Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 705: Three Years of Cultivation

Chapter 705: Thirty Years of Cultivation

There is none? Di Ke was a little disappointed. Who knows where to learn Hou Yi's archery? Di Ke actually knew where to learn the "Star Picking Hand", another top-ten supernatural power in the Three Realms that was also not available in the Zhu Xian Pavilion. He also knew where to learn it.

“It seems that Patriarch Bodhi and the Taoist Sanshou are quite self-centered. They didn’t even share Houyi’s archery and Star-Picking Hand, such great magical powers, with the Taoist Sanqing. I thought I could learn them by becoming the disciple of the Taoist Sanqing, but I didn’t expect…” Di Ke was very disappointed. He really wanted to learn Houyi’s archery, which contained the skill of using mental power, and the Star-Picking Hand, which was good at bursting out divine power. It didn’t matter whether he practiced it or not, the main thing was to learn from them.

Dicko wanted to create a more powerful magical power that was more suitable for himself, or to perfect and create a method of physical training that was easier for gods and demons below the level of True God to practice. Without sufficient reference, how could he succeed if he just relied on his own thinking behind closed doors?

"Junior brother, have you thought carefully about what magical power you want to cultivate?" Seeing Di Ke frowning and remaining silent, the smiling Nan Ji Xian Weng quickly reminded him, "Although you can choose any of these magical powers, disciples under the master usually only cultivate a few. After all, it is better to specialize than to be diverse! Moreover, it is not easy to cultivate every great magical power here to the highest level. Moreover, although learning a powerful magical power can greatly increase your strength, cultivating enlightenment is the most important thing after all. Junior brother, you must not put the cart before the horse."

"I understand that I need more advice from you, senior brother," Di Ke said after a moment's pause, "I have decided to focus on practicing the Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills, and learn the Thunder God Eye and the Candle Dragon Eye first. I will also practice the Palm Buddha Kingdom in the future. As for other magical powers such as the Garuda Wings and the Vairocana Corpse, I will use them for reference."

"Well, the Eight-Nine Mysterious Art is a relatively comprehensive magical power. Once it is successfully cultivated, the physical body can be comparable to magic weapons and divine weapons, with both offense and defense, and the ability to change, so the survivability is very high. If you can learn a powerful escape technique, it will be even better. When you are still weak, the means of saving your life are very important." Nanji Xianweng nodded slightly, and then said: "However, the two magical powers of Thunder God's Eye and Candle Dragon's Eye have average attack power when you first practice them. They are mainly the means of detection by the divine eye, and there are some repetitions. If you don't practice them to perfection, they won't be of much help to you, so it's best to give up one."

"Think about it yourself. It's better to choose the magic power that suits you better and helps you more," said Nanji Xianweng. "There's no rush to choose the magic power. I'll take you to choose the Qi training method first. Since you have reached the third floor of Zhuxian Pavilion, you are eligible to directly choose the Daluo Qi training method. In addition, you can also directly learn all four volumes of the God and Demon Body Training Method, the Chi Ming Jiu Tian Tu. This Chi Ming Jiu Tian Tu is a very good God and Demon Body Training Method. Even Nuwa Niangniang has praised it. It can be practiced all the way to the level of a true god."

Under the guidance of the Immortal of the South Pole, Di Ke selected the "Pure Yang Red Flame Art", a Daluo Qi-refining method created by the Taoist Sanqing, and the "Red Bright Nine Heavens Diagram", a complete volume of the divine and demonic body-refining method created by the Taoist Chi Ming. Then, he was sent out of the Zhuxian Pavilion by the Immortal of the South Pole.

“Junior brother, now that you have chosen your method and magical power, before you transcend the tribulation and become a god, you can read the cultivation methods on the first and second floors of this Zhuxian Pavilion at any time, and you can also try to practice at will,” Nanji Xianweng smiled and reminded before parting: “Remember, don’t be greedy and don’t swallow it whole. On the road of cultivation, if you want to go further, the foundation is very important.”

"More reminders from my elder brother," after bowing and bidding farewell to the Nanji Immortal, Di Ke returned to the Taiyi Cave and began his days of retreat. In addition to going to the Zhuxian Pavilion to read various Taoist scriptures, he spent most of his time in the cave, thinking and practicing, and occasionally went to listen to the Three Pure Ones or those elder brothers and sisters preaching.

