Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 607 A war without suspense

Chapter 607 A war without suspense

When Dongbo Snow Eagle asked the Blood Blade God Emperor about Dike's origins, Dike, who had just returned from the Emperor's Mansion in the Vulcan Tree, met his wife Long Xue.

"The teacher said that you do not belong to our cultivator universe, but were reincarnated in the cultivator universe by strong men from other universes?" Long Xue looked at Diko and asked seriously. The teacher she mentioned was the one who transcended and became a powerful person. Later, Empress Qianhe took the initiative to accept her as her disciple.

"What? Do you also care about my identity?" Diko looked at Long Xue with a faint smile. Long Xue, who shook his head slightly after hearing this, stepped forward and hugged Diko and said, "I only know that you are my man. , I don’t care about the rest.”

When Diko heard this, the smile on his face grew thicker, but then, as if he was aware of it, he couldn't help but frowned slightly and said helplessly: "This Blood Blade is really impatient. "

"Blood Blade God Emperor? Is he coming? Is there anything important? Is it related to your origin?" Long Xue suddenly became nervous when he heard this.

"Don't worry! It's okay! He's not here to cause trouble, but he still has something to ask of me," Diko smiled and comforted Long Xue, and then turned to greet the Blood Blade God Emperor who had arrived. Of course, it was only the Blood Blade God Emperor. After all, the Blood Blade God Emperor has three major clones. It is naturally very convenient and safe to arrange for a clone to come to Diko to understand the magic circle on the Chaos Flying Boat.

Even if Diko used his means to trap the Blood Blade God Emperor in the Chaos Aircraft, it would only trap a clone of him, unable to truly threaten the Blood Blade God Emperor.

Next, a clone of the Blood Blade God Emperor stayed in the Emperor's Mansion in the Vulcan Tree to study with Diko the mysterious and complex magic circle on the Chaos Aircraft. Dongbo Snow Eagle was also because of the crazy fight that he did not hesitate to die in the Chaos Aircraft. , was recognized by the Black Gourd Weapon Spirit, and was able to recognize his master in advance and accept the inheritance of the Void Walker lineage.

Later, due to a sneak attack by the Mother Ancestral Cult, the passage to the Magic Mountain Universe was accidentally discovered. Dongbo Snow Eagle was also able to enter the Magic Mountain Universe where the time flow rate is more than 3,000 times that of the practitioners' universe, gaining more time to practice, and Gained the opportunity to practice in a dream in the Ancestral Demon Mountain
Just when Dico's clone left in the practitioner universe also fell into sleep and practice, in the practitioner universe, just tens of thousands of years later, the war between the Mother Ancestor Cult and the practitioner universe broke out.

However, the final decisive battle is only a war between the top masters of both sides. The bottom powerhouses of the two universes are not even qualified to interfere.

Since the war started in the cultivator universe, the entire God Realm Abyss underwent a great migration, and a large number of strong men, creatures, etc. began to migrate in batches to the ruins of the island in the middle of the lake.

With Pang Yi, the leader of the Lake Island Destruction Legion, he can naturally ensure their safety on the Lake Island. As for the Mother and Ancestor Sect, they would not ask for trouble and attack the island in the middle of the lake.

The collision of the two most elite combat powers in the universe caused the abyss of the God Realm to be destroyed. They were tested and fought again and again, and all kinds of treasures and methods were used. The war has lasted for nearly a hundred thousand years in the blink of an eye. During this time, the practitioners One party even used the identity of Bloody Lord Nero as a traitor to plot against the Mother Ancestral Cult, which caused the Mother Ancestral Cult to suffer a huge loss.

During this period, some of the masters on the side of the cultivators also died, but they were all just clones. Since the Blood Blade God Emperor taught his unique clone method to the other masters, each of them had three clones, and all of them left one clone hiding on the island in the middle of the lake. Therefore, the nearly 100,000 years of war did not The leader of a cultivator has truly fallen.

