Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 586 Allied Forces Battle

Chapter 586 Allied Forces Battle

The second battle between the human race and the three major ethnic groups is even bigger! Because as the results of the battle between the human race and the demon race spread, some idle ethnic groups and weaker forces in the original universe began to actively join the human race, and the three-race alliance also had many alien universe masters.

However, before the war began, both Diko and Luo Feng were fully prepared. Although this battle will definitely be difficult, both Diko and Luo Feng have sufficient confidence.

The Monster Tribe, Zerg Tribe and Mechanical Tribe moved very quickly. Almost as soon as Luo Feng borrowed the hands of the mountain guest to refine the ancient divine eye of will attack, the war started again.

At the base camp of the Virtual Universe Company, the human race and more than ninety masters of the universe who came to join the human race gathered together and waited quietly. After the original ancestor determined the location of the three-race coalition, the Black Prison Tower and the Tomb Boat were also there. Darkness and Luo Feng controlled the next teleportation and rushed over.

In the silent desert starry sky, there is a dim star in the distance that is emitting red light and has fallen into its final stage. With the appearance of the three palace treasures of the huge black sphere, the ancient ship and the oval black sphere, endless pressure spread, causing the surrounding space to distort. The star in the distance began to tremble and undergo drastic changes, and began to decay at an accelerated rate.

Immediately afterwards, the Black Prison Tower and the Tomb Boat also appeared. Diko and the Lord of Darkness stayed in the Black Prison Tower, while Luo Feng and the Lord of Peng Gong stood at the hatch of the Tomb Boat.

Among the three tribes' coalition forces, a graceful and dazzling figure flew out of the queen's nest of a huge purple sphere, and two behemoth-like silver snakes and saw-toothed beasts also flew out of the ancient ship. Only the father god of the mechanical tribe still stayed in his palace treasure. Inside.

The surging pressure fluctuations caused the space to violently distort, and the desert stars in the distance and the stars in their terminal stages exploded, like a signal flare at the beginning of a war.

At the same time, on the side of the human camp, Lord Luo Feng and Peng Gong also flew out of the tomb boat. The vast golden light mixed with countless floating icy gravel spread out, covering the starry sky area with a diameter of more than ten light years. . In the absence of the most powerful treasure in the domain, the three-community coalition could only watch Luo Feng show off his power in the domain.

With the help of the domain's suppression, Luo Feng and Peng Gong sang in unison. First, they ridiculed the Queen of the Zerg and the God of the Mechanical Clan, but did not allow them to refute. Soon, they provoked the father of the Mechanical Clan who was unruly in the Mechanical Clan. God was angry.

"What a powerful puppet! There are so many of them! It seems that the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe is really angry." Seeing the large number of rickety figures emerging from the oval black spherical treasure, Diko couldn't help but gasped: "Everyone The puppets are more precious than ordinary treasures, and even the refining materials can be used to refine the ultimate treasure. The value of such a large puppet is probably comparable to the supreme treasure. The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe is really extravagant. I don’t know about these puppets. How did he get it? Did he refine it himself, or was it left behind by the civilization of the previous era?"

Seeing that Diko was interested in the puppet army of the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe, Darkness on the side shook his head slightly: "Unfortunately, these puppets are like one body, and even the most powerful palace cannot suppress them when they explode. Otherwise, I can help If you think about it a bit and study it, maybe you can refine it into a similar puppet treasure."

"Not cost-effective! Such a puppet requires very precise control to exert its power. It relies entirely on mechanical tactics. It is not suitable for us humans," Dico shook his head slightly.

While the two were talking, it was difficult for Luo Feng and Peng Gong to cope with the joint attacks of a large number of mechanical puppets. However, although the group attack power of the mechanical flow puppets is strong, it is also suppressed by the original power of the original universe. The power can reach the top level of the sixth level at most, and the threat is limited.

