Chapter 590 Will Attack
You must know that in the dark abyss of Liuzhong Mountain, it took thousands of years to accept the inheritance of the Cicada Ancestor. The huge memory information has already made Diko's soul almost reach the limit of endurance. Under that kind of oppression, coupled with the world of Lord Snow Eagle, Due to the impact of the improvement of the soul realm, Diko's will has already exceeded the limit of the strongest person in the universe.

Nowadays, there is also the auxiliary effect of the God King's treasure "Yuan Cicada" on the soul's will. Even if Diko's will has not reached the level of the eternal true god, it is definitely the limit of the void true god. One can imagine the power of the soul will attack method of Yiline!
After all, the strongest people in the universe on the original side of the universe, because their cultivation time is much shorter than the strongest people in the universe in the first and second reincarnation eras of the universe, so the universal will is only at the level of the strongest people in the universe, and has barely reached it. At the level of the Void True God. But even so, the large-scale soul will attack method used by Dicko made them uncomfortable. Needless to say, the effect of the attack on the Lords of the Universe.

At the same time, the burning blood wave that enveloped every palace treasure in the coalition camp was still rapidly eroding and refining those palace treasures. Under the erosion of the power of the blood sea, the palace treasures controlled by the strongest person in the universe can barely withstand one or two, but the palace treasures controlled by several top universe masters in the Free Alliance are quickly penetrated and refined...
Under Dico's soul will attack, the owners of five of the Freedom Alliance palace treasures, the Lord of Light and other leaders of the various factions of the Freedom Alliance were somewhat unable to resist, and their consciousness became painful and confused. How to resist?
So in the blink of an eye, before the coalition camp and even the human universe masters could react, except for the palace treasure where the master of Shihua Island was sitting, the other five palace treasures on the Free Alliance side had all been refined by Diko. Take control and merge into the sea of ​​blood. Among them, more than three hundred universe masters were unable to resist and fell into Dico's hands. The five palaces and treasures have become their prisons.

Buzz.. Invisible fluctuations spread out, and star points suddenly appeared in the burning sea of ​​blood. Countless star points were faintly connected to each other by light. It was the most powerful treasure of the Northern Xinjiang leader's domain, Qixingguang Lake.

The Northern Xinjiang leader reacted and immediately used the most powerful domain treasure. However, the investigation of the most powerful treasures in the field made him feel cold instantly. Five of the six palace treasures of the Free Alliance were missing. What kind of methods did humans use to be able to obtain them so quickly? Have you solved all the Lords of the Universe in those five palace treasures?

"Luo Feng, Darkness, don't be stunned! Prepare to take action! What we have to deal with next are those palace treasures that are guarded by the strongest people in the universe." In the tomb boat, Diko's clone directly attacked Luo Feng and The Dark Lord urged.

"Didico, are you saying that you have already solved the treasures of several palaces on the Free Alliance side that are not guarded by the strongest man in the universe?" The founder of the giant ax stared at Dicolian and asked in disbelief.

"Without the strongest person in the universe, how can those masters of the universe resist my will attack?" Diko sneered: "Just now, I used the will attack method of a large-scale group. Next, I will I am targeting the palace treasures that are guarded by the strongest people in the universe. Those who are weak in the will of the strongest people in the universe may not be able to withstand my attack of will. They cannot control the palace treasures with all their strength. If they want to resist the strongest in the palace, It is not easy to suppress the treasure by swallowing it. Once it is suppressed, even the strongest person in the universe is finished!"

Upon hearing Diko's words, Giant Axe, Chaos, and the others immediately brightened up and cheered up. They even urged Luo Feng and Darkness: "Quick! Take action before they can react! As long as they can suppress one of the strongest Or, and at the same time take out the Lord of the Universe from their coalition camp who is sitting in the Palace Treasure, it will be a great victory for us."

"I'll help them." After Luo Feng and Darkness began to act under the guidance of Diko, the giant ax was also connected. He is the strongest person in the universe, and he fully controls the peak palace-like treasures. His suppression methods are no better than Luo Feng and the others. Not much inferior.

