Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 589 The Burning Sea of ​​Blood

Chapter 589 The Burning Sea of ​​Blood

Under the expectant gazes of all the masters of the human universe, Diko nodded calmly: "Everyone also knows that the power of my blood sea clone is not inferior to that of the Lord of the Nine Netherworlds."

"Sea of ​​blood? Diko, you want to use your sea of ​​blood to deal with the coalition camp? No, absolutely not! There are so many universe masters in the coalition camp. Once they join forces, their attack power will definitely reach the ninth or even tenth level. Even if Di You are not afraid of depleting your divine power by relying on the sea of ​​blood, but what about the soul attack? How could you withstand a ninth or even tenth level soul attack," Luo Feng couldn't help but said excitedly.

The giant axe could not help frowning and said: "Even the strongest person in the universe cannot resist the ten levels of soul attack methods. In the beginning, the original ancestor relied on such means to kill the strongest person in the universe in the cosmic sea. Diko, you are just the master of the universe now. No matter how powerful your life-saving methods are, you will probably not be able to stop attacks from ten levels of souls, even if you have the most powerful soul-type treasure."

"The ancient civilization inheritance I received is good at souls. Naturally, I know how terrifying the ten-level soul attack is. However, I am confident that I can resist it," Diko said with a calm smile.

"Dico, there is no room for jokes!" The Lord of Huangjian couldn't help but become a little anxious when he saw Diko's calm look: "Could it be that you possess a soul treasure that surpasses the level of the most powerful treasure? How is this possible?"

"Teacher, do you think I would make fun of my own life and death?" Dico asked back. The Lord of Huangjian was speechless, but Juaxe looked at him with a frown and solemnly said: "Dico, don't take risks! Even if you are protected by a sea of ​​blood, you are sure to save your life. But if you die once, the price you pay is too high. How long will it take for you to recover from such a large sea of ​​blood?"

"Giant Axe, do you think I rely on immortality to save my life?" Diko, who looked at Giant Axe speechlessly, shook his head and said with a smile: "If you don't believe it, you can summon those cosmic heroes who are now surrendering to my human race. Lords, let’s experiment. And the reason why I want to use the sea of ​​blood is because my strongest soul attack method relies on the sea of ​​blood. With the help of my inheritance, in the final battle, the ultimate attack method I can use, It will definitely be more effective than Luo Feng’s Ancient God Eye.”

"Huh? You mean, you can use soul will attacks?" Giant Ax perked up after hearing this, and other human universe masters such as Chaos also looked at Dico with bright eyes.

Diko smiled noncommittally and said: "Look back and let you feel it for yourself, and you will know whether what I said is true or false. When the time comes, you will naturally understand that my decision is the best for my human race. The most certain means of winning.”

At Diko's suggestion, the giant ax made eye contact with Chaos and other human race masters of the universe, and quickly made a decision to experiment in secret. After that, they all became excited and confident, and they were prepared for the next battle with the coalition camp. The decisive battle has also become more confident.

At the same time, Chaos also took out the clan-suppressing treasure left by the original ancestor. Luo Feng was touched by watching Chaos activate the clan-suppressing treasure and broke through to become the Lord of the Universe. All four clones were able to display the top six levels. The combat power has made the human race deeper in strength and more confident, so it will be more confident to face the threat of the Free Alliance in the future.

But on the surface, the human race is still trying to win over the Free Alliance, but they are only willing to give simple guidance on how to practice ancient civilizations. This seems very stingy, which makes many Free Alliance universe masters who are somewhat confident in joining together very dissatisfied.

Coupled with the secret instigation and interference of the Purple Moon Holy Land Universe, and the instigation of the Lord of Light, one of the leaders of the Free Alliance, the Free Alliance, which was ultimately unable to obtain more systematic guidance from human beings on the cultivation experience of ancient civilizations, decided to invest entirely in coalition camp.