As a result of accepting Di Ke as his new disciple, the Taoist Sanqing obviously preached more often in the next few years. Even the disciples of the Taoist Sanqing, such as Nan Ji Xian Weng, who had reached the Daoist Ancestor realm, began to preach, which attracted many Taoist disciples to gather at Yuxu Palace to listen to the teachings. Afterwards, they discussed the Dao in groups of three or five, making the entire Kunlun Mountain much more lively than usual.

Besides listening to the teachings, Di Ke would occasionally join in when his senior brothers, sisters, nephews and juniors discussed the Dao. Gradually, he got to know more and more Daoist disciples.

At first, they thought that Di Ke was just here to join in the fun. Many of the younger generations were also celestial beings or even gods. Although they were polite and respectful to Di Ke on the surface, they didn't think that Di Ke was qualified to discuss the Dao with them. But gradually, Di Ke, who usually just listened, occasionally spoke casually, which surprised them and even made them realize that Di Ke's realm was not as bad as they imagined. Even in the mere exchange of skills and the mysterious application of the Dao, Di Ke's wild and unrestrained attacks could cause them to suffer some minor losses.

Just like that, before they knew it, twenty or thirty years had passed. Di Ke, who had reached the late stage of Return to Void in both Qi Refining and Divine Demon Body Refining, could even fight head-on with some younger generations with celestial immortal cultivation without losing. The speed of his improvement in realm and strength was so fast that even the senior brothers and sisters who were familiar with Di Ke were shocked.

In Taiyi Cave, beside the boiling magma lake, in the dark red furnace that devoured the surrounding hot flame energy, in the lively golden flame, a black halberd could be seen slowly taking shape...Dico, who was sitting cross-legged on a mat nearby, stared at the furnace with burning eyes, controlling the flames in the furnace, and with his hands forming seals, he kept injecting some mysterious runes into the black halberd in the furnace.
After a long time, as Dicko cast the last rune on the black halberd in the furnace, the violently vibrating black halberd suddenly flew out of the furnace with a bright light. At the same time, thick cold mist gushed out from the black halberd, causing the originally hot air around it to cool down rapidly. The black halberd was like an iceberg, causing the surrounding space to stagnate, as if it was about to freeze.

"Master, the Immortal White Crane is outside seeking to see you," a burly figure came in from outside. It was the Dragon Whale who had been vigorously cultivated by Di Ke. As Di Ke's spiritual beast, he was also qualified to practice various methods on the first floor of Zhuxian Pavilion. Now he is also a Return to the Void Earth Immortal, with profound accumulation and much stronger strength than ordinary top immortals.

"Junior Brother Baihe?" Dicko raised his eyebrows and stood up. With a wave of his hand, the black halberd flew in front of Longjing: "Try it out and see if it suits your hand!"

"Master, did you make this halberd specifically for me?" Long Jing stared in surprise, feeling the pressure of the breath coming from the halberd, and asked uncertainly. After Dick nodded, he hurried forward and grabbed it. After refining it with his magic power and recognizing it as his master, he couldn't help but look moved: "Top-grade immortal weapon?"

"This should be the best magic weapon I have refined recently. Its power should be far beyond ordinary top-grade magic weapons. It is estimated that it can be comparable to the Pure Yang magic weapon," Dicko smiled confidently.

Hearing this, Long Jing's eyes lit up, and he was more and more surprised and excited. However, he did not doubt what Di Ke said, because more than ten years ago, Di Ke was able to refine immortal tools at will. Especially in recent years, some of the top-grade and top-grade immortal tools, as well as various immortal pills and immortal puppets refined by Di Ke have attracted many young immortals of the Yuxu lineage and even nephews with the cultivation level of heavenly gods and true immortals to rush to buy them.

After all, it was a business for the younger generation, so the price Dicko sold the immortal weapon was 20% to 30% lower than the normal price. However, the price of the raw materials he needed to refine the immortal weapon was only equivalent to 10% or even less of the value of the immortal weapon itself, so even if the selling price was low, it was still a profitable business.

Just from this business, in just a few years, Di Ke earned enough resources and treasures, and exchanged them for elixirs to practice the Eight-Nine Profound Art to the fourth level, and his divine body was comparable to top-grade immortal weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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