Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 585 Victory in the first battle

Chapter 585 Victory in the first battle

Chi... With the Blood Shadow Sword unsheathed, Luo Feng directly took action and used the sixth-level top sword technique 'Nirvana Rebirth' that he created when he received the inheritance of Duan Donghe. The endless sharp sword light condensed to form a miniature universe. The twelve masters of the universe enveloped the demon clan like this.

The terrifying sword light seemed to be able to erase everything and cut through all obstacles. It was resisted by the most powerful Lord of the Forbidden Destroyer first. Through the peak treasure armor, it still caused the Lord of the Forbidden Destroyer to lose more than 20% of his body, and then swept away Passing through the weaker Coffin Insect Lord, it directly reached the limit that the top-level treasure armor on the Coffin Insect Master could withstand, causing cracks to appear in the top-level treasure armor, and then passed over the bodies of other monsters. Lord of the universe...

Boom... Immediately afterwards, a violent sword blow like a volcanic eruption, mixed with terrifying murderous aura and will impact, once again overwhelmed the monster masters of the universe who were injured to varying degrees.

Ah... no... amidst the painful and crazy and desperate roars, facing Dico wielding the blood fire knife that is comparable to the most powerful treasure, this terrifying knife is not inferior in power. The masters of the monster universe suffered a lot. The impact and harm are actually greater.

In addition to the attack power of the Blood Fire Knife, the terrifying evil spirit and will impact are what really scares people about the Blood Fire Knife. It is also Dicko's real killing move. The lethality caused is so great that even early Luo Feng and others, who had expected it, were also shocked by the next result.

"These" monster masters of the universe didn't even have time to return to the original universe. After Luo Feng and Di Ke's two sword attacks, five of them were directly annihilated and died, leaving seven alive. All of them were stunned, and all of them were seriously injured.

At the same time, the Lord of Darkness also controlled the Black Prison Tower to launch a devouring attack on the seven surviving Lords of the Monster Universe. Before they had time to hide in the palace, four of them flew in directly. into the huge black hole vortex at the bottom of the Black Prison Tower.

"No!" The Lord of Forbidden Destruction and the other two stronger Lords of the Demon Clan and the Universe were frightened. The Dream Demon Ancestor, who was killing them quickly from a distance, roared crazily, but it was already too late.

The human beings exploded too quickly and too harshly, giving the Dream Demon Ancestors no time to react. In the blink of an eye, the demon tribe's side came to attack the human race and the Masters of the Universe lost most of them. Even if some of them had clones, six of them were actually killed and captured alive for suppression. Losing six Universe Masters at one time is a heavy loss even for the demon clan with a relatively large number of Universe Masters.

"Six Lords of the Universe! Even if you want to cultivate the peak tribe, it will take a long time." Seeing the four Lords of the Monster Universe being swallowed by the Black Prison Tower, Diko grinned, holding the Bloodfire Knife. , the ferocious aura on his body seemed to be getting heavier.

You know, like the Zerg race, which has a relatively small number of Universe Masters, there are only six Universe Masters in the entire race. The Machine Race also has a relatively small number of Universe Masters. Among the four most powerful peak groups in the original universe, humans and monsters are relatively more numerous.

Facing the Dream Demon Ancestor who was pretending to be killing him like crazy, Luo Feng, with a sudden thought, released the tomb boat. The tomb boat, with its internal power running and bursting with power, directly grew in size to block the Dream Demon Ancestor.

The Dream Demon Ancestor directly used his telekinesis to attack the treasure, and saw a cyan phantom flying out of the Dream Demon Ancestor's mouth and flying directly towards Luo Feng. But as Luo Feng slashed out, the cyan phantom quickly flew back into the mouth of the Dream Demon Ancestor.

Immediately afterwards, in the palace treasure where the Lord of Destruction and the other three remaining Monster Universe Masters were, accompanied by a terrifying aura of power, an alien beast with a jagged shell crawled out. It was another member of the Monster Race. One of the strongest men in the universe is the demon ancestor.

