and relied on his superiority in the realm to activate the power of the warship, easily ravaging and suppressing it. Having captured the Blood Manhua, Dongbo Snow Eagle had to take action himself.

Dong Bo Xueying did not use powerful war weapons such as warships. After all, he was not a mage. Even if he was given a powerful warship, it would be difficult to control it perfectly. Dongbo Snow Eagle's strongest point is his ability to fight head-on.

With Dong Bo Xueying's powerful physical body that had cultivated the "Ten Thousand Tribulations Hunyuan Sutra", and with the assistance of the true meaning of the virtual world, even Elder Youping activated the four powerful magic circles contained in the Yijiu warship, and exploded with peak god-level energy. Despite his strength, he still couldn't hurt him.

In the end, Elder Youping had to abandon the Yijiu warship and prepared to fight Dongbo Snow Eagle head-on, hoping to kill Dongbo Snow Eagle with his absolute strength.

(End of this chapter)

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