Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 606: Kill the backbone Luo

Chapter 606: Kill the backbone Luo

Once the magic circle was broken, even the master of the Beixuan Palace who was in charge of the magic circle was affected and died, and the magic circle disk was taken away by the Mother Ancestral Sect.

Faced with the sudden appearance of the intact top guardians from the Mother Ancestral Cult and the joint siege of the surviving guardians, the surviving top venerables from the cultivator side also fell one after another.
Outside the Chaos Flying Boat, the Blood Blade God Emperor and other masters gritted their teeth and looked ugly. Obviously, they did not expect that the Mother Ancestral Cult would choose such a crazy way to risk death and cut off the escape routes of those who protected the law to win this battle. .

However, the Ancestral Mother Sect was still happy too early. Just when the Blood Blade God Emperor and the others believed that they were going to lose, and the Blood Blade God Emperor couldn't help but urge Diko to take action, an unexpected change occurred. Dong Bo Snow Eagle actually took the He came out of the black gourd and launched a terrible attack, instantly killing a large number of the top guardians of the Mother Ancestral Sect. Even the three holy guardians could not last long before they all fell.

"What?" Everyone was stunned, even Gugan Luo was a little surprised, and then, the three holy guardians and the few surviving top guardians appeared, but their faces were equally ugly at this time. After all, because of the previous Due to their carelessness, their losses were too heavy. Facing the cultivators who could continue to practice their clones and fight in, they had no overwhelming advantage.

What's more, who knows if Dongbo Snow Eagle's black gourd treasure can be used again? However, when he saw them appearing again, Dongbo Snow Eagle also looked unhappy. But Dongbo Snow Eagle actually also thought that they had hidden some of their own combat power, but in the previous situation, Dongbo Snow Eagle had to take action, otherwise he would definitely lose!

Now, even if the Mother and Ancestor Sect still has some fighting strength, it will still be difficult for the Mind Cultivators to deal with it, but the situation is not the worst after all.

"Haha...Xue Ying, take action!" Just as the two sides were confronting each other warily and preparing to continue fighting, Dike, who had long been in contact with Dongbo Snow Eagle through causal sound transmission, suddenly appeared, and then used the soul-burning secret technique and the soul The method of will made all the surviving guardians of the Mother Ancestral Sect, including the three holy guardians, look confused with painful expressions on their faces.

Upon seeing this, Dongbo Snow Eagle, Bai Junwang, Water Demon King and other top cultivators immediately started to attack together, quickly killing the protectors of the mother-ancestral sect like chopping melons and vegetables.
"Huh?" Diko's soul attack method also surprised Gugan Luo. At this moment, Diko, with lightning eyes, suddenly turned his head to look at Gu Ganluo's statue. At the same time, the terrifying will attack was Attack fiercely like an invisible sword an instant, shrill and angry screams came from the depths of the ground. It was obvious that Gugan Luo's body was also attacked by Diko's will. With his third level of soul realm, the power of the will attack was so strong. , Guangan Luo, whose soul had been severely damaged, could not bear it at all, and his soul collapsed and fell almost instantly.

Then, he was too lazy to pay attention to the other Diko. With a thought, he directly used space means to move to the core space of the Chaos Aircraft where Gugan Luo was hiding. After some investigation, he quickly took control of the Chaos Aircraft.

"Hmph, I thought you had some tricks up your sleeve! Thanks to me being so cautious, I didn't expect you to be so useless. No wonder after several cosmic reincarnations, you can still only hide here and slowly heal," said the backbone of the core space of the Chaos Flying Boat. In the quiet room where Luo was, looking at Gu Guan Luo, who was lying on the ground with a look of horror and unwillingness on his face, Diko, who had already controlled the chaos ship, couldn't help but shook his head slightly, and then collected Gu Gan Luo's relics.

After a brief investigation, Diko couldn't help but laugh: "As expected of a disciple of the Universe God Sect, this backbone Luo is really rich. I'm afraid many Void Gods are not as rich as him, right?"