The two major demon tribes gathered together, but Diko and the others were not afraid at all. In the original universe, no matter how powerful the strongest person in the universe was, he could only explode into the top six levels of strength. What's more, the two demon ancestors of the demon clan don't have palace-type supreme treasures. Facing Diko and others who have the most powerful treasures, even if they want to suppress and seal them, it will be difficult.

Zhenyao Ancestor had just released his peak domain treasure Mo Shuihe, but it was crushed and defeated by Luo Feng's peak domain treasure Snow Sand Sea and the 'Golden Kingdom'. However, faced with the siege of a group of universe masters from the human race, including Luo Feng, Peng Gong and the others' sixth-level top attacks, the Dream Demon Ancestor and the Shock Demon Ancestor were able to easily withstand them.

After some probing attacks, Dike and others were unable to do anything to them, so they decided to retreat, leaving Luo Feng to stay and deal with the aftermath. After all, they had already caused heavy casualties to the Lord of the Universe of the Monster Clan, and even captured a few alive. It was already considered a great victory, and there was no point in continuing to tangle with the Dream Demon Ancestor and the Shock Demon Ancestor.

Soon, the universe masters of the human race retreated calmly. With Luo Feng leading the tomb boat, Dream Demon Ancestor and the others were also unable to stop them. They could only watch helplessly as the humans retreated into the tomb boat. The boat left through the Kingdom of God.

However, after suffering such a big loss, the demon clan is still unwilling to give up. For them, even if they lose a few universe masters, as long as they can get the inheritance of Duan Donghe's lineage, it is worth it. Compared to a few universe masters, the future of the entire demon clan is undoubtedly more important.

In the virtual universe, the masters of the human universe who had achieved a great victory were chatting and laughing excitedly, and the giant ax sitting in the main seat was secretly relieved. Although he was unable to take action for the time being, fortunately, the masters of the universe of the human race, especially Di Ke, Luo Feng, Guangming and Peng Gong, did not lose their grip, and the battle with the monster race was really good.

"These two greedy old bastards of the demon clan!" Knowing that the demon clan still refused to give up, the good-hearted Lord Peng Gong couldn't help but gritted his teeth and cursed.

"It's not surprising that they are greedy! In order to end the inheritance of the Donghe lineage, which ethnic group in the original universe and which strongest person in the universe can't afford to be greedy?" Diko shook his head slightly: "I had known this. As expected! So we don’t need to take any chances anymore. We can only kill, we can only fight. Fight until they are afraid, and kill until they can’t bear it anymore. Only then will all the forces in the original universe give up. Even if we Even if they win in the end, they will not give up and will continue to confront us for a long time to come. Unless we can truly crush them."

Lord Peng Gong shook his head and sighed: "But with the current strength of our human race, how easy is it to truly defeat and crush them?"

"Dico is right. We have no choice now and cannot retreat. The worst result is that we are forced to retreat to the initial universe and the giant ax universe," the Lord of Darkness continued: "As long as we don't get there, At that step, as long as our human race can still gain a foothold in the primitive universe. With the inheritance of Duan Donghe's lineage, we humans will become stronger and stronger. If they want us humans to hand over our inheritance, they are dreaming! Even if they fail, I It is impossible for the human race to let other ethnic groups in the original universe take advantage."

The Lord of Chaos City directly ordered: "Spread the news of this battle as soon as possible and let all the forces in the original universe know. If you want to end the inheritance of the Donghe lineage and deal with us humans, you must consider coming and fighting. The consequences of being my human enemy!"

"Okay!" The universe masters of the human race all share the same hatred and are full of fighting spirit. At the same time, they also quickly decided to try soul control. Two of them have been captured alive and trapped in the Black Prison Tower and have no clones. The Lord of the Monster Universe.

When the top human race masters of the universe were full of murderous intent, because of the previous battle, the strongest men in the universe from the demon race, the insect race, and the mechanical race met again, and began to discuss how to join forces to fight the human race next.

(End of this chapter)

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