Chapter 584 War breaks out

The war broke out faster than expected. Luo Feng had just gone to the Universe Sea to complete the deal with the East Emperor's Holy Land Universe. Not long after he returned to the original universe with two powerful treasures, the monster race, insect race and machine race's universe finally... The strong man and the Lord of the Universe have quietly reached the human territory.

Obviously, the Duandonghe lineage's inheritance is still too attractive to them. Moreover, as the peak ethnic group closest to humans in the original universe, and the three major ethnic groups that fight and fight with the most human groups, they also do not want to give humans time to rise.

In order to take things by surprise, although the three confident groups did not unite to take action together, they still chose to attack the human group at the same time, and quietly attacked, hoping to catch humans off guard.

Unfortunately, what they didn't expect was that the original ancestor's virtual universe could easily investigate the situation of the entire original universe. Even if the strongest person in the universe can make the universe's operating laws retreat in an area, it can still allow the original ancestor to immediately determine the location of the strongest person in the universe.

The masters of the human race and the universe, headed by Di Ke, Luo Feng, the Lord of Darkness, and the Lord of Peng Gong, waited and waited to meet the team led by the demon clan Meng Yao Zu, one of the strongest men in the universe. , plus twelve demon clan masters of the universe.

In the dark starry sky, three huge palace-like treasures suddenly appeared. They were the tomb boat, the most powerful treasure, the Black Prison Tower, and a peak palace treasure controlled by Lord Peng Gong.

Among them, in the dark golden peak palace treasure controlled by Lord Peng Gong, Lord Peng Gong, with a bald head, a big beard and a big belly, is holding a simple long stick with black and purple colors, and the same purple and black divine armor on his body. It also has a surging aura, and it is the attached armor extended by the Supreme Treasure Yanjun Staff. Although it is not as good as the real Supreme Treasure Armor, it is also the pinnacle of the Supreme Treasure Armor second only to the Supreme Treasure.

Next to Lord Peng Gong is Diko, who is wearing dark red divine armor and carrying the ultimate treasure sword on his back. Behind the two of them were the Lord of Lan Zang from the Giant Ax Arena, the Lord of Feng Yao, the Lord of Binglan, and the Lord of Mountains and Seas from the Universe Mercenary Alliance.

Among them, Lord Lanzang is the Lord of the Universe second only to Lord Xujin in the Giant Ax Arena. He can also be regarded as the veteran Lord of the Universe of the human race. He is definitely the Lord of the Universe at the pinnacle level, even if he is not as good as the Lord of Ice Peak and the Lord of the Universe. The Lord of Huangjian and the others are by no means inferior to the Lord of Fengyao.

Although Lord Binglan is inferior in strength, he is not at the bottom among the Lords of the Universe among the human race. As for the Lord of Mountains and Seas, although his qualifications are somewhat younger, his background and strength are definitely not bad. No one has seen him show his true strength so far.

Looking through the palace gate, Dico saw the huge ship in the dark void in the distance at a glance, and then the dark void in front of the ship set off a wave of time and space, rushing towards Dico and their three palace treasures, black The Pyramid Black Prison Tower and the palace treasures controlled by Lord Peng Gong also immediately flew to the tomb boat.

Immediately afterwards, in the dark wave of time and space, a huge, looming silver snake gradually emerged. It was more than a light-year long and terrifyingly big. It was none other than the Dream Demon Ancestor, one of the two strongest men in the universe, the Demon Clan. .

"What a dream demon ancestor. He has become so big. He is really arrogant and confident in the original universe," the Lord of Feng Yao couldn't help but said after seeing this.

"The demon clan is already huge, and it is the strongest in the universe, and it is protected by the most powerful armor. In the original universe, even the strongest in other universes cannot hurt it, so naturally it is full of confidence. "The Lord of Lanzang shook his head and said.

The Lord of Peng Gong even flew forward to join Luo Feng: "Luo Feng, I'll fight it first!"

