Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 605 Inside the Chaos Flying Boat

Chapter 605 Inside the Chaos Flying Boat

However, since the Cave Sky Flying Boat Master cannot enter, the Blood Blade God Emperor and other ten major masters can only summon the True God Venerables from the God Realm Abyss and let them fight together to deal with the protectors of the Mother Ancestral Sect.

Including Mo Chen and Huiming, a total of thirty-eight True God Venerables from the Abyss of the God Realm, under the order of the Blood Blade God Emperor, all entered the Cave Sky Flying Boat.
"Dico, what are you waiting for? Don't you want to fight against the Mother Cult for my cultivator universe?" Seeing that Diko has no intention of entering the cave spaceship with those venerables, he is wearing a black robe. The cold Time and Space Island Master couldn't help but said.

Immediately, the other masters and the Blood Blade God Emperor also looked at Diko, while Diko shrugged noncommittally and said: "I want to help, but unfortunately, I can't get in!"

"What do you mean you can't get in?" The time and space island master subconsciously frowned and spoke. Then he reacted and looked at Diko with some surprise: "Have you already broken through and become the master?"

Breakthrough? The other masters also had expressions on their faces, looking at Diko with different eyes, which made Diko helplessly curl his lips and say: "What? Can't I break through? My realm has long been enough, and breakthrough is just a matter of course. Time and space Island Master, I am different from you, I am a genius! I have practiced for tens of millions of years to become a master, is there anything surprising?"

The Lord of Time and Space Island was choked up when he heard this, and almost choked on Dico's words. You must know that he was the fastest in the history of the God Realm Abyss to become a fourth-level heavenly realm god. Later, he achieved transcendence in one go and successively broke through to become the True God Venerable and even the True God Lord. Even though he is weak among the masters, there is no denying his amazing cultivation talent.

But compared with Dico, he is really not a genius. In the face of an incredible monster like Dico, any genius will be dimmed.

Diko became the master. Although the cultivator universe side lost its strongest combat power in this battle at the venerable level in the Chaos Flying Boat, they were very happy to have one more master. The Blood Blade God Emperor and other masters were still very happy. Even the bloody master Nile was secretly happy, because without Diko's intervention, their maternal ancestor's side would have a greater chance of winning in the battle in the cave sky flying boat.

Amidst the congratulations of all the masters, Diko, who was dealing with it casually with a smile, quietly communicated with the Blood Blade God Emperor: "Blood Blade, my clone has not yet broken through, but there is a treasure in the cave that Master Lian Jun carries with him. "

"Very good!" When the Blood Blade God Emperor heard this, his eyes suddenly flashed with surprise, and he immediately understood Diko's intention. It was obviously to confuse the bloody master, so that he could surprise him at the critical moment and decide the outcome. Effect.

"Actually, I know something about this so-called cave flying boat," Diko then transmitted a message to the Blood Blade God Emperor: "Actually, it should be called a chaos flying boat. It is used to travel in the chaotic void. It has very strong defense. The additional attack methods should not be underestimated. The Chaos Flying Boat is a real treasure that many Void Gods don’t have. Once the Mother Cult gets it, we will be passive in the next war.”

"Chaos flying boat? It's such a treasure?" The Blood Blade God Emperor was secretly shocked when he heard this. He was a little anxious and worried. At the same time, after looking at Diko, he couldn't help but feel something in his heart: "Sneakly enter the chaotic flying boat. It seems, Diko probably wants to get this Chaos Aircraft, right? He probably knows how to control the Chaos Aircraft... But it's better for him to get it than to let his mother teach him. In any case, he and our cultivator universe. It’s quite involved, so I probably won’t teach that mother-in-law.”