A moment later, outside the Chaos Airship, Dongbo Snow Eagle and other cultivators' venerables appeared out of thin air. Dike flew forward with a smile on his face. With a thought, the rapidly shrinking Chaos Aircraft was put away with his wave.

"Dico, do you want to monopolize this Chaos Airship?" Seeing Dico put away the Chaos Aircraft, the Time and Space Island Master couldn't help but ask.

"What? I got the Chaos Aircraft with my own skills, do I still have to share it with you?" Diko turned to look at him with a sneer: "Are you greedy? If you had the skills, you would have dealt with that backbone Luo yourself just now! Now, I kill Guangan Luo and get this Chaos Aircraft, and you are jealous. You don’t even think about how powerful you are. Are you able to covet a treasure like the Chaos Aircraft?” Upon hearing this, the master of the time and space island suddenly became jealous. His brows were so angry that he looked at Dico with a livid face, and he almost couldn't help but take action.

"Okay! Do you still want to humiliate yourself?" The Blood Blade God Emperor also glanced at the Master of Time and Space Island with an eyebrow, and directly reached out to stop him.

"Blooded Blade, after all, he is not from our side of the universe. If the Chaos Airship falls into his hands, how can we know that he will not have other thoughts and threaten the safety of our side of the universe?" the time and space island master continued.

What? Upon hearing the words of the Master of Time and Space Island, except for the Blood Blade God Emperor, the Master of the Yuan Dynasty and the Abyss Ancestor, the other masters, including Pang Yi and Qing Jun, looked at Di Ke, Dong Bo Snow Eagle and the others in surprise. The True God Venerable on the practitioner's side was even more surprised.

However, facing everyone's gaze, Diko still maintained a smile and looked at the time and space island master calmly: "So, do you want to take the Chaos Spaceship away from my hands? Don't tell me that you don't have that. Ability, even if Blood Blade takes action himself, I can't do anything to him, but once I hide in the Chaos Airship, the destruction of the universe can't kill me, what can you do to me? The Lord of Time and Space Island is not that strong, so I still don't want to do this. It’s better to be too big. Otherwise, you will end up with a lot of trouble and suffer the consequences.”

"Dico, this Chaos Airship is in your hands. Naturally, no one can snatch it away. I am afraid that in our entire universe of practitioners, you are the only one who knows the Chaos Aircraft best and can truly activate the Chaos Aircraft. I, as a practitioner, will inevitably have to When the time comes for a decisive battle with the Mother Ancestor Cult, I’m afraid I’ll have to rely on you and the Chaos Flying Boat in your hands. When the time comes, you won’t refuse, right?” the Yuanchu Master said.

Diko smiled noncommittally: "I have never cared about the Mother Ancestral Religion! Although this Chaos Flying Boat has additional attack methods, it is also extremely powerful, and the magic circle contained in it is even more mysterious. I know that the blood Blade is very accomplished in the magic circle. I can let him study the magic circle on the Chaos Flying Boat together. Maybe he can be touched and directly break through to become the Void God. By then, the Mother Ancestor Cult will not be enough. Afraid.”

Upon hearing what Diko said, the Blood Blade God Emperor couldn't help but look at Diko with bright eyes, nodded and smiled: "Dico, thank you very much! As long as we can defeat the Mother Ancestral Cult, we practitioners will never forget you. contributed.”

"I don't care about this," Diko said while shaking his head, but he glanced at the time and space island master and said, "In order to avoid being suspected of my bad intentions, I will not get involved in the battle between you and the Mother Ancestor Cult. Anyway, One more of me is not more, and one less of me is just a lot. Even if they have more leaders who dominate the battle, this is the universe of practitioners after all, and you all have clones, so you can probably handle it. Mother’s teachings.”

After saying that, he no longer paid attention to the Time and Space Island Master, whose face alternated between green and white, and the Blood Blade God Emperor and other ten masters who looked at each other speechlessly. Diko disappeared as if his body melted into the void.

"Teacher, what does the Master of Time and Space Island mean when he says that Diko is not from our universe? Could it be that he..." Dongbo Snow Eagle suddenly asked with a frown.

(End of this chapter)

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