As for Diko, he did not participate in the whole war between the practitioners and the Mother Ancestral Cult. Only when the practitioners were in trouble, he would bring the chaos flying boat to help, but it was only to assist and never thought about it. If you really want to live your life, you have to fight to the death for those who cultivate the mind. The Maternal Ancestral Cult has a deep foundation, but the practitioners also have an advantage. The Blood Blade God Emperor carefully and slowly exhausted the Maternal Ancestral Cult, and finally gradually gained the upper hand. Although it was difficult to truly solve the Mother Ancestral Religion for a while, as the Blood Blade God Emperor borrowed the hands of Dongbo Snow Eagle to obtain the shaman cultivator's "Illustrated Book of All Things" from the Magic Mountain Universe, he understood the 'Twelve Yuan Chen Pillars' The magic circle has trapped the true home of the Mother Ancestor Sect in the universe of practitioners, and it is difficult for the leaders of the Mother Ancestor Sect to make any big waves.

In order to arrange the twelve Yuan Chen Pillars, the Blood Blade God Emperor also specially asked Diko for help. Only after the counterattack from the Mother Ancestral Sect, he was able to defend each Yuan Chen Pillar and finally succeeded in setting up a complete magic circle.

Not long after being trapped in the Mother Ancestral Cult, the Blood Blade God Emperor, who had studied the "Illustration of All Things" and the magic formation on the Chaos Flying Boat for a long time, finally accumulated a lot of experience and broke through to become the God of the Void after Dong Bo Xueying returned from training.

The next war was much simpler and smoother. With the strength of the Blood Blade God Emperor Void God and the help of the Chaos Flying Boat, it was easy to break through the mother sect's lair. Dong Bo Snow Eagle, who had finished his training in the Magic Mountain Universe, came back and became the master of the world in one fell swoop. Before he could fight against the Mother Ancestral Cult, the war was already over.

In fact, when Guangan Luo was killed by Dico, and Dico came to help the practitioners, there was no suspense about the outcome of the final war.

What's more, this is the universe created by the ancestor of the universe god Tianyu, and he has left behind a black dog puppet whose combat power is comparable to that of the Chaos Realm. The Mother Ancestor Cult wants to occupy this universe and transform it into one suitable for the Mother Ancestor's practice system. The universe itself is wishful thinking and impossible to succeed.

After the war, the entire cultivator universe returned to peace again. At that time, the powerful Black Demon Ancestor on Sky Island who killed the Red Dust Holy Lord was also killed by Dong Bo Xueying himself. When the news spread that the Blood Blade God Emperor had reached the realm of Void God that surpassed the Overlord, and that Dong Bo Snow Eagle broke through and became the Overlord, many powerful people were amazed and shocked by it.

The birth of the Void God also made the universe more peaceful, and the relationship between the masters was much better. Knowing that after this cosmic reincarnation is over, they can be taken away safely by the Blood Blade God Emperor and Diko, so naturally each of them has less desire to fight.

Hundreds of millions of years have passed in the blink of an eye, which is a relatively short time for many powerful people, but for true geniuses, hundreds of millions of years are enough for them to become the top powerhouses in the cultivator universe.

There were several more powerful disciples under Di Ke's sect, and two powerful disciples were able to open up a path and became the True God Venerable. However, Di Ke's most proud disciple, Mo Chen, was freed from demons because of Dong Bo Snow Eagle. After Shan Universe returned from practicing for a long time, he quickly broke through and reached the realm of dominance.

And Di Ke has experienced hundreds of millions of years of cultivation and accumulation. Not only has he reached the level of domination in the Flame Path, but he has also made rapid progress in the Void Path. With the guidance of the memory of the Universe God Jiuyun Emperor's cultivation experience in the Void Path, he has successfully achieved it. He became the Void God and directly reached the Void Unity Realm faster than the Blood Blade God Emperor's cultivation and improvement.

At the same time, after entering the realm of dominance, Diko has already begun to try to supplement the ancient cultivation lineage. With Emperor Jiuyun's memory guidance, Di Ke naturally knew the method of awakening the talent of the ancient cultivator lineage, and he also awakened the talent of the ancient cultivator very smoothly.

It's just that Di Ke's ancient cultivation talent is very special. It seems to have stimulated the potential of his soul, making his consciousness and perception extremely sharp. Not only does he have divine help when practicing and enlightening, but he can also sense and detect the far range outside the universe. The chaotic void is the reason why Dicko was able to reach the realm of void unity in hundreds of millions of years. It also allowed Dicko to slowly explore the secret of being able to practice the clone technique after reaching the Void God...
(End of this chapter)

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