Chapter 588 Confident
After the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe and the Dream Demon Ancestor left with the surviving Lords of the Universe from the coalition camp, Lord Peng Gong could not help but grit his teeth and cursed: "A bunch of bastards!"

"It seems that next time, the three-community coalition will come again," the Lord of Darkness also said with an ugly face: "And it will only be a part of the army next time. This three-community coalition is really unwilling to give up! With so many casualties, it is still Wouldn’t give up.”

"Of course I won't give up," Luo Feng said coldly: "The opportunity to transcend reincarnation is so precious. Besides, most of the universe masters we captured are vassals of the three tribes. Even if we feel sorry for this loss, we will not regret it. Make them willing to retreat.”

"Hmph! It's just a gambler's mentality. The greater the price they pay, the harder it is for them to give up." Diko sneered: "If you want to continue gambling, you must unite the vast majority of the strongest people and ethnic groups in the original universe. If we have power, we can definitely force humans to hand over our inheritance. What a dream! Even if we really lose, we won’t let them get any information about our inheritance. What’s more, if we want to defeat humans and push us into a desperate situation, It’s not that easy. In the end, as long as we turn defeat into victory, the more they suppress, the more miserable they will lose. Maybe we, humans, can take this opportunity to become the true overlord of the original universe in one fell swoop.”

Upon hearing what Diko said, Luo Feng, Guangming and Peng Gong all turned their heads to look at him in shock. Even the giant ax couldn't help but shake his head and said with a smile: "Turn defeat into victory, Diko, even I don't have absolute confidence. You are quite confident!"

"It's not that we're confident, but that we can't lose, and we can't afford to lose," Diko's words also made Juaxe and Luo Feng's heavy-faced eyes become firm. yes! You can’t afford to lose, and you can’t lose!

The defeat of the three-race coalition this time was a very exciting thing for both the senior leaders of the human race and the universe masters of the idle races who had taken refuge in the human race. After returning to the original secret realm of the human race, a grand celebration banquet was naturally inevitable, and the giant ax made a rare appearance to greet the new alien universe masters who had joined the Chaos City Lord.

After the celebration, facing the three major ethnic groups who were still unwilling to retreat, the human race also responded quickly, preparing to alienate and win over the Lord of the Universe who was captured alive by the three tribes' coalition forces. At the same time, they used the momentum of victory to win over more idle ethnic groups. Lord of the universe.

In the original universe, although the nine peak ethnic groups have at least three to four hundred universe masters, the total number of universe masters from the large number of idle and powerful ethnic groups in the entire original universe is even greater. They are also a force that cannot be ignored.

So next, before the final battle, both humans and the coalition are fighting for more powerful ethnic groups to increase their respective strength and confidence in the decisive battle.

The Yanya clan is a powerful clan. Although the leader of the clan, Lord Yanya, is a woman, she is also a powerful ancient universe lord in the original universe. Although she has not reached the top level of the fifth level, she is definitely the fifth level. , no less powerful than several ancient and powerful existences such as the Lord of Void Gold and the Lord of Ice Peak of the human race.

Moreover, Lord Yanya is also a very influential Lord of the Universe among the Three Mountains Alliance of secondary forces in the original universe, so Diko, as the messenger of the human race, specially came to persuade and win over Lord Yanya.

On a peaceful and beautiful life planet of the Yanya tribe, Diko met the Lord of Yanya who was living in seclusion here, and he simply expressed the human race's intention directly: "I think the Lord of Yanya has also heard about the previous battle. I The human race has received the inheritance of Duan Donghe's lineage. Whether it is treasures or means, it is not comparable to other peak ethnic groups such as the Demon Ancestor. Since the war began, our human race has had the upper hand, and not a single lord of the universe has fallen. On the contrary, for the Demon Ancestor, the Zerg Race and the Mechanical Race, even if there are several of the strongest people in the universe, they will still suffer a lot of losses."

"So, our human race has absolute confidence. With the tomb boat and the most powerful treasure of the palace, even if we cannot defeat the coalition camp, we can at least protect ourselves. Even if we lose in the end, the coalition camp will have to pay a huge price if they want to win. They can at most suppress our human race for a while, and we will eventually rise and become stronger with the help of the inheritance of the Duandonghe lineage. Therefore, even if we lose, our human race will not hand over our inheritance." Dike looked tough and confident: "Now For the idle people in the original universe, they will never get any inheritance information by joining the coalition camp. Only by joining our human group can we get the systematic guidance of the ancient civilization inheritance on breaking through and becoming the strongest person in the universe." "As for you worrying about me? Once the human race is defeated, you will be implicated and targeted by the coalition camp, and that is not a problem. After all, no matter how strong the coalition camp is, our human race has two small universes, and we are destined not to be in danger of annihilation. At least, our human race is in danger. The strongest giant ax and several top fifth-level universe masters all have the most powerful treasures in their possession. It is difficult for the coalition camp to suppress and kill them. It is destined that in the original universe, we have the strength to threaten any ethnic group. We really want to tear them apart. If you lose your face, no one will be left behind."

Under the influence of Dicko, the human race has become stronger and more confident. Coupled with the results of the previous two battles, although the strength and powerhouses of all parties in the original universe are still not optimistic about human beings, they have to admit that today's human beings are indeed powerful and cannot be underestimated.

Therefore, with the overt or covert methods of wooing the two camps in the original universe, the entire original universe is in chaos, with undercurrents surging, and there are not a few people who are finally willing to join the human race.

However, faced with the wooing of the two major camps, there are also some idle universe masters who are unwilling to be directly affected by the influence, and at the same time are eager to play both sides and obtain greater benefits. As a result, under the influence of the most powerful person in the lone universe, Sihua Island Master, a free alliance composed of two to three hundred powerful ethnic groups and more than four hundred universe masters was quietly established.

"Freedom Alliance? Humph, it's just a bunch of loose sand." When the news of the establishment of the Freedom Alliance came, and even Giant Ax and Chaos felt their hearts heavy, Dico shook his head and sneered: "There are so many powerful ethnic groups, among them Many of them still have grudges, and even if they reluctantly get together, there will be many internal problems, and it will be difficult to stay on the same page after all."

"Actually, for our human race, it is not a bad thing that the Free Alliance has really joined the coalition." Diko's next words were simply earth-shattering, making all the human race masters of the universe stunned, and the giant ax couldn't help but curl his lips. Twitched slightly.

Diko continued: "Even if we are willing to pay the price, relying on the information inherited from the Duandonghe line to attract the Freedom Alliance to join us, we finally win. What can we do next? With so many alien races, for our human race, sooner or later we will be too big to lose. , has become a big trouble, and even restricted the development and growth of our human race. The more allies the human race has, the harder it will be to occupy a larger territory in the primitive universe in the future..."

The Lord of the Human Universe gathered together nodded subconsciously, but Darkness could not help but frown and said helplessly: "Dico, what we have to consider now is how to win the decisive battle with the coalition camp. If we lose, even If the territory of the human race in the original universe cannot be preserved, how can we talk about anything else?"

"Don't worry! I have made a decision and am sure to deal with the coalition camp. Even if they unite most of the universe masters in the original universe, I am confident that my human race will win in the end." Dico's words immediately made people Everyone subconsciously looked at him in shock.

"Dico, you can't joke now. Do you really have any tricks up your sleeve?" Giant Axe asked with a serious look.

(End of this chapter)

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