As he spoke, the equally confident Lord of Peng Gong held the Yanjun stick in his hand, and with overwhelming momentum, he roared, and the Yanjun stick in his hand suddenly skyrocketed tens of thousands of miles. The head of the stick, with an extremely terrifying aura, directly penetrated through the layers of space, towards A bit harsher on the huge body of Dream Demon Ancestor.

Boom... The terrifying attack of the Yanjun Stick failed to defeat the Dream Demon Ancestor. It only shocked it. It did not really hurt it. On the contrary, it made it surprised and excited, because the moment the Yanjun Stick exploded, The Dream Demon Ancestor judged from its aura that it was a most powerful treasure. Immediately afterwards, the Black Pyramid Black Prison Tower also exploded with aura, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a huge black pyramid that was several light years high. It suppressed it fiercely towards the Dream Demon Ancestor, which shocked the Dream Demon Ancestor.

Hearing the screams and roars of the Dream Demon Ancestor that echoed in the dark void, Diko couldn't help but laugh and shook his head slightly: "Why are you so shocked and excited? It's really rare! Could it be that in this primitive universe, you demon clan can still combine these two Can you snatch this most powerful treasure?"

Dream Demon Ancestor and the others were indeed shocked, excited, and greedy. They all clamored to seize these two most powerful treasures from the human race. However, the Dream Demon Ancestor is also wary, after all, the giant ax has not appeared yet!

When the Dream Demon Ancestor took the initiative to test, Luo Feng directly said that a few of them were enough to deal with it, and there was no need for the giant ax to be used, which immediately angered the Dream Demon Ancestor.

"I'm afraid the giant ax is restrained by the machine or the Queen! You smart-mouthed juniors, I will suppress you first and see what the giant ax can do to me," the Dream Demon Ancestor sneered and led a group of demon clans The Master of the Universe killed him.

Faced with their active attack, Luo Feng and the Lord of Darkness also began to take action, controlling the domain treasures and the black prison tower to suppress them respectively. The tomb boat even grew in size and rushed towards the twelve monster masters of the universe. location.

Under the group attack of the Black Prison Tower, the demon masters of the universe were greatly affected. Dike, Peng Gong, Guangming, etc. also led the human masters of the universe to step forward and start the siege. Luo Feng even controlled the tomb. Ling Zhizhou directly exploded with power and hit the Dream Demon Ancestor, knocking him backwards and flying away.

Taking this opportunity, Luo Feng also directly killed the twelve demon clan masters of the universe, scaring them so much that they hurriedly hid in the pinnacle ship treasure.

But the speed of the strongest man in the universe was too fast. The dream demon ancestor who flew away quickly shrank in size, and at the same time, his speed exploded. In the blink of an eye, he was already killing him, sweeping away the Black Prison Tower, and before Luo Feng and the others could get closer, he charged towards the ship. The treasure has already contacted the twelve masters of the demon universe in the ship's treasure.

Next, the Dream Demon Ancestor was obviously much more serious. First he forced the master of Peng Gong back with a sweep of his tail, and then the masters of the monster universe gathered around his neck to attack Peng Gong together.

The attacks of Luo Feng and Darkness were also easily blocked by the Dream Demon Ancestor. Faced with the siege of the Dream Demon Ancestor and the twelve demon masters of the universe under his command, even the master of Peng Gong did not dare to resist if he had the most powerful treasure, the Yanjun Stick.

However, the human side has also yet to use its real trump cards. The previous battles were just testing, or even showing weakness to the enemy. Next, is the real life and death fight!

Soon, after both sides entered the dark universe, the Lord of Darkness took the lead, controlling the Black Prison Tower with all his strength, and unleashed a powerful single-target attack. A dazzling light burst out from the top of the tower, knocking the Dream Demon Ancestor away. Got out.

Immediately afterwards, all the universe masters of the human race who participated in the war appeared together and launched a siege at the same time. Peng Gong also burst out again and hit the dream monster ancestor with a stick, killing the monster universe masters he was protecting. They all fell down.

Luo Feng then grasped the handle of the Blood Shadow Knife behind his back, and Diko, who was using his soul attack method among the crowd of human universe masters, suddenly felt a sharp and terrifying bloody aura filling his body...

(End of this chapter)

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