However, Luo Feng and Peng, the father of the mechanical clan who were incompetent, had no choice but to control a large number of puppets to entangle them, which made it more troublesome for the two of them to deal with it. At the same time, the Lords of the Universe on the side of the three-community coalition also began to join forces to attack Luo Feng and Peng Gong.

"This power is too terrifying, I'm afraid they won't be able to withstand it!" More than a hundred masters of the universe jointly attacked, and the strongest of them, including the Father God of the Machine Tribe, the Queen of the Insect Tribe, and the two Demon Ancestors of the Monster Tribe, felt their hearts ache. Trembling, Dico couldn't help but change his face as he felt the unparalleled terrifying power.

As the saying goes, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. Although in the original universe, any attack by a strong person would be suppressed below the peak of the sixth level. If you can join forces to attack, the power will still be continuously superimposed, reaching the seventh or even eighth level of combat power, which is enough. It is comparable to the power of the strongest man in the universe exploding with all his strength in the cosmic sea. "Quick, attack the group of Universe Lords at the entrance to the Queen's Lair Abyss." The Lord of Darkness also hurriedly controlled the Black Prison Tower to approach, and ordered the Universe Lords on the human camp side to take action.

Facing the joint attack that was very close, Luo Feng and Peng Gong decisively hid in the tomb boat. Then there was an overwhelming joint attack, and the mighty power exploded, and it also swept towards the Queen and the Lords of the Universe who were the three tribes' coalition forces gathered at the entrance of the abyss.

With such power, unless the Lords of the Universe from the three clans' coalition retreated to the Queen's Nest, they would be able to easily kill many Lords of the Universe if they were attacked.

Therefore, the Father God of the Mechanical Clan and the Queen of the Zerg Clan were all anxious. The Dream Demon Ancestor even grew bigger and directly blocked the Queen's Nest. Then, he was bombarded by the terrifying power and rolled backwards, flying away, knocking away the Queen's Nest and the machine. The clan father god turned into a small dot in the dark universe and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In the original universe, even with the power of the Dream Demon Ancestor, it was impossible to stop the terrifying attack power that was comparable to the seventh and eighth levels. Even with the defense of the most powerful armor, he was still blown away.

Next, the masters of the universe from the two camps immediately started fighting against each other. The Darkness and the Queen of the Zerg also controlled their respective palaces of the most powerful treasures and began to swallow them, but for a while no one could do anything about the other.

Luo Feng and Peng Gong hid, and then the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe, the Queen of the Zerg Tribe, the Dream Demon Ancestor, and the Shock Demon Ancestor also began to join forces to bombard the Lord of the Universe on the human side. Soon, the Lord of the Universe on the human side was a little confused. Become panicked.

There was no other way, Luo Feng and Peng Gong had no choice but to attack, but the Father God of the Mechanical Clan and the Dream Demon Ancestor ignored them at all and still attacked the Lord of the Universe in the human camp. Anyway, Luo Feng and Peng Gong's attack power Nothing can be done about them.

In desperation, Luo Feng and Peng Gong could only contact Giant Axe, and at the same time they were also preparing to start a counterattack plan...

Boom... A sudden and terrifying aura appeared, and then the huge ax shadow formed a huge micro-universe and enveloped the father god of the mechanical clan and the large number of mechanical puppets he controlled. It was the giant ax that appeared.

Although the giant ax itself has not truly recovered within a short period of time, it is not difficult to condense a clone of the Lord of the Universe that is ten thousand times the genetic level. With the help of a peak giant ax treasure, it is possible to burst into the top six levels in the original universe. attack.

"Be careful, it's a giant axe!" Father God of the Mechanical Tribe hurriedly reminded, and some of the strongest men in the universe who were watching the battle from a distance also became serious in spirit.

At the same time, Luo Feng waved his hand and took out the tomb boat. The ancient divine eye of will attack was suspended at the hatch of the tomb boat, which was rapidly growing in size. Then the powerful will attack was constrained into a line of sight, gathering around the entrance to the abyss of the queen's lair. The Lords of the Universe from the coalition camp swept through

(End of this chapter)

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