In the Chaos Flying Boat, as Dongbo Snow Eagle and a group of True God Venerables entered, they soon started a war with the protectors of the Mother Ancestor Cult's Venerables.
There are fifty-one guardians of the Mother Ancestor Cult, and their venerable-level combat power clearly exceeds that of the cultivators in the universe. Moreover, among the fifty-one guardians, three have dominant combat power. Therefore, even if Dongbo Xueying and the others directly killed more than ten guardians of the Mother Ancestral Sect with the help of soul methods at the beginning, when they actually fought, the practitioners were still at a disadvantage.

After all, the Mother Ancestral Sect has entered the end of a universe's reincarnation. More than half of the guardians have top sages with combat power, while the cultivators' universe has only a dozen or so top sages. The gap is too big. However, the strength of the top few venerables on the cultivator side should not be underestimated. In addition, Dongbo Snow Eagle, who is good at the virtual realm and can appear everywhere on the battlefield at any time and take timely action to help the venerable cultivators, so although the battlefield The situation is not good, but the practitioners can still support it at the beginning.

Next, the practitioners became more cunning. With the help of the magic circle, they made sneak attacks again and again. In just two days, they fought hundreds of battles with the guardians of the Mother Ancestor Sect. Most of the venerables have fallen, and they do not hesitate to consume resources and treasures, and use time acceleration to quickly cultivate clones to fight in.

Finally, Backbone Luo, the master of the Chaos Aircraft, appeared, which also surprised the masters of the cultivators and the Mother Ancestral Cult. However, Diko, who was beside the Blood Blade God Emperor, looked at the Backbone Luo who appeared in the Chaos Aircraft. The statue's eyes narrowed slightly: "I didn't expect that it really has a master!"

"Dico, have you already guessed that this cave spaceship has an owner?" The Blood Lord turned to Dikolian and asked. Diko glanced at him and said noncommittally: "Otherwise, you think this Chaos How did the flying boat appear in this universe?"

"Since it has an owner, I'm afraid it will be a bit troublesome to get this Chaos Flying Boat," Diko then said with a pretentious frown.

The Blood Blade God Emperor also looked at the statue in it through the Chaos Aircraft, and said seriously: "I can judge that he should be just a master. He can have this mysterious Chaos Aircraft and can withstand the destruction and reincarnation of the universe. He is also the so-called seventh son of the Bone Ancestor. I estimate that he should be quite strong and a truly top-notch existence among the dominators. However, it is not a cause for concern. Since he has been seriously injured and has been sleeping until now, and has been hiding inside, he must have something. fear."

"His soul aura is relatively weak. He should have used some desperate secret method. His soul has suffered irreparable damage. If he really takes action, I am somewhat sure that I can kill him," Diko said to the Blood Blade God Emperor. Transmission Road.

"Severely injured soul? If that man had taken action by surprise, he might have been able to kill him. Even if he couldn't be killed, it would have been enough to make him fall asleep with severe injuries." The Blood Blade God Emperor nodded slightly, and then sent a message to ask: "When are you going to prepare? Take action?"

"No rush! He has just woken up now, so he must be on guard. Besides, Snow Eagle and the others haven't forced out the real trump card of the guardians of the Mother Ancestor Sect yet. Let's wait a moment," Diko said casually.

In the Chaos Flying Boat, the backbone Luo also directly stated the intention of the Mother Ancestral Cult, allowing the practitioners and the Mother Ancestral Cult to continue fighting to determine the helper he selected.

Under the instigation of Gugan Luo, the ensuing battle became more and more fierce. The most powerful Emperor of Nirvana on the practitioners' side broke out and was killed by the three holy guardians of the Mother Ancestor Sect. Even if the nine top sages on the practitioner side counterattacked with the help of the magic circle taught by the Blood Blade God Emperor, one by one the top guardians of the Mother Ancestral Sect were killed, and even the three holy guardians were injured, but the three following three After the holy protector broke the magic circle with the help of treasures, the protectors from the Mother Ancestral Cult appeared one after another.

In order to win this battle, the guardians of the Mother Ancestral Sect did not hesitate to do anything, and their clones came. They really wanted to fight for their lives!

(End of this chapter)

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