Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 582 Inheritance and Fall

Chapter 582 Inheritance and Fall

Diko's calm words also made the Blood Blade God Emperor's expression soften slightly. In his opinion, the soul realm can reach the third level. Before Diko was reincarnated into this universe, he was definitely not an ordinary strong person. He was probably even more powerful than him, so he should not bother to lie.

"My name is Dike, and like your proud disciple Dongbo Snow Eagle, I come from the Xia Clan world." Dike's next words immediately made the Blood Blade God Emperor raise his eyebrows and move slightly: "Are you that Dike? No wonder you were able to blaze a trail so quickly! It must be easy for you to become the master."

"What? You want to win over me?" Diko looked at the Blood Blade God Emperor with a smile and said jokingly: "Okay, if you give me this Vulcan Tree, I will join your Blood Blade God Court. How about that?"

Hearing this, the Blood Blade God Emperor was stunned and couldn't help but brighten his eyes: "Okay, if you really intend to join my Blood Blade God Emperor, I can first give you the position of Emperor of the Five Fangs and let you become the fifth member of my Blood Blade God Court. One of the Fang Emperors, the powerful person responsible for commanding our side of the Blood Blade Divine Court. Today, our Blood Blade Divine Court only has two emperors, and each of them is the most powerful among the powerful ones, second only to the True God Venerable. "

"Emperor of the Five Directions? I thought you would directly let me be the Third Patriarch!" Diko curled his lips slightly and said nonchalantly: "Okay! The Emperor of the Five Directions is the Emperor of the Five Directions, and I can be regarded as the only one in this world. I have a real identity and background. From now on, I, Diko, will be the Lord of the Fire Temple of the Blood Blade God Emperor in the God Realm."

Lord of the Fire Temple? The Blood Blade God Emperor was speechless. You must know that there is another ruler in the God Realm called the Lord of the Pantheon. The title of Diko is just that with Diko's soul realm, his soul will alone is enough to kill the master of the Pantheon. Even the Blood Blade God Emperor is not sure that he can deal with him. Although he is not the master, he is not the same as the real master. No difference.

No matter what Diko's origins are, since he has been reincarnated, even if he is a strong man in the abyss of the God Realm, if he is willing to integrate into the God Realm, even if the Blood Blade God Emperor has concerns, there is no reason to refuse.

In fact, there are some powerful men in the abyss of the God Realm, such as the Blood Blade God Emperor, who have had the opportunity to travel to other universes and even have great opportunities. Therefore, they are not completely unable to accept outsiders, unless they want to invade and occupy this universe like the Mother Ancestor Cult.

Next, Diko regarded the Vulcan Tree as his own nest and quickly arranged it into a cave of his own. And his reputation as the master of the Fire Temple was slowly spread by the Blood Blade Temple.

Devouring the world, because of the sudden appearance of the Duan Donghe lineage, not only the forces in the cosmic sea, but also the major ethnic groups in the original universe are crazy and full of desire. The masters of the universe in the original universe want to To become the strongest in the universe, the strongest in the universe want to reach the limit of being the strongest in the universe, and even transcend reincarnation to open up a new holy land universe in the cosmic sea, so that their tribe can exist forever in the cosmic sea.

In short, the selection of inheritance that has lasted for tens of thousands of years has made many powerful people and ethnic groups crazy about it. Especially in the first reincarnation era, the inheritance of the Duandong River lineage can almost be said to be their only hope for transcendence. .

However, Diko remained very calm and did not even go to the space boat to participate in the selection test of the Duandonghe lineage inheritance. After all, he has received the inheritance of the Cicada Ancestor. This lineage is also the top inheritance of ancient civilization, and it is more mysterious and special. It takes Dike a long time to slowly digest and absorb it, and truly transform it into his own. strength and heritage.

