Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 583 Human Race Crisis

Chapter 583 Human Race Crisis

After hearing Juaxe's words, Chaos and others subconsciously looked at Diko for a moment, their hearts filled with surprise and disbelief.

You know, some of the Lords of the Universe still have the power of avatars, but after they become the strongest, they only have one original form. When the original form falls, they have really fallen. How can they still save their lives?

"A life-saving method? Is it a life-saving method similar to the 'Immortal River'? This is the secret life-saving method at the core of ancient civilizations. How could Diko do it?" Especially Luo Feng, looking at Diko, was filled with doubts and confusion: " Could it be that Dicko also..."

When Luo Feng had a vague guess in his heart, Di Ke nodded slightly in the face of everyone's doubtful eyes: "You must have guessed it. In fact, I encountered a terrible crisis in the dark abyss deep in Liuzhong Mountain, but... It was also an opportunity that allowed me to accidentally obtain a secret top inheritance from ancient civilization. Among them, I also pondered over the life-saving methods of the strong, and simplified them before I could teach them to the giant axe. Originally, there was no such thing. I am absolutely sure, but I just feel that as the only strongest member of our human race, the giant ax is very important as a life-saving method. I didn’t expect that it would be used so quickly.”

"I didn't expect that I would really encounter the crisis of death. I had just cultivated the blood sea incarnation for a short time, but it was really able to save my life and let my small universe survive when my original body fell. "It didn't collapse." Juaxe also had some lingering fears: "This time, it was really too dangerous. It was almost, almost, I really fell."

After listening to what Diko and Giant Ax said, they were a little surprised that Diko had quietly obtained such secret inheritance. The masters of the human race and the universe were surprised and surprised, but also a little scared at the same time. What a risk! The giant ax almost died!

"Giant axe, what happened? How did your body fall into the dark land? What crisis did you encounter?" The Chaos City Lord also asked hurriedly when he came back to his senses.

For a moment, everyone looked at the giant axe. What is the crisis that can make the giant ax fall instantly? It is rumored that the dark place at the core of Qingfeng Realm has the disaster of getting lost, but it is not said that there is a terrible crisis that can make the strongest person in the universe fall instantly!

"They are living beings, very mysterious and terrifying powerful men! Their life breath seems to be completely opposite to our divine power, and their soul attacks are very terrifying. They killed me with a direct soul attack at once," said the giant axe, with a solemn look on his face. He said with lingering fear, and everyone's expressions changed drastically.

"What? There are powerful creatures in the dark land? Direct soul attack to kill the strongest person in the universe, this..." The human race's masters of the universe were simply dumbfounded and couldn't believe that this was true, because it was really It was incredible, completely beyond their knowledge.

After all, it was previously recognized that although there are many dangers in the three Jedi in the Universe Sea, they are all dangers caused by the environment of the three Jedi. I have never heard of any terrifying creatures deep in the three Jedi. If it is true, even if the forces and powerful men in the three major reincarnation eras do not know that the two holy lands have existed for countless reincarnation eras, how can they not know anything about it?

"The person who can use soul attacks to kill me is definitely a living being. A very powerful and terrifying living being. It is definitely stronger than any of the strongest beings in the universe in the universe sea." Giant Ax said sternly: "By the way, I also encountered When it comes to the three strongest men in the universe from the first era of reincarnation, Star Lord Haolei, King Zhenjia, and Ancestral God Qiuyan, it was their secret raid that caused me to fall into the Land of Darkness. I suspect that the three of them have taken refuge in the Land of Darkness. That kind of mysterious creature became their accomplice, so they plotted against me like this."

"The strongest man in the universe has taken refuge? It seems that the mysterious creatures in the dark land are indeed powerful." The human race's universe masters also trembled when they heard this. You must know that the three of them, Haolei Star Master, are the first reincarnations. The strongest people in the universe of the era are very ancient and powerful among the strongest people in the universe. They are very difficult to deal with. They can make the three of them bow their heads, and they can directly attack the soul-killing giant axe. The mysterious creature in the dark place has You can imagine how difficult and terrifying it is. "Everyone, the troubles in the Dark Land are not the most important thing for our human race. No matter how powerful the mysterious and powerful among them are, they may not be able to enter the original universe. Compared with the various forces in the original universe, they have no influence on the universe sea. The threat from all forces should be greater. Moreover, I suspect that they should not be able to leave the dark place easily," said the giant axe, "But now, I have fallen, and it will be difficult to recover in a short time. At most, I can rely on absorption by the small universe. The energy is condensed into an incarnation at the level of the Lord of the Universe. So next, we must be vigilant and careful to deal with all the forces in the original universe, especially those who are the strongest in the universe. They will never sit back and watch as our human race relies on the inheritance of Duan Donghe to be stable. Develop and grow. War is inevitable! Then even if we rely on the incarnation of divine power to help, the help will be very limited. So, for the time being, everything depends on you!"

"Don't worry, Giant Axe! You can recover peacefully first, and then leave everything to me." The Lord of Chaos City nodded first, and the Lord of Void Gold and other masters of the universe also nodded in agreement. Giant Ax is not dead, and their hearts It's fixed, so I won't be so nervous and flustered. At the very least, the strongest pillar of the human race has not collapsed yet!

"The news of the death of the giant axe must be kept secret," the Chaos City Lord, who glanced at the masters of the human universe, said immediately: "But even if the news is not leaked, because of the inheritance of Duan Donghe's lineage, all the original universe's various The forces on the other side will not be able to endure it for long, and a war against the human race will almost certainly break out. The first ones to take action are probably the demon race, the insect race, and the mechanical race."

The Lord of Peng Gong also said seriously: "The war will definitely break out! There is no doubt about this. And this time the war is not a small fight before, but a real battle for the annihilation of the ethnic group. No matter what , we must first protect the seeds of the ethnic group, and no matter what the outcome of the war is, we must first be prepared for failure."

All the universe masters of the human race nodded repeatedly, and the virtual gold master also said: "We must take good care of the next generation, especially the next generation with great potential living in the territory. All universe-level and domain masters in the universe will be , world lords, all gathered quickly, and then brought to the initial universe. More importantly, all the immortal gods and universe sages must be brought to the initial universe or the giant ax universe."

Everyone nodded after hearing this. Those immortal gods and cosmic lords are the heritage accumulated by the human race over the long years. They have been cultivated by the ancient civilization system and are fully capable of giving birth to more cosmic lords and even the lord of the universe. They are the heritage of the entire race. The foundation must of course be taken seriously.

"First of all, the most troublesome thing is that we are too weak," the Lord of Darkness said with a low tone of worry: "Among our human race, Chaos, myself, and Peng Gong are considered the top five, but we can only fight against the strongest in the universe. We can save our lives, but we can't even contain the opponent. The strongest people in the universe can leave quickly if they want to leave. They are not restricted by the rules of the universe, and we will suffer a lot in the battle."

But fortunately, Luo Feng had a trade agreement with the East Emperor Holy Land Universe in the Universe Sea before. He could rely on the training experience information of the ancient civilization strongmen to exchange for two most powerful treasures with the East Emperor Holy Land Universe, which actually gave the human race more. Confidence.

"Everyone, please go to my kingdom later, and I will teach you the life-saving secret technique of the ancient civilization, Blood Sea Incarnation. In this way, even if there is only one deity who falls in the war, you can still practice it again with the help of Blood Sea Incarnation. "Come here," Diko's suggestion made the universe masters of the human race even more determined. Without the risk of death, they would naturally be more confident in the war.

(End of this chapter)

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