In this way, after the final battle began, the number of universe masters in the coalition camp directly exceeded 800, including the Father God of the Machine Clan, the Dream Demon Ancestor, the Shock Demon Ancestor, the Zerg Queen, the Hell Clan Demon Ancestor, and the Crystal Clan Holy Lord. , the old beast god of the Starry Sky Beast Alliance, the leader of the Northern Territory Alliance, and the strongest alone, the ancestor of the monster beasts, Ezhou, the founder of the Black Universe, and the Void True Demon God, etc. There are a total of eleven strongest people in the universe. Although the owner of Shihua Island has received some benefits from humans, he promised not to take action. But after the war broke out, once Dicko used his special tricks and the coalition forces suffered a loss, the owner of Sihua Island would definitely have to take action to protect the masters of the universe on the Free Alliance side.

In the original secret realm of human territory, with the temporary change of the Free Alliance, more than a dozen of the strongest men in the universe on the coalition side each led dozens of Lords of the Universe, plus the treasures of the six palaces shared by the Lords of the Universe of the Free Alliance, a total of ten The seven palace treasures directly surrounded the tomb boat, directly clamoring for the human side to admit defeat and hand over the inheritance of the Duandong River lineage.

Although the Ancestral God Sect finally chose to help mankind because of Diko and because they were not too eager for the inheritance and guidance of the strongest person in the universe to cultivate to the limit of the strongest person in the universe, they were also frightened when faced with the menacing coalition camp. Hiding in the palace's supreme treasure ancestral altar, not daring to show his face.

In the tomb boat, the Lord of the Universe, with less than 200 humans on his side, was in a state of panic. Facing more than 800 universe masters from the coalition camp, they also lacked the courage to take action.

"Dico, it's up to you!" The giant ax standing at the front reached out and patted Diko on the shoulder. Chaos, Darkness and other human race masters of the universe also turned their heads to look at Diko.

The universe masters from the Hongmeng alien races behind could not help but be a little shocked and surprised when they saw this scene. Look at Dico? Could it be that the Lord of the Fire Temple is prepared to go out alone to face so many strong men from the coalition camp? Are you kidding me? Have you gone crazy?
"Leave it to me!" Diko nodded calmly and confidently, and then as the bloody phantom flew out from an inconspicuous palace nearby, a terrifying aura filled the air, and in an instant it expanded to a size of over 100 million. The tall giant with long blood-colored hair and a bloody robe was the blood-sea body of Dico transformed into a human form.

"This is the Lord of the Fire Temple of the human race? Such a terrifying aura of divine power, how is it possible for such a large divine body? What is he going to do? Does he want to fight us on his own?" Seeing the sudden appearance of Diko's sea of ​​blood The coalition camp was also a little stunned.

But then, Diko, who was overlooking the treasures of the palaces below, grinned. In an instant, the huge divine body that was over 100 million miles high disintegrated and turned into a monstrous blood-colored water that swept away. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a giant body with a diameter of thousands. The boundless sea of ​​​​blood, which is hundreds of millions of miles wide, submerged the treasures of the seventeen palaces of the coalition camp. At the same time, the entire sea of ​​​​blood was boiling and burning with bloody flames.

"What? This..." The coalition camp has not yet reacted. In the sea of ​​boiling and burning blood, as Diko used the soul-burning secret method, with the help of the God King's treasure "Yuan Chan", it was even more terrifying than the ancient god's eyes. The impact of will instantly spread throughout the sea of ​​​​blood, and at the same time, the penetrating chirping of cicadas sounded.

In an instant, the Lord of the Universe, who had a weaker will, fell into a coma. Even the Lords of the Universe whose will had reached the limit of the Lord of the Universe or even the level of the strongest person in the universe, were in great pain. Even the twelve strongest men in the universe, including the master of Shihua Island, felt uncomfortable facing the waves of will attacks and the chirping of cicadas that seemed to penetrate their souls.

"Suffer death!" In the tomb boat, Diko's clone, whose eyes were as sharp as a sword, looked at the bloody ocean outside, with a fierce look on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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