Di Ke, who had long known that Luo Feng could successfully obtain the inheritance of Duan Donghe, naturally had no interest in competing with him. And Luo Feng encountered such a great opportunity, which also put a little pressure on Dike. If he didn't work hard, he might be surpassed by Luo Feng!

In the end, everything went well, and Luo Feng, who had inherited the Duandonghe lineage, even gave a special lecture to the nine top masters of the universe, including Diko, including Juaxe.

However, in the virtual universe, sitting next to the Lord of Desolation at the long stone table, Dike looked at Luo Feng's sermon with a faint smile. His eyes glanced at the founder of the giant ax sitting in the main seat, and he still couldn't help but He was a little worried in his heart: "I don't know if the backup means I left for the giant ax to save my life will be useful."

Although in the original work, Luo Feng and the others still preserved the heritage of the human race and the Duandonghe lineage even after the death of the giant axe, but without the strongest person in the universe sitting in charge, the human race would still not have enough confidence. Besides, it was really a pity and humiliation for the giant ax to fall into the dark land and die in the hands of a world beast.

Luo Feng received the inheritance of the Duandong River lineage. When all the universe masters of the human race, including the giant ax and the original ancestor, were immersed in excitement and joy, only Diko was very clearly aware of the crisis behind this. What is truly terrifying is not the crisis brought about by the inheritance of Duan Donghe, but the world beasts! That is a danger that can destroy the original universe, and represents the existence of destruction.

If the inheritance of the Duandong River lineage is both an opportunity and a crisis for humans, then even the crisis of the world beasts also hides opportunities, but this opportunity to enslave the world beasts is not so easy to bear.

Soon Luo Feng returned to the original universe by riding the tomb boat, the inherited treasure left by the previous Duandonghe. At the same time, the top leaders of the human race began to prepare to use the inheritance of the Duandonghe line to cultivate strong human beings more systematically and efficiently. , allowing the human race to rapidly develop and grow.

In the kingdom of God, at the edge of the square in front of the mighty temple, while the top leaders of the human race were excited and busy, Diko, who was standing with his hands behind his hands, looked a little solemn.

"Huh?" Suddenly, a bloody email was sent from the virtual universe by the teacher, Master Huang Jian, which made Diko, who looked slightly moved, couldn't help but sigh inwardly: "Did something happen to him with the giant axe?"

Soon, in the Temple of Giant Ax, all the lords of the universe of the human race, including Hongjun, the Lord of Mountains and Seas, and Nuwa, the Lord of Creation, gathered at the long table in front of the temple, and then the strong man like the savage founder of Giant Ax He also appeared in the main position out of thin air, and at the same time announced a heavy news to the masters of the universe. He encountered a conspiracy and fell into the dark place at the core of Qingfeng Realm.

For a time, all the universe masters of the human race became frightened and angry. Next, Giant Ax needs to go all out to deal with the crisis, but the Lord of Chaos City and a group of universe masters are a little upset. After all, Giant Ax is the pillar of the human race today. What happened to him would have a huge impact on the entire human race.

Suddenly, the founder of the giant ax appeared again, with a look of shock and anger in his eyes, and shouted: "Remember, don't come to the dark place, don't come!"

"What?" Seeing the founder of the giant ax disappear out of thin air after saying this, everyone subconsciously stood up and started to panic. Diko frowned and looked at the Lord of Virtual Gold.

Obviously, the giant axe's true form has been attacked and killed by the soul of the world beast. Now, only by seeing whether the giant ax's small universe collapses can we judge whether the giant ax has really fallen or can he rely on the backhand he left behind to save his life.

While everyone was waiting in panic, a moment later, the figure of the giant ax appeared again, but his face was uglier. He looked at the people who were relieved and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, my true self has fallen into the dark place!"

"I have fallen?" Everyone was stunned and seemed a little unresponsive for a moment. Giant Ax nodded and looked at Diko: "That's right! If Diko hadn't taught me the life-saving method, I might have really fallen."

(End of this chapter)

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