At the same time, the message asked the Ancestral God to use the domain treasure, the Chaos of the Colorful Aurora Lake, and quickly mobilized the clan treasure to crush and defeat Qiqu Xingguang Lake. At the same time, he also used the domain to completely control the situation on the entire battlefield.

"Not good!" Compared to the confidence and excitement of the human race, the coalition camp was obviously panicked. Even the twelve strongest men in the universe were panicked and nervous one by one. They first used soul attacks crazily and found that there was nothing they could do. Diko suddenly made a decisive decision one by one. They each put away the palace treasures, hoping to enlarge their divine bodies and escape from the blood sea. But under the crazy constraints of the blood sea, it is difficult for them to enlarge their divine bodies and escape. At the same time, Diko also used all his strength to attack them with his soul will, targeting first the giant silver snake Dream Demon Ancestor.

Ah... Under the strongest soul will attack that Diko used with the help of the God King's treasure 'Yuan Chan', the Dream Demon Ancestor trembled all over and suddenly let out an extremely painful roar. With the will of the strongest person in the universe, I felt a tingling sensation in my consciousness.

At the same time, Luo Feng, who quickly appeared through a huge vortex channel, directly threw the rapidly growing Star Tower and suppressed it towards the Dream Demon Ancestor...
Under the influence of Diko's terrifying will attack, the Dream Demon Ancestor's perception of the surroundings was blurred, and his strength was very low, and he was quickly sucked into the Star Tower. Naturally, it is difficult for the universe masters of the coalition camp who have been kept by him in the treasures of the palace to escape.

"Meng Tu..." After discovering through the induction of time and space that the Dream Demon Ancestor was suppressed, the Shock Demon Ancestor suddenly let out a roar of pain and despair. The other strongest men in the universe were also shocked, and they all looked like frightened rabbits. General: "Run away!"

"I want to escape now, it's too late!" The sneer echoed throughout the vast sea of ​​​​blood. Diko once again used all his willpower to attack the Demon Shock Ancestor, and at the same time led the Lord of Darkness to quickly rush to the Demon Shock Ancestor's side.

"Ah!" The saw-toothed beast that also became huge shuddered and roared in pain. At the same time, it controlled the most powerful treasure 'Broken Domain Cone' to attack the Lord of Darkness, but his consciousness was already confused, as if he had become an adult. He was blinded, and the attack of the Shattered Domain Cone was also inaccurate. With the suppression of the rapidly growing Black Prison Tower, he flew directly into the Black Prison Tower, and then the huge Black Prison Tower also dealt a cruel blow to the Demon Shocking Ancestor. Suppressed severely.

At the same time, Diko immediately aimed his attack at the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe, and the giant ax was already in front of the Father God of the Mechanical Tribe.
When the palm of the hand turned over, the giant ax did not even use the treasure, but directly used the sixth-level top suppressive attack method. A large number of ax shadows shrouded the father-god of the mechanical clan who was trembling after being attacked by Diko's will.
Needless to say, the final result is that the giant ax has the power to suppress the third and sixth gods of the God Eye Tribe who possess the most powerful treasure in the universe sea. In the original universe, the giant ax almost lost its power under the attack of Diko's will. The father god of the mechanical race who has the ability to resist is easily captured.

Immediately afterwards, while using his will attack on the Zerg Queen hiding in the Queen's Nest, Dicko's burning power of the sea of ​​​​blood was also crazily eroding the rapidly growing Supreme Treasure Queen's Nest, making the Zerg Queen control the Queen's Nest. It began to weaken gradually, and the speed at which the queen's nest grew in size also slowed down.
The Demon Ancestor, Machine Tribe, and Zerg Tribe are adjacent to the human territory, and they have the greatest feud and enmity, so Diko targeted them from the beginning. Even though he knew that it would be difficult to deal with the Zerg Queen who had the most powerful and precious palace, she was still unwilling to let her go easily.

(End of this chapter)

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