Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 587 Counterattack Victory

Chapter 587 Counterattack Victory
Under the influence of that powerful will impact, in an instant, some of the universe masters from the coalition camp knelt down or lay down in pain, and some even lost consciousness and fell unconscious.

The impact of the restrained and controlled will is almost impossible for the Lord of the Universe to withstand as long as his will has not reached the level of the strongest person in the universe. Even the Lord of the Universe, whose consciousness has reached the peak and ultimate level of the Lord of the Universe, will be in pain under the impact of such will, and barely able to stay awake is a tenth of his strength.

The ancient god's eyes that rotated slowly, with a slight deviation, scanned the surrounding Lords of the Universe from other coalition camps. In the blink of an eye, the impact of the Ancient Divine Eye's will had circled around the edge of the abyss at the bottom of the Queen's nest, affecting all the Lords of the Universe gathered in the coalition camp.

And even after the impact of the ancient god's will was deflected, the masters of the universe who had been impacted before were still a little confused, and it would take a while to slow down and fully recover.

Most of the Masters of the Universe in the entire Queen's Nest are vassal forces. There are only three who have reached the level of the strongest people in the universe and are immune to the influence of the Ancient God's Eye, and the remaining seventy or eighty. The Lord of the Universe fell into coma and lost combat effectiveness almost instantly.

All of a sudden, the only real combat power left in the coalition camp was the ancient ship of the Demon Ancestor and some of the Lords of the Universe in the palace treasure of the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe. In addition to the four strongest men in the universe in the coalition camp, there was only the equivalent of four The combat power of more than a dozen universe masters.

Naturally, the attack from the human camp instantly took over an overwhelming advantage. At the same time, the swallowing power of the Black Prison Tower finally took effect. The Masters of the Universe who lost the ability to resist in the Queen's Nest instantly flew towards the Black Prison Tower. Already..
Rumble... The masters of the universe from the human camp joined forces, and the terrifying attacks were like an energy storm, pouring down crazily. Even though the three masters of the universe from the coalition camp were still awake, they hurriedly took out the palace treasures, and partially knocked them unconscious and lost their ability to resist. The Lords of the Universe from the coalition camp were stored in the palace treasures, but many of the remaining ones were still directly bombarded, and their divine bodies were annihilated and fell.

Even at the critical moment, Diko quietly used his soul and will attacks, accompanied by the weird sound of cicadas chirping, which affected the three masters of the universe who had reached the will of the strongest person in the universe, and their reactions were a beat slower.

It was this simple influence that caused them to accept fewer Universe Lords from the coalition camp. After this wave of attacks ended, the number of fallen Lords of the Universe in the coalition camp reached a full thirty or forty, and the combat strength of the Lords of the Universe in the Queen's Nest was nearly half lost. Even if some of them had the ability to clone themselves, more than twenty of them actually died.

More than twenty masters of the universe! Previously, there were only so many Universe Masters in the entire Monster Clan. The huge loss not only shocked the Father God of the Mechanical Clan and the Dream Demon Ancestor, but even the other Universe Masters in the coalition camp were a little timid and frightened. .

However, the battle is not over yet! While the giant ax took action to restrain the Father God of the Machine Tribe and some of the Universe Lords from the allied forces in his palace treasure, the Human Race Universe Lord in the Black Prison Tower began to pour all its attack power on the two monsters from the Monster Tribe. On the ancestors and the Lords of the Universe in the allied camp in the ancient ship of the Demon Ancestor.

As for the dozens of surviving Masters of the Universe in the Queen's Lair, under the constant scanning and suppression of the Ancient God's Eyes, they did not dare to take action at all for a while.

In this way, under the counterattack of the human side, the coalition camp was completely suppressed. This also made the Dream Demon Ancestor and the Shock Demon Ancestor extremely angry. They combined with the more than ten Lords of the Universe in the oval black sphere to force the giant ax back. The clan father was so angry that he immediately came out and controlled the mechanical puppet as he approached to engage in a melee fight with the giant axe. Father God of the Mechanical Tribe also saw that this was just a clone of the giant axe. In the eyes of the Father God of the Mechanical Clan, the giant ax himself did not come, but only sent a divine clone, which was a complete provocation. He couldn't do anything about the giant axe, so what if he couldn't do anything about a clone of the giant axe?
However, just when the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe was controlling a large number of mechanical puppets to suppress and ravage the giant axe, the tomb boat that flew over unexpectedly exploded with power and slammed into the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe. The mechanical puppets were knocked away a lot.

And at this chaotic moment, Dicko's blood sea clone suddenly appeared in front of the oval black sphere palace treasure of the Father God of the Machine Tribe. He held the blood fire knife and slashed out with a sudden blow. The impact of will swept away like a tide along with the violent sword energy, and the invisible chirping sound of cicadas sounded. Then the Fire Temple suddenly appeared, erupting with terrifying power, and suppressed and swallowed the oval black sphere palace treasure.

"No." The Father God of the Mechanical Tribe, who had just been knocked away by the tomb boat, looked back and saw this scene. He was shocked. When he was about to go to rescue him, he was overwhelmed by a large number of ax shadow attacks.

Under the careful calculation of Diko and the giant axe, in the blink of an eye, the palace treasure of the Father God of the Machine Tribe and more than ten Lords of the Universe from the coalition camp were swallowed up and suppressed by Diko in the Fire Temple.

On the other side, faced with the joint siege of dozens of universe masters from the human side and Luo Feng and Peng Gong, the Dream Demon Ancestor and the Shock Demon Ancestor, who could only exert their sixth-level top-notch combat power, were completely crushed and forced to retreat, both in embarrassment. The throw flew out.

At the same time, Luo Feng's golden-horned beast clone suddenly appeared and took out the Star Tower. At the same time, another ancient divine eye that Diko had specially refined appeared at the bottom of the Star Tower. The Star Tower faced the ancient monster clan While the ship was suppressing it, the enlarged Ancient God's Eye was also swept away by a powerful impact of will, leaving the ancient ship without any resistance and being sucked into the abyss at the bottom of the Star Tower.

This swallowing was another huge loss for the coalition camp. More than ten Masters of the Universe were lost in one fell swoop. Adding in the previous deaths, the coalition camp lost a total of forty Masters of the Universe, almost half of them. The battle strength has been reduced, it can be said that the muscles and bones have been exhausted, and the losses have been heavy!
As soon as humanity broke out, the result was a complete reversal. Not only were the armies of the three tribes defeated miserably, but even the strongest men in the universe who were watching the battle from a distance, and the Lord of the Universe who were sent by some idle ethnic groups in the universe to inquire about the news, were also shocked. It is quite now.

After all, this result was too unexpected, and the human race's strength, trump cards, etc. were a bit too strong! It is unbelievable that such a powerful will impact the treasure. Even the Star Tower is in the hands of humans. This is undoubtedly a sigh of relief for the strongest people in the universe. The most powerful treasure that they all coveted unexpectedly fell into the hands of humans and was obtained by Na Luo Feng. Isn't this human's luck too good?

The strongest men in the universe and the few masters of the universe who were watching the battle secretly left one after another after sighing for a while. The two Demon Ancestors of the Demon Clan, the Father God of the Mechanical Clan and the Queen of the Zerg Clan were all furious.

But when the battle reached this level, although the three tribes were very angry and unwilling to give up, they did not dare to continue taking action. When they were at their strongest before, they were no match for the human side. Now they have suffered heavy losses, killing and injuring nearly half of the Lords of the Universe. If they try again, they will only be crushed.

But even so, they were still unwilling to retreat. Compared to the inheritance of Duandonghe lineage, they can still bear this loss. In fact, when they started fighting humans, they were already prepared to pay some losses. After all, humans who can inherit the Duandonghe lineage and give birth to existences such as the original ancestors have never been soft persimmons!
(End of